At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

694 People who don't know how to lift up should be killed! 【Subscription】

This battle can be said to be the final word, directly killing the ancient beasts who were in chaos in the dark, leaving only Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi to escape with serious injuries!

After this battle, no matter how the Sea Clan rebels jumped, it was impossible for them to pose any threat to the Dragon Clan. Ao Lie knew this very well.

Seeing Zhao Gongming and Daoist Duobao coming together, Ao Lie immediately took a step forward, clasped his fists and said gratefully, "Thank you for your great help, the Dragon Clan does not dare to forget each other. If you have something to do in the future, the Dragon Clan will definitely do everything in your power to help! !35

After speaking, Ao Lie solemnly bowed to Zhao Gongming and Daoist Duobao, and then turned to bow to San Xiao again.

This time, if there are no big brothers who intercept the teaching, even if the dragons know about the conspiracy of the mosquitoes, it will not help. At most, they can only repel those ancient beasts, but there is no way to wipe them out. Nor is it possible.

Therefore, this battle can obtain such a huge victory, and the interception of the teaching is indispensable.

For this reason, Ao Lie naturally had to make a statement on behalf of the Dragon Clan, expressing the Dragon Clan's gratitude.

However, Zhao Gongming returned the salute with a smile: "Daoist friend Ao Lie is very polite, the Western religion is also the great enemy of my interception, and it will be beneficial to us to be able to thwart the plan of the Western religion this time. It's just a matter of helping the Dragon Clan, and that's all, Daoist Ao Lie doesn't have to take it to heart, not to mention...""

At the end, Zhao Gongming stopped talking, feeling a little unfinished.

However, Ao Lie immediately understood, because Zhao Gongming was clearly expressing to Ao Lie that they only met because of Ji Han. Since this is the case, with this relationship, there is no need to be too polite.

"Haha, what Daoist Gongming said is very true, but Ao Lie is polite!!

Ao Lie laughed, and the relationship between them seemed to be closer.

Daoist Duobao and Sanxiao just watched silently with a smile on their faces, and didn't say much.

Then, Ao Lie, Zhao Gongming and the others did not stop at the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, but went straight to the waters of the West China Sea, because the great battle there was not over yet.

Now that the ambush here has ended, they naturally want to completely wipe out the Sea Clan rebels.

Soon, Ao Lie and others rushed to the West Sea waters, and then joined the battlefield.

With the addition of Ao Lie and others, the Sea Clan rebels were simply unable to resist any longer, and the strength gap between the two sides was as difficult to bridge as a moat.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the Dragon Clan came directly to a great siege, killing most of the Sea Clan rebels directly, and even making those Flood Dragons unable to escape, they were all beheaded and killed, leaving only a few irrelevant ones. Crucial minor characters escaped.

In this battle, the dragon clan won a great victory, and the sea clan rebels and the ancient beasts who secretly attacked were all beheaded, leaving the dragon clan no longer threatened, and the rebellion was all suppressed.

Although the Dragon Clan also paid a small price, compared with the enemy, it was definitely a total victory, so those losses were not worth mentioning at all.

However, compared with the Dragon Clan, the Western Religion, which has always acted as the mastermind behind the scenes, can be said to have suffered heavy losses.

Not only were the hundreds of ancient beasts collected according to the collection all annihilated, Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi were seriously injured and hard to heal, and even the Hai Clan rebels were wiped out. As a result, the Western Church's plan this time not only failed completely, but also On a large number of chess pieces, it is simply extremely tragic.

As a result, it is impossible for the Western Sect to continue to subdue the Dragon Clan, and the Dragon Clan has long held a grudge against the Western Sect at this moment, and it is impossible for the Western Sect to win over.

Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi, the two generals under the command of the Western Sect, were also seriously injured and fled at this time, and could no longer be used in a short period of time. and planning were greatly affected.

Western religion, Lingshan.

Lingshan is the place where the two saints of Western religion are located, and it is also the foundation of Western religion.

In this spiritual mountain full of Buddha light and aura, the two saints of the Western religion and the masters who have been drawn from the crowd (bbed) are all here to cultivate.

Those masters who had been drawn over were all succumbed to and quasi-tied, or became disciples of the two saints, or became high-level leaders of Western religions, each with their own Buddha name.

They have become Westerners with all their hearts and minds, and they devote themselves to practicing Dharma every day, with nothing else in their eyes except Western religions.

Not long after Daoist Mo and others were defeated, the two saints of the Western religion and the disciples also learned about it.

After learning the news, Saint Zhunti's expression changed slightly, and then he returned to his natural state in an instant, and then silently recited a Buddhist sentence, then closed his eyes and stopped talking.

The receptionist was even more unresponsive, as if it had nothing to do with their Western religion at all.

Then the two saints left the dojo without any explanation.

However, the two saints seemed to be calm, but the disciples who were familiar with them knew that the two saints were probably already burning with anger.

The things that have been planned for a long time have been destroyed, and they have suffered heavy losses. Even the saints cannot be unresponsive. It can only be said that the reception and Zhunti are too deep, and it is inconvenient to expose their emotions in front of the disciples.

Although the two saints were not good at expressing their position, the masters of the Western religion were directly furious.

"Who? Who? Who dares to spoil the things I teach in the West?"

"Damn, who is so bold? Do you think I have no one in the West?"

"The sage's plan dares to intervene, it is simply courting death!!

"I don't know how to lift up, this dragon family is rarely valued by saints, and I don't know how to lift up, I think there is no need for the dragon family to exist anymore!

"That's right, there is also the Heavenly Court, who dares to intervene in the affairs of my Western religion, can't you really think that you are the co-owner of the Three Realms??"

The masters of the Western Religion are simply like the Three Corpse Gods, roaring with rage, and wishing they would immediately kill those who sabotaged the Western Religion's plan.

These masters who were drawn over by the saints of Western religions are no longer normal people. They only have Western religions in their eyes and hearts, and the plans of Western religions fail and their interests are damaged. For these people, this is very unacceptable.

What's more, they also know that the two saints have secretly collected hundreds of ancient beasts, all of them are masters above the gods, and they are important pieces for their Western teaching to deal with the dark side, but now these pieces have been lost, only Mosquito Daoist and Jin Cicada was able to escape, which greatly damaged the strength of Western religions.

Because after losing those ancient vicious beasts, if they want to secretly do something shameful, there will be no manpower. Once exposed, it will be a major event that will affect their reputation.

So no matter what, the loss in this battle was so heavy that it was so painful that the entire Western religion almost went berserk!!.

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