At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

The 684 army was dispatched, and the whole people were amazed! 【Subscription】

No choice!

These four words directly revealed the weak and helpless situation of the Dragon Clan.

Indeed, as Ao Lie said, if the Dragon Clan did not see through the conspiracy of the Western Cult beforehand, and the Western Cult succeeded and split their Dragon Clan's attack to the extreme, at that time, the Dragon Clan would indeed have no choice but to devote themselves to the Western Cult. Go into the arms.

In the face of Ao Lie's statement, the Jade Emperor's puzzlement was immediately answered, and he also felt pity for what happened to the Dragon Clan.

If it was before, the Dragon Clan had nothing to do with the Jade Emperor, even if the Dragon Clan was suppressed by the Western religion, the Jade Emperor would not have any compassion.

But now Ao Lie has joined the Heavenly Court, and many people from the Dragon Clan have also been sealed by Heavenly Court and become clerics at the grassroots level in the Heavenly Court. Therefore, hearing the tragic experience of the Dragon Clan at this time, the Jade Emperor cannot help but feel a little pity. Teaching is also a little uncomfortable.

After listening to this, the Jade Emperor stroked his beard slightly and said thoughtfully: "If this is the case, then it is not surprising that Western religions behave like this!!"

Obviously, the Jade Emperor has completely believed Ao Lie's words, and he also has a good understanding of the Western religion, which has always had a notorious habit, so he naturally does not think that Ao Lie will lie to him.

Besides, Ao Lie didn't lie, he just exaggerated some things a little bit. The matter of the Four Seas Dragon Clan rebellion this time is indeed the secret of the Western religion.

Then, the Jade Emperor suddenly asked: "If that's the case, then what are you going to do in the heavenly court this time?"

Now that things have been said, it should be time to say the purpose.

Seeing this, Ao Lie knelt down again, and then pleaded sincerely: "Your Majesty, Mingjian, at this time, the lives of the four seas have been wiped out, and the dragon clan suffered heavy casualties. Everything is because the West instigated the rebel army of the sea clan, disturbed the peace of the four seas, and at the same time Hundreds of ancient beasts are released. These beasts are all sinful and kill hundreds of millions of living beings. In reality, these beasts are harmful to hundreds of millions of living beings in the world, but they will encourage the atrocities of ancient beasts, causing Hundreds of millions of creatures fell into the belly of the beast again and became the food of the beast.

"Such acts and all kinds of atrocities are simply unacceptable to heaven and earth. Therefore, I hereby implore Your Majesty, hoping that Heavenly Court can send troops to intervene, mobilize troops to quell the rebellions in the four seas, exterminate the most evil beasts, save hundreds of millions of living beings from water and fire, for the sake of The heaven and earth will remove all evil and obstacles, and the world will be peaceful, and the heaven and earth will be clear and bright."

"In this way, His Majesty's heart of righteousness and compassion will surely be remembered by hundreds of millions of beings, and the prestige of the Heavenly Court will also be established in the great wilderness!"

Ao Lie's voice was full of sincerity and grief, and at the same time, he was full of pleading and grief when he spoke of hundreds of millions of beings and the world.

At the same time, he also found a very good reason for the Jade Emperor, that is, in order to save hundreds of millions of living beings, he can also use this banner to gain prestige in the wild, so that the prestige of Heavenly Court can be greatly improved.

The Jade Emperor was immediately moved, he couldn't help standing up, walked to Ao Lie's side to help him up, and then said: "Aiqing get up quickly, Aiqing rest assured, I will definitely not let those evil obstacles continue to cause harm to the world, Slaughter of living beings, I grant your request!!

At this time, in the Jade Emperor's heart, a trace of joy and anticipation could not help but rise.

The reason why he readily agreed to Ao Lie's request was not only because he didn't want to see creatures and beasts ravaged in the four seas, nor did he want to see the dragon race being suppressed, but also because the reasons Ao Lie said made it difficult for him to refuse.

As Ao Lie said, doing this can not only save hundreds of millions of beings from water and fire, but also remove the obstacles for heaven and earth, but also create a huge reputation in the wild, so that hundreds of millions of beings will remember his kindness. , the most important thing is that it can enhance the prestige of Heavenly Court and let the entire Prehistoric Realm realize the existence of Heavenly Court.

Therefore, after wanting to understand all this, the Jade Emperor readily agreed.

Ao Lie was overjoyed, and hurriedly paid a visit to the shrine: "Thank you, Your Majesty, (bbed) Your Majesty's kindness, the Dragon Clan will never forget it!!"

"Hey!!" The Jade Emperor waved his sleeves indifferently and said, "This is not for your Dragon Clan, but for the hundreds of millions of creatures in the four seas, no need to be more polite, hurry up! 35

After speaking, the Jade Emperor returned to the throne and sat down, and then looked at Taibaijinxing:

"Too Jinxing!!

When Taibaijinxing heard the words, he immediately stood up: "The minister is here!"

"Send my order to immediately mobilize millions of heavenly soldiers and generals to go on an expedition to help the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas to quell the rebellion and remove evil obstacles!! 99

"All Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals will be handed over to Ao Lie, who will be dispatched by Ao Lie with full authority. Ao Lie, are you willing?"

"Wei Chen takes orders!!"

Ao Lie and Taibaijinxing hand in hand together!

Then Ao Lie and Tai Jinxing retired together and went to assemble the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals together.

With the Jade Emperor's decree and Taibaijinxing's personal action, soon, millions of heavenly soldiers and generals were summoned.

Up to now, although there are still very few generals in Heavenly Court who can do it, but with Ao Lie and Zhao Gongming and others setting an example, many people have begun to take refuge in Heavenly Court one after another over the past hundred years.

Moreover, the so-called generals who can take a shot generally refer to the masters above Jinxian. Only the masters above this level can play a role in the great forces in the prehistoric wilderness, but the heavenly generals lower than this level are a catch. A lot of them, and there are millions of ordinary soldiers.

Since the development of Heavenly Court, it has already reached a large scale. Although it has not been regarded by the real bigwigs, its influence and influence cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, millions of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals can still be taken out.

And after ordering the millions of heavenly soldiers and generals, Taibaijinxing handed them all over to commander Ao Lie.

Ao Lie naturally had no pressure. First, he showed a slight aura of the Great Luo Jinxian. After shocking everyone, he decisively ordered that the entire army was dispatched to target the four seas.

And with the high-profile battle of Heavenly Court, the flood suddenly shook.

"Huh?? What does the Heavenly Court mean? Why did millions of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals be dispatched?'

"Heavenly Court sent troops? What is the goal? Why did this action suddenly occur? 99

"Heavenly Court dispatched millions of heavenly soldiers to go straight to the seas of the four seas? Is this going to be involved in the rebellion of the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas?

"Strange, why did Heavenly Court suddenly intervene in the Four Seas Dragon Palace rebellion? What does this have to do with Heavenly Court?

"Heavenly Court sent troops? It seems that the Four Seas Rebellion should be suppressed soon!!"

For Tianting's dispatch, it is beyond the expectations of too many people.

Moreover, seeing that the millions of heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly court still went straight to the seas of the four seas, this clearly shows that they must dare to rebel against the four seas.

For this reason, many people are difficult to understand and do not understand the real reason!!.

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