At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

668 Ji Han's strategy, secretly join forces! 【Subscription】

Only when Western religions curb the development momentum of the dragons, and then continue to divide the dragons to suppress the dragons, let the dragons return to their original destiny, and make the dragons become extremely miserable, they can pull the dragons into the Western religions.

However, Ji Han doesn't want to see the dragon race being pulled into the Western religion. If the dragon race joins the Western religion, it will not only greatly enhance the strength of the Western religion, but also expand the ambitions of the two saints of the Western religion. Everyone has a relationship with their Western religion, and they will definitely put their secret actions on the bright side, trying to win over more masters and races.

If this is the case, Ji Han's layout will be disrupted a lot, which is something Ji Han can't accept no matter what, and what Ji Han doesn't want to see.

Strictly speaking, Ao Lie is a chess piece laid by Ji Han in the wilderness, so the dragon clan where Ao Lie belongs is naturally within Ji Han's plan. It can be said that the dragon clan has been completely recognized by Ji Han as a possession. Since it is something in the bag, how can it allow others to care about it?

It can be said that the Western teaching is pulling teeth from the tiger's mouth, and Ji Han is naturally impossible to let them do so.

Moreover, Ji Han is also extremely disgusted with Western religions, especially the saints of Western religions have been using the slogan "Fellow Daoists have a relationship with my Western religions", which makes Ji Han extremely disgusting.

Therefore, since Hongjun wants to prosper the West, Ji Han naturally cannot make it prosperous for the Western religion he hates, so Ji Han subconsciously wants to fight against Hongjun, making Hongjun's calculations fail.

The most important thing is that since the Western religion has begun to take action, it proves that the big drama of the Great Desolation has begun, so it is impossible for Ji Han to sit on the sidelines no matter what.

Based on the above reasons and Ao Lie's request, Ji Han made a decision in an instant. He was ready to intervene and let the Western Church suffer a big loss.

And this intervention was also the first time that Ji Han really began to influence Honghuang.

Ji Han informed Ao Lie of his decision, and Ao Lie was naturally overjoyed.

Ao Lie originally wanted to ask Ji Han to give pointers, but now that Ji Han has decided to intervene, it must be better.

For this reason, Ji Han not only did not have the slightest worry, but became a little excited, even if he was facing such a behemoth as a Western religion.

In fact, Western religion is a behemoth, in Ji Han's view, yes or no.

It is because the Western sect is a powerful sect that is side by side with the three Taoist sects in the wild, and there are two saints in the sect. In terms of the top combat power of the sage level, they are even more powerful than those of interpreting and intercepting sects. .

But it is not because the power of the Western religion is entirely supported by the two saints, Zhunti and Jieyue. Under their command, there are no generals or masters who can do it, so the saints are responsible for everything. This is also one of the reasons why the Western Church urgently hopes to introduce a large number of masters.

If this is not the case, with the noble body of the dignified sage Zhunti, how could he go around attracting people under the slogan "Fellow Daoist and I have a bond with the Western Church"!

So even if Ji Han is about to face Western religion, he doesn't have much worries.

After all, he was in Blue Star, and it was impossible for the saints of the Western religion to trouble him even if they wanted to.

Of course, the most important thing now is how to intervene in the Dragon Clan incident, so that the Western Church will suffer a big loss.

For this reason, Ji Han signaled to Ao Lie to take it easy, but he was in deep thought and thought about it carefully.

In order to deal with the Western religion, Ji Han was exhausted this time. After thinking hard for half an hour, he came up with three strategies.

Seeing Ji Han open his eyes, Ao Lie couldn't help but be overjoyed, and hurriedly asked: "Sir, how is it? Can you think of any countermeasures?"

Ji Han nodded, paused for a while, and then said:

"I have thought of three major strategies, which can help your Dragon Clan solve the current problem, and by the way, it can also make the Western Sect suffer a big loss!

"Oh? What are the three major strategies? Please give me some advice, sir!!

Ao Lie was instantly overjoyed and hurriedly asked.

For him, being able to solve the current troubles of the Dragon Clan with the help of Ji Han is already a great gain, and if he can teach the West a lesson and make them suffer a big loss, it will definitely be an accident. I was overjoyed, so Ao Lie was extremely curious.

Naturally, Ji Han wouldn't betray him, and he replied directly: "This number one strategy is called devouring the wolf!

"Why drive wolves away?"

"Since the Western Cult has taken action, why can't your Dragon Clan also find someone to join forces and deal with the Western Cult together?"

"So the first strategy is to need your Dragon Race and Intercept Cult to secretly join forces. Without the knowledge of the Western Cult, you will harm the Western Cult once, and the Western Cult will suffer a big loss. At the same time, you can also let them extend the The tentacles are retracted, so as not to dare to do things easily!

As soon as Ji Han's plan came out, Ao Lie instantly understood the key, and was overjoyed.

Excellent, sir, this plan is very good!!" Ao Lie was overjoyed, but suddenly thought of something in the next moment, his tone became low, "However, our Dragon Clan has no friendship or connection with Intercept Cult, neither do I. If we are not familiar with the person who intercepts the teaching, how can we find the teaching to join forces? Even if we are willing, the teaching is not necessarily willing!!

It has to be said that Ao Lie's concern is quite realistic. As he said, their Dragon Clan has no friendship with the Interceptor, and he doesn't know the Interceptor. Even if they come to the door, the Interceptor is not necessarily the case. Willing to shoot!

But since Ji Han dared to propose such a strategy, he naturally considered all the details.

I saw Ji Han smiled and said: "This is not a problem, I have a good relationship with Zhao Gongming, who is the interceptor, he has a very high status in the interception, and now he (the king's) has already ascended to the heaven and was enthroned as the emperor. The position of the god of wealth.

Then Ji Han briefly recounted the incident of Zhao Gongming's visit to the small manor, so that Ao Lie understood that Zhao Gongming, like him, hated Western religion very much, and there was no room for reconciliation.

After a brief introduction, Ji Han continued: "So I can help you connect with Zhao Gongming, and then the two of you will negotiate with the interception on behalf of the Dragon Clan. I think Zhao Gongming should be very happy to join forces!

Since Ji Han mentioned the interception, naturally he would not hide his relationship with Zhao Gongming from Ao Lie.

Ao Lie was naturally overjoyed when he heard the words. He knew Zhao Gongming's name and his status in the Intercepting Sect. It could be said that Zhao Gongming had the highest status except for Tongtian Sect Master and Daoist Duobao.

Therefore, if Ji Han can build a line for him and contact Zhao Gongming, then Ji Han's number one strategy will no longer be a problem!

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