At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

681 Inertial thinking, the consequences of doing so! 【Subscription】

The sequence of events often leads to different outcomes.

If the Dragon Clan was really hit hard by the Western Religion, then Ao Guang heard the news that the Western Religion wanted to subdue them. It is estimated that he would endure the shame no matter how much he felt, and then reluctantly chose to accept the truth.

But now hearing such news, Ao Guang and the others not only felt extremely ashamed, but also burst into anger.

No one can insult their dragon clan like this, and suppress their dragon clan like this!


At this moment, Ao Guang and others directly aroused the strongest rebellious psychology in their hearts.

Since the Western Religion wants to use such means to subdue their Dragon Clan, it is absolutely impossible for the Dragon Clan to make the Western Religion do so.

Ao Guang said fiercely: "What a Western religion, do you really think that our dragon clan is easy to bully? How dare you ignore our clan, and "six, five, seven" think you can subdue us at will? He even tried to suppress our clan, This king will never let the Western religion succeed!!""

"Yes, this hatred is so deep that it cannot be washed away without blood!"

"Even a saint can't despise our clan so much, and this king must never let the glory of the dragon clan be humiliated by this king!"

"That's right, since the Western religion wants to attack and weaken our clan, then we don't have to be polite to him. Only by fighting back hard can people understand that our clan is definitely not something that can be humiliated!! 39

Ao Run and others also immediately echoed and directly expressed their attitude.

Although the enemy behind it is the behemoth of the Western Sect, and there are two saints, but with the arrogance of the Dragon Clan, they absolutely cannot allow them to bow their heads, and even take revenge.

Seeing this, Ao Lie naturally nodded his head and said, "That's right, my clan must not be humiliated lightly, and those who insult my clan will surely pay a heavy price."

Obviously, Ao Lie even expressed the importance of his attitude. No matter what, he should show his attitude first!

In this regard, Ao Guang and others are naturally very satisfied.

Then Ao Run said with a murderous look on his face: "Big brother, second brother, third brother, since that's the case, I also ask my brothers to help me and let us compete with Western religions!!"

Originally, Ao Run came to ask for help from other Dragon Palaces, and since he knew who was behind the scenes, Ao Run naturally didn't want to bear it any longer, and immediately wanted to lead the team back to kill it upside down and let the Western Church understand their dragon race. Not to be messed with.

Ao Guang immediately made a decision and said: "Fourth brother, rest assured, this king will never sit back and watch Western religions suppress our clan, and this king will definitely help!!

"That's right, we will never let Western teaching succeed!"

"Fourth brother, rest assured, this king will immediately send a large army to the North Sea!

Ao Shun and Ao Qin also immediately stated that when their Dragon Clan encountered such a foreign enemy, they naturally had to work together to tide over the difficulties together.

Ao Run thanked him very gratefully, and then looked at Ao Lie.

"Nephew, can you also send some help from Zhonghai Dragon Palace?" Ao Run asked with a burning gaze.

Although there were guarantees and support from the other three Dragon Palaces, each of them felt little help, so Ao Run wanted to try to persuade Ao Lie and change his attitude.

However, Ao Lie said with a wry smile: "Uncle, I said it before, it's not that I don't want to send a helping hand, but it's not possible, at least not for now!

"You think about it, on the bright side, I have broken with the Dragon Clan, and the Zhonghai Dragon Palace has become independent. It stands to reason that the Dragon Clan can no longer be involved. The Western religion must have considered this issue. I have taken precautions a long time ago, and if I make a rash move, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad!"

"Therefore, it's better for my little nephew to stay put. In addition, with the support of my father and two uncles, my little nephew believes that the mere sea clan rebels will no longer be a threat."

Ao Lie still refused Ao Run's request, still the same set of rhetoric, but it made Ao Run and others helpless.

There is no way, what Ao Lie said is also very reasonable. They are also afraid that the Western religion will go crazy and even attack the Zhonghai Dragon Palace. If that is the case, their dragon clan will be really dangerous, and maybe even the blood of the direct line will be difficult to keep. down.

Therefore, Ao Guang and others could only acquiesce to Ao Lie's approach.

Of course, it's mainly Ao Guang and the others who think that with the Four Seas Dragon Palace's attack together, the enemy is no longer a concern, so it doesn't matter if the Zhonghai Dragon Palace makes a move. On the contrary, it's better to keep a little strength, and can deal with it a little bit. accidents.

Under such circumstances, Ao Lie, Ao Guang and others reached a consensus.

It's just that Ao Qin raised another question at this time: "Will the two saints of the Western religion take action in person? If they do take action, what should we do?"

As soon as these words came out, except for Ao Lie, Ao Guang and the three suddenly stiffened, and they immediately thought of the terrible consequences.

If the two saints of the Western religion really do not care about their faces, then their Dragon Race is really helpless!

Their dragon clan did not have the combat power of the saint level at all, and faced with the saint, they only had the result of exterminating their clan.

Therefore, the faces of Ao Guang and the others became more and more difficult to look, as if they were really afraid that the sages of the Western religion would take action.

However, Ao Lie said lightly at this time: "Father, uncles, I think you are overthinking!!

"Oh? What do you mean by this nephew??

However, Ao Guang heard the meaning of Ao Lie's words, was instantly overjoyed, and hurriedly asked.

The three of Ao Run also looked at Ao Lie with hope, wanting to hear his high opinion.

If this matter can be resolved, so that the two saints of the Western religion will not take action, then they really don't need to worry too much about the dragon race.

Ao Lie shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "Father, the three uncles, all of you are habitually thinking, but you never thought about the consequences if the two saints of the Western religion made a move.

"What consequences?

"It's very simple!" Ao Lie flashed an inexplicable look in his eyes, and sneered: "If the two saints from the Western religion dare to take action against our clan, then the other saints in our prehistoric wilderness will never sit idly by!"

"They can use despicable methods, they can instigate the rebels of the sea clan to riot, they can also turn against the dragons, and they can even place a lot of chess pieces on all sides, but they can't go out in person and use the rank of saints to attack our dragon clan!

"Once they do this, other saints can break the rules, and they can also take action against their Western sect. Therefore, my little nephew can guarantee that the two sages of their Western sect will never dare to end in person!

Obviously, Ao Lie had already thought about this issue, and Ji Han gave him a detailed analysis, so he decided to take it out and sell it now!

After listening to Ao Lie's analysis, Ao Guang and the others breathed a sigh of relief and felt that it was very reasonable, so they were relieved.

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