At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

682 Centered scheduling, fierce chaos! 【Subscription】

Since they knew that the sages of the Western religion would not take action, then Ao Guang and the others naturally had no worries.

In Ao Guang and the others' view, although some Hai clan rebels and Jiaolong rebels were able to temporarily compete with the Beihai Dragon Palace, it was absolutely impossible for them to go on arrogantly with their cooperation from the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

They believe that once the Four Seas and Dragon Palaces join forces, they will surely be able to capture it!

And this is exactly what Ao Lie wanted to see!

If the Four Seas Dragon Palace did not join forces, how could Ao Lie use the hands of Western religion to sweep away those old stubborn dragons!

Only when the battle between the two sides continues to escalate, and when neither side can give in, can Ao Lie's plan succeed.

Moreover, Ao Lie knew very well that since the Western Sect had chosen to take action this time, it must not only have this strength on the surface, but there must be a hidden backhand behind it, otherwise, the Western Sect would never have made a rash move.

Therefore, when the dragon clan unites 11 to fight against the chess pieces introduced by the Western religion, many old stubborn stubbornness will definitely be eliminated, knowing that if the dragon clan still holds such a arrogant and contemptuous attitude, the loss will definitely be greater.

It's just that Ao Lie didn't say these thoughts. He just listened to Ao Guang and others' discussions silently. He was also happy that Ao Guang and others despised the enemy. As long as his Zhonghai Dragon Palace was not affected, all the results would be under his control. among.

Even Ao Lie didn't even say what he was going to contact Tianting in the follow-up. Only he, Ji Han, and Zhao Gongming knew about everything. Until the last moment, he would never reveal it rashly, lest he let it go. Ao Guang and others learned that it would affect their plans.

Ao Guang and others discussed in detail for more than an hour before leaving the Zhonghai Dragon Palace.

For nothing else, it is really time-hungry, and it is impossible for them to spend their days as leisurely as usual at this time. After all, there is still a big enemy waiting for them to deal with.

After leaving the Zhonghai Dragon Palace, Ao Run, the Dragon King of the North Sea, returned directly to the Dragon Palace, dispatching manpower in the center to deal with the enemy's sneak attack.

The three of Ao Guang also immediately returned to the Dragon Palace, and then immediately ordered their generals to assemble their troops. After leaving enough troops to protect the Dragon Palace, the rest of the troops were transferred to the North Sea waters, ready to completely wipe out the enemy who secretly attacked.

Of course, Ao Guang and the others just ordered their generals to go to the North Sea Dragon Palace to obey orders. As Dragon Kings, they could not be moved lightly, and they still sat in the Dragon Palace.

Three days later, the other Dragon Palace's men arrived in the North Sea waters, and then started a fierce and chaotic battle with the enemy who secretly attacked.

With the help of Beihai Longgong, his strength increased greatly, and he began to search for traces of the enemy everywhere.

Under the command of Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi, the Hai Clan rebels and hundreds of ancient beasts began to adopt guerrilla tactics, and at the same time they no longer preserved their strength, and carried out various sneak attacks and besieging the Dragon Clan in the North Sea waters.

The more the two sides fought, the more frantic they were, and the anger was directly fired, and the fight lasted for several months.

It can be said that it is impossible for both sides to stop fighting until now. Only by fighting to the death and fighting until the enemy is completely destroyed can we stop!

During this period, the Beihai Dragon Palace suffered heavy casualties even with the support of other Dragon Palaces, and Ao Run even made a few shots for this.

However, the chess pieces that the Western Church pushed to the bright side also lost a lot. More than half of the Haizu rebels and Jiaolong rebels suffered casualties, and hundreds of ancient beasts also lost dozens.

However, compared with the loss of the Dragon Clan, they are still acceptable.

During this period, as the battle between the two sides continued to escalate, they went crazy in the North Sea waters, killing a bloody river, and even the sea water in the North Sea was dyed red piece by piece.

Even after hitting the back, Daoist mosquito and Jin Chanzi also changed their strategies and sent some of their staff to the other three sea areas to conduct sneak attacks, as if they wanted to disturb the peace of the four seas at the same time.

And at this time, different numbers of Sea Clan rebels began to appear in the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas.

To this end, the Four Seas Dragon Palace suffered a lot of losses.

For a time, the four seas were greatly affected, and hundreds of millions of creatures in the four seas were also affected, and even massacred.

However, the development of the situation was just as Ji Han and Ao Lie had expected, a large number of dragon clan elders were stubborn or died in battle, or were killed by surprise attacks. In short, the dragon clan lost a lot of troops and also lost a lot of backbone.

This seems to be a big loss for the Dragon Clan, but for Ao Lie, it is what he wants to see, and Ao Lie believes that such a loss is temporary. Once the Dragon Clan is integrated, Ji Han's plan will be followed. To develop, and then to have a relationship with Heavenly Court, the Dragon Clan will soon regain its strength and even become stronger.

Therefore, Ao Lie is not very concerned about these losses, he is more concerned about the results.

In the past few months, although Ao Lie hadn't made a move, he had been paying attention to the situation.

Ao Lie himself did not expect that the development of the situation would go in the direction he expected so smoothly.

And when the Four Seas Dragon Palace fell into rebellion, the opportunity that Ao Lie had been waiting for finally came.

On this day, Ao Lie went to heaven alone, begging to see the Jade Emperor.

When the Jade Emperor heard that Ao Lie asked to see him, he was very happy and laughed twice, and then immediately asked Taibaijinxing to invite Ao Lie to Lingxiao Hall.

Soon, Ao Lie came to Lingxiao Palace with Taibaijinxing.

"Weichen Ao 657 Lie, pay tribute to the Jade Emperor!! 35

As soon as he saw the Jade Emperor, Ao Lie immediately bowed his hands and bowed.

At this time, Ao Lie already had a divine position in the heavenly court, and he was considered a person of the heavenly court, so after seeing the Jade Emperor, he would naturally see him as a servant of his servants.

"Haha, Ao Lie is here? Get up quickly, no need to be polite!!

The Jade Emperor seemed very happy, and immediately laughed out loud, indicating that Ao Lie was not polite, just got up and spoke.

Naturally, Ao Lie did not dare to disobey, and immediately stood up, and then bowed to Taibaijinxing.

Taibaijinxing also did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly returned a salute with a smile on his face.

After the two met the ceremony, the Jade Emperor asked, "Ao Lie, it's been a long time since you've been to Heaven, why are you here this time?"

The Jade Emperor did not believe that Ao Lie would come to the Heavenly Court for no reason, but the Jade Emperor did not intend to be angry, but felt happy. After all, Ao Lie was the first general who took the initiative to join the Heavenly Court. Therefore, regarding Ao Lie, the Jade Emperor treated him much more generously and mildly than ordinary people.

Ao Lie knew that he couldn't hide it from the Jade Emperor, so he didn't have any embarrassment and said decisively and bluntly:

"Jade Emperor Mingjian, Ao Lie came to heaven this time, and he really has something to ask for, and he also asks the Jade Emperor's permission!!"

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