At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

661 Damn, what speed is this? 【Subscription】

Unlike foreign audiences, Kyushu audiences, whether they are live audiences or those watching the live broadcast outside the venue, are not worried at all.

Although Bojiat easily overwhelmed the wonderful performance of his teammates without exerting all his strength, no one from Kyushu expressed concern about it.

On the contrary, many Kyushu people applauded after seeing Bojiat's wonderful performance, and at the same time showed a complimenting smile on their faces, obviously approving Bojiat's achievements.

It's just that the faces of the Kyushu viewers also had a relaxed look on their faces, as if they had already anticipated the next situation.

The third group and the fourth group started immediately after. The third group also decided two players to participate in the final, and Kyushu player Yang Wei appeared in the fourth group, but although Yang Wei won the first place , But the score was only 9 seconds 68, slightly worse than Bojiat, and not as shocking as "640", but it also won the first place to qualify.

As a result, the foreign audiences who were already full of anticipation suddenly became convinced, thinking that the Kyushu people really couldn't do it this time!

However, they didn't pay attention at all. The Kyushu audience at the scene not only did not have the slightest anxiety, but showed playful smiles.

Even Yang Wei himself was the same, his face was calm, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he didn't seem to be dissatisfied with the results just now, but walked back to the rest area unhurriedly, waiting for the finals.

Because this is only a knockout round, there is no need to show real strength at all.

But foreign audiences don't know it at all, they just think that Yang Wei's strength is like this.

Soon, after a ten-minute rest, the much-anticipated final will officially arrive!

The live commentary's voice full of passion and excitement sounded again:

"Audience friends, I believe everyone has been waiting for a long time, and now, the much-anticipated 100-meter sprint final is about to officially begin! 35

"Please all contestants come in and take their places!"

"Okay, all the contestants are already in place and doing their final warm-up preparations.

"We can see that the referee has signaled that the game is ready to start. 35


The ready whistle sounded again.

The eight contestants who participated in the final instantly squatted up, put their feet on the running aids, and stretched out their hands and fingers to support the ground. The tense and exciting atmosphere came up in an instant.

"Boom!! 35

Two seconds later, the command gun, indicating the official start of the game, banged.

bang bang bang!!!

Eight swift figures rushed forward with a swoosh.

The seven people, including Bojiat, all used their milk-feeding energy to run wildly. This time, no one dared to hide their strength.

However, at this moment, the last figure swept past Bogate and the others like lightning. With a strong wind and an extremely terrifying speed, it instantly surpassed the seven Bogate, and seemed to be in one place. In the blink of an eye, it flew forward for dozens of meters, and directly pulled Bojiat and others away more than 30 meters from the starting stage.

Bojiat and the others instantly widened their eyes, as if they had seen a ghost, they couldn't believe it.

But Yang Wei's figure will not stop because of anyone's reaction. Just when Bojiat and others have just started to run more than ten meters, Yang Wei, who seems to be possessed by lightning, has already changed in the sight of Bojiat and others. It became an unattainable figure, and then directly crossed the finish line in their dazed and dazed eyes, and then stopped outside the finish line like a sudden brake, turning back and quietly looking at Bojiat and others , with a relaxed and well-deserved look.

Such a speed, such a terrifying body control, take off when he says take off, and stop when he says stop.

The whole process, from Yang Wei's start to the emergency stop outside the finish line, seemed to have only passed for two or three seconds.

At this moment, Bojiat and the others, who were still trying their best to accelerate, were stunned. They couldn't believe what they were seeing was real, but their bodies were greatly affected. They began to slow down slowly, and then stared and waited. Their Yang Wei.

The referee was stunned, completely unaware of what was going on. His mouth was as wide as a fist, and his eyes were at a loss, as if his eyes were dazzled.

In order to express fairness and justice, the Olympic Games invited international referees.

At the same time, the countless foreign viewers watching the live broadcast were also stunned.

Because this scene is too shocking, and Yang Wei's speed can really be described as lightning, even most of the audience is not ready, almost in the blink of an eye, Yang Wei has already crossed the finish line , So, countless foreign audiences were shocked, they all fell into a state of daze, and they didn't know how to describe the scene they saw.

However, the Kyushu audience did not have this reaction at all. For them, this was exactly what they expected. Therefore, regardless of the others, the Kyushu audience at the scene immediately burst into a tsunami of violent cheers.

"Beautiful work, haha, I knew it was like that!

"Hehe, those poor and ridiculous foreigners, do you really think this is the true strength of our Kyushu players?"

"Haha, as expected of our Kyushu athletes, he did not embarrass us in Kyushu!"

"Not bad, as expected of the selected elite players, this speed is a little faster than me, haha!"

"Look at those people in Bojiat, they seem to be scared and stunned, and they all stopped slowly, haha, they look so funny!!

Countless cheers and warm applause rang out in this huge venue.

Not only that, the faces of the Kyushu audience were all unified and deserved.

Because they knew from the beginning that Yang Wei's performance in the knockout round was only a small test, and he didn't show half of his strength at all.

Moreover, all the people of Kyushu knew how much strengthening they could bring to themselves after cultivating Qi, so they were not surprised by Yang Wei's performance, instead they were very proud. 4.3

It was precisely because of this huge movement that all the spectators at the scene and outside the stadium, including the referee, woke up.

"I bought Karma, is it my eyesight or is there something wrong with the computer?"

"Oh my God, what speed is this? Can the people of Kyushu really fly?

"God, come out and take a look, this is not the speed that the world should have.

"Is this the strength the Kyushu people want to show us? Why is the gap so big?

"I seem to see lightning, is this true?"

"It's crazy, even if you break through the limits of the human body, you can't run so fast. How did you do it?"

Countless foreign audiences lost their voices in shock, their voices filled with unbelievable horror, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it anyway!

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