At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

662 Ruthless rejection, so ignorant of praise! 【Subscription】

3 seconds 02!

This is Yang Wei's final result!

In fact, after Yang crossed the finish line, this result was immediately displayed on the electronic board, but Yang Wei's speed shocked the audience so much that people didn't pay attention to the specific results at all.

But when all the audience were shocked, they saw the dazzling results on the electronic board for the first time.


It seems to be a very common number, but in the current venue, it is so dazzling and so captivating.

As the saying goes, everyone is afraid of comparison. If you just look at the number of 3 seconds 02 and you don't feel anything, then you can see how abnormal this result is by comparing the world record.

The world record for the 100-meter sprint is 9.58 seconds. The record holder is Bojiat, who was left behind by Yang Wei and could barely see his taillights.

Prior to this, Bojiat has been the 11 king of this project, and is completely contemptuous of the existence of the world.

But in front of Yang Wei's score of 3.02 seconds, he was immediately smashed, and he couldn't even see Yang Wei's back at all.

In the 100-meter sprint event, let alone one second faster, even if you want to improve your performance by 0.2 seconds, it will be even more difficult. It requires not only talent, but also various efforts, just like Bojiat, He ran the world record of 9.58 last time, but it was difficult to break after that.

But now Yang Wei ran a score of 3.02 seconds, that is to say, he ran the 100-meter distance in 3 seconds, which was more than 6 seconds shorter than Bojiat's record, and these 6 seconds were enough for Yang Wei to run again. Two hundred meters away.

In this comparison, Yang Wei's terror was thoroughly reflected. The difficulty was as difficult to overcome as a moat, and it was impossible for a normal person to do it in his entire life.

Therefore, even ignorant people can understand what Yang Wei represents when he runs 100 meters in 3 seconds.

After seeing this result, countless people were shocked again.

"Could it be that the physical fitness of Kyushu people has generally improved to this level?"

"Does it really become so strong after practicing supernatural power? 33

"God, how many times has this broken the limit of the human body?

"Ah!!! Why hasn't our country developed supernatural powers yet? We also want to be as powerful as the people of Kyushu!!

"Maybe, this is the purpose of the Olympic Games in Kyushu, they are showing us how powerful they can become after practicing supernatural powers!!

Countless foreign spectators have understood the real purpose of the Kyushu Olympics after being madly shocked.

Obviously, if they did not pass this Olympics, the people of Western countries would have no idea to what extent the physical fitness of the people of Kyushu has improved, nor how powerful Kyushu has become after embarking on the road of supernatural power.

And this time the Olympic Games has just become a platform for Kyushu to show muscles and strength.

After a number of competitions, the people of Western countries finally understood.

For a time, the people of all countries, even the high-level people of the country and the upper class people of all countries, expressed all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Obviously, they saw the changes after the people of Kyushu cultivated supernatural power. Not only did their physical fitness become much stronger, they were far beyond the scope of normal people, but they even showed all kinds of extremely powerful abilities. what the country does not have.

Therefore, people from all over the world are eager to cultivate supernatural powers like the people of Kyushu.

Including the high-level officials of various countries who watched the Olympic Games together, after watching the performance of Yang Wei and others, their eyes also showed indescribable expressions, greed, expectation, desire, etc., to name a few.

In a word, I was already envious of the supernatural power of Kyushu, but now that I saw the changes brought about by supernatural power, my heart suddenly became extremely hot, and I had already secretly made up my mind to ask for Kyushu's help.

In the next few days, the Olympic Games were carried out normally, but the people all over the world already knew the results of each event, because other than the Kyushu people, players from other countries could not compete at all.

Whether it is long-distance running, sprinting, various track and field sports, diving shooting, etc., all the athletes from Kyushu are far ahead, and they have won the championship with all kinds of unimaginable abnormal results.

For the results of the Olympic Games, senior officials of various countries have completely ignored it.

They can't help it if they want to. In front of the Kyushu people who have strengthened their physical fitness too much, no player from any country can compete with them.

It's just that the Olympic Games could not achieve results, but the goal of each country has also achieved one, that is, it is very intuitive to see the changes in Kyushu's people, and also feel the increase in Kyushu's strength, although what they feel is only the tip of the iceberg.

It is precisely because of this that the high-level officials of various countries are more eager to get help and support from Kyushu, hoping that their country can also step into the door of the supernatural power road.

Therefore, the high-level officials of various countries in the world directly issued a death order to the representatives of the Kyushu envoys, asking them to agree to Kyushu no matter how much they used the explanation method or how much they paid.

640 Based on the above, the ambassadors of various countries gathered in Yanjing, Kyushu have repeatedly asked Kyushu to help them master supernatural power, even if it is related to it.

However, no matter how the ambassadors of various countries requested, no matter how many times they requested, or even promised various conditions and benefits, they were ruthlessly rejected by the Kyushu side.

As a result, many of these countries were hostile to Kyushu before, or they had been targeting Kyushu. Kyushu did not want to help these opponents, nor did they want to help some white-eyed wolves.

Second, since Kyushu has far surpassed other countries in the world in the research of supernatural power, it is natural to maintain this leading edge, so it must not be easy to let go. Even if you agree, you must choose carefully, and remember the countries that will be helped Just live with this kindness.

Therefore, the opinions of Kyushu were unprecedentedly unified, and the requests of ambassadors of various countries were directly rejected.

The request was rejected several times, and the ambassadors of various countries who gathered in Yanjing suddenly felt bad, and they also had a little anger and disagreement, and even some secretly hated Kyushu for being so ignorant of praise.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the ambassadors of various countries began to quickly contact each other, and then hit it off and decided to gather for a meeting to discuss how to open a breakthrough in Kyushu!

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