At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

667 I can't sit still, I have to keep doing things! 【Subscription】

In fact, Ji Han is very concerned about the changes in Honghuang.

Since Ao Lie appeared, Ji Han has already started to make arrangements, hoping to use the Dragon Clan to influence Honghuang and help him achieve some goals.

After Yang Jian and Zhao Gongming also appeared in Ji Han's small manor through Guangmen, Ji Han's mind became more alive.

Therefore, Ji Han tried his best to help Yang Jian and Zhao Gongming, tell them about the future, analyze the situation and changes in the future, and then inform them about their own future destiny in detail, in order to make them believe, and then make a decision. change, thereby indirectly changing the future direction of the flood.

Because Ji Han knows that Honghuang will be the most difficult world for him to conquer, because there are too many powerful and terrifying beings there, and there is also Daozu Hongjun, and even Honghuang's Heavenly Dao is the most terrifying existence, so even if Ji Han is right The Great Desolation Heavenly Dao had no idea, but had to guard against it, and had to prepare early.

And his help and support for the three of Ao Lie is the layout in different directions. He laid out three chess pieces, hoping to play a huge and crucial role in the future.

Therefore, 11. How can Ji Han not pay attention to the changes in the Great Desolation?

Moreover, Ji Han was also worried about unexpected changes, which might disrupt his arrangement, so Ji Han was most interested in the fourth thing Ao Lie reported.

What's more, at least a hundred years have passed since Ao Lie left the small manor last time.

During this period of time, the Dragon Clan has undergone tremendous changes, and the strength of the entire Dragon Clan has also increased significantly. Therefore, maybe the Western Religion is really unable to sit still, and it is very likely that something will happen.

In the face of Ji Han's question, Ao Lie naturally did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly replied: "There has indeed been a lot of changes, so I will start from the beginning and talk to Mr.

Seeing Ji Han nodding in agreement, Ao Lie then continued: "Actually, the Dragon Clan has undergone earth-shaking changes since the last time he returned to Honghuang from Mr.'s seclusion. According to Mr.'s instructions, the Dragon Clan is also slowly getting rid of its sins. The impact, all of which are originally excellent, are developing in a positive direction.

"However, the change of the dragon family is a good thing for us, but it is not the case for some people, so it may be that some people do not see the strength of the dragon family, or it may be that the power of the dragon family makes the Western religion a little bit unable to sit still, so from More than ten years ago, some arrangements for the dragon family began!

"Until now, I have basically affirmed that there is definitely a shadow of Western religion behind these turmoils and arrangements!"

Obviously, after seeing the great changes in the Dragon Clan, the Western Church couldn't sit still, and began to think about doing something secretly.

And Ao Lie is not a mediocre person, on the contrary, he is very smart, so in the past ten years, after experiencing all kinds of things that Western religions have done, Ao Lie judged that there must be a shadow of Western religions behind these things.

Regarding Ao Lie's judgment, Ji Han just nodded lightly, and then asked: "What happened specifically, and what is the arrangement for the Dragon Clan, please tell me in detail!"

"Yes!" Ao Lie immediately said: "Beginning more than ten years ago, under the covert control of the Western Cult, they began to instigate a part of the sea clan to rebel, and then they lured a large number of Jiaolongs who had a blood feud with the dragon clan to do things in secret, setting off an uproar. There was a bloody storm and a lot of trouble!""

"At the same time, many rebels have appeared in the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas, and there have been many rebellions. They united with those noisy dragons, and the dragons are quite devastated!"

"The most important thing is that from a few years ago, even within our Dragon Clan, some people started to move around, and there were even rumors going around in the dark, saying everything, making the Dragon Clan quite passive, and now all kinds of troubles are coming one after another. , the dragon clan has begun to show signs of being differentiated."

"My Zhonghai Dragon Palace is better, but as time goes by, I am afraid that the Western Church will also reach out to my Zhonghai Dragon Palace, and I am afraid that I will not be able to handle it, and I hope that Mr. Between perils!!35

In the face of what the Western religion did secretly, Ao Lie saw that something was wrong a few years ago, but because their situation in the Dragon Palace was slightly better, and the various circumstances were somewhat unclear, Ao Lie did not Report to Ji Han as soon as possible.

This time, he has already determined that there is a shadow of Western religion behind everything, but Ao Lie is a little undecided, so he immediately thinks of Ji Han, and wants to discuss with Ji Han one or two, and let Ji Han give pointers by the way. .

After listening to Ao Lie's remarks, Ji Han showed an expression that was as expected, and then became thoughtful.

Sure enough, as Ji Han expected, behind all these things, Western religions are secretly doing things.

For the great changes in the dragon race, the Western religion must have noticed it immediately.

And aware of the fact that the dragon clan is in the heaven, and can use the merits of heaven to wash away the sins handed down from the body, making the dragon clan stronger, and possibly changing the tragic fate in the future, how can the Western religion sit idly by?

If the Dragon Clan continues to be strong like this, and finally forms a solid relationship with Heavenly Court, how can they plan the Dragon Clan?

You must know that the Western Cult has long planned for the Dragon Clan, and has long been eyeing the Dragon Clan, and has always wanted to pull the Dragon Clan into their Western Cult camp.

Originally, according to the deduction of the two saints of the Western religion, the dragon clan would become weaker and weaker, and the sins handed down from their bodies could not be washed away. Only in this way can they possibly pull the dragons into their camp.

In the original history, the Western religions did exactly this. They kept doing things in secret, constantly dividing and suppressing the dragon clan, and finally suppressed the dragon clan very miserably, thus attracting Wanlong into the Lingshan Mountain and completing their plan.

But now the fate of the dragon clan has changed, and it has become even stronger when it reaches the heaven, which completely disrupts the planning of the Western religion. If this development continues, they will not be able to plan any more to the dragon.

After all, it is impossible for a powerful and prosperous ancient race to join the Western Religion, no matter how much the saint of Western Religion has a lotus on his tongue, as long as the strength of the Dragon Race is not weakened, this plan will never be realized.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the Western Church began to be unable to sit still, unable to think of a move!

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