At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

683 At this moment, we have no choice! 【Subscription】

"Oh? What's the matter? Let's talk about it first!!

The Jade Emperor looked at Ao Lie with great interest, but did not immediately agree.

Looking at it differently, the Jade Emperor, as the Lord of the Heavenly Court, would not make any promises, at least he had to understand what Ao Lie was asking for.

Ao Lie naturally knew this, he bowed his hands towards the Jade Emperor and said: "Your Majesty, Ao Lie is here because of the rebellion in the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas.

"The Four Seas Dragon Palace Rebellion??"

The Jade Emperor was a little surprised!

It's not that he doesn't know what happened recently in the Sihuan Dragon Palace. For the Jade Emperor, some major events in the Great Desolation must be understood. After all, the Jade Emperor has regarded the Heavenly Court as the co-owner of the Three Realms, but because of his strength, he cannot It's just on the bright side, but it's still necessary to pay attention to the prehistoric things.

But knowing that, knowing that the Jade Emperor had not paid much attention to this matter before.

As a result, Ao Lie's Zhonghai Dragon Palace was not involved in this matter, which made the Jade Emperor naturally relieved a lot.

Second, this is a rebellion within the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas. Although there has been a relatively large disturbance in the four seas, it is nothing to Honghuang, so it does not attract much attention.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor only asked Taibaijinxing to report the specific situation to him every once in a while, but he had no intention of intervening.

Moreover, the Jade Emperor did not know that the so-called Sea Clan rebels were actually at work behind the Western religion, but the Jade Emperor did not expect that Ao Lie would actually come to heaven for this matter.

"Yes, it's the Four Seas Dragon Palace rebellion!" Ao Lie nodded, and then said: "Your Majesty does not know that the Four Seas Dragon Palace rebellion is actually something else strange!

"There is something else? Can you tell me in detail!!" The Jade Emperor frowned.

Originally, he did not want to get involved in the affairs of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, but if there is something else in it, it depends on the situation.

Ao Lie's face was heavy, and he replied: "Go back to your majesty, the cause of this matter is that the Sea Clan rebels appeared in the Beihai Dragon Palace, and some flood dragons followed and disturbed the tranquility of the Beihai waters. Therefore, the Beihai Dragon Palace took action to destroy it. Those rebels~々.

"But I never thought that behind those Hai clan rebels and the chaotic Jiaolong, there are other behind-the-scenes masterminds. 35

The Jade Emperor was naturally shocked when he heard the words, and immediately asked: "There is another black hand behind the scenes? Is this statement true? Who is the black hand behind the scenes?"

If someone secretly instigated the rebellion of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, then the matter would be serious, and the Jade Emperor immediately sat up straight and became serious.

"That's right, Wei Chen does not dare to expire His Majesty, this matter can be guaranteed by Wei Chen's head, there is no false statement!!

"As for the mastermind behind the scenes, it is the famous Western religion. It is because of the Western religion that this rebellion happened in the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas!!"

Ao Lie's words were clear, and he directly revealed the black hand hidden behind the scenes, without the slightest concealment.

The Jade Emperor was shocked when he heard the words, and an incredible color appeared in his eyes.

"Western religion? Is it actually a Western religion?"

"Ao Lie, this is no trivial matter, do you have any evidence?

The Jade Emperor's face became solemn, and he immediately began to ask questions.

"Of course there is!" Ao Lie nodded and said, "Wait for me to tell His Majesty slowly!"

"In the early days of the rebellion, those Hai tribe rebels took advantage of their familiarity with the North Sea Dragon Palace to divide into hundreds of teams, and they hid in various parts of the North Sea waters.

"In addition, dozens of ancient beasts secretly ambushed Beihai Dragon Palace elder Ao Ming, causing Elder Ao Ming to die in Beihai, his body was separated, and his soul was scattered. Such a brutal and evil act is beyond words.

"Under such circumstances, the entire Beihai Dragon Palace fought back angrily and fought to the death against the enemy hidden in the dark. However, the sea clan rebels and the chaotic Jiaolong are not weak, and there are hundreds of ancient beasts to help. Therefore, Although Beihai Longgong resisted with all his might, they were still defeated, and after several months of fighting, Beihai Longgong suffered heavy casualties!"5

"And those hundreds of ancient beasts were secretly subdued and dispatched by Western religions, this is absolutely true!!"

Ao Lie told the Jade Emperor the cause of the incident in detail.

Then, seeing that the Jade Emperor had not asked any questions, Ao Lie continued: "And my uncle, Ao Run, the Dragon King of the North Sea, saw this situation and immediately asked other dragon palaces for help.

"Of course my father and two uncles would not sit idly by, and immediately dispatched heavy troops to support the North Sea Dragon Palace. 99

"Who would have thought that the enemy still hides a lot of strength, not only did the Four Seas Dragon Palace not completely destroy the enemy, but the Western religion also used the hidden chess pieces in the Four Seas Dragon Palace, causing rebellions in the Four Seas Dragon Palace, resulting in the loss of the Four Seas Dragon Palace. heavy.

"If it wasn't for Wei Chen's father and others who had made a decision earlier, I'm afraid the thieves would have succeeded!"

Then Ao Lie continued to add oil and vinegar, and told the Jade Emperor one by one what happened in the world during this time.

Everything is basically true, but Ao Lie exaggerated a little, mainly to highlight the conspiracy of Western religions.

The Jade Emperor's face became heavy after hearing this. He had no idea that the Western religion was at work behind this incident.

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor couldn't help but ask: "..why did the Western religion do such a thing? Why did it target your dragon clan? 35

It has to be said that even the Jade Emperor was unable to turn around, and he did not immediately think that the Western Cult was conspiring against the Dragon Clan.

Ao Lie said with a wry smile: "Go back to your Majesty, in fact, the Western religion has coveted my Dragon Clan for a long time, this time against my Dragon Clan, in order to conspire against the Dragon Clan, I hope to be able to pull the Dragon Clan into the Western Cult and add strength to the Western Cult. body."

When Ao Lie said this, the Jade Emperor understood.

For a long time, the sage Zhunti of Western religion has been pulling people around (Wang Lizhao) in the wild under the slogan "Fellow Daoist and my Western religion". Although he was hated by many people, it did not mean that he did not gain anything. , So the habit and purpose of Western teaching are well known to the world.

Therefore, Ao Lie said that the Western religion had long coveted the Dragon Clan, which should not be false, and the Jade Emperor could understand this.

But what the Jade Emperor did not understand was why the Western Sect wanted to conquer the Dragon Clan, but still did such cruel and despicable things.

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor asked directly: "Since this is the case, why does the Western religion target your Dragon Clan so much?

Having said that, the Jade Emperor has basically believed what Ao Lie said.

And Ao Lie said with a little pain and resentment: "It is precisely because the Western Church has coveted my Dragon Clan for a long time and wants to conquer the Dragon Clan, so it is necessary to specifically target the Dragon Clan, attack the Dragon Clan, weaken the Dragon Clan, and wait until the Dragon Clan is weak. Good capture of the dragons!

"Because by then, the dragons will have no choice!!"

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