At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

695 Baili but no harm, why not agree? 【Subscription】

Everything has two sides, looking at the results, everyone's ideas are not the same.

The dragon rebellion came to an end, but all parties in the flood had different reactions.

For the Western religion, they were the losers, so the people of the Western religion were so angry that they almost ran away.

However, for Ao Lie, Zhao Gongming and the others, they were the victors. Therefore, compared with the people of Western religion, they seemed very proud~ and very excited.

"Haha, this time Western religion has suffered setbacks and suffered heavy losses, it makes me happy to think about it, -haha!!

Ao Lie thought of the reaction of the sages of Western religion after learning about this, and couldn't help laughing excitedly.

Zhao Gongming stroked his long beard, nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, this matter will definitely make the Western religions violent, but there is no way to do it, haha!! 55

Zhao Gongming's joy is no less than that of Ao Lie, because for him, the defeat of the Western Religion conspiracy is not only a huge harvest, but its significance is even more important. This is equivalent to a blow to the rise of Western Religion. The strength gap between Western and Interceptors will become larger and larger, which will make Intercept's position more stable.

And this is just the beginning, Zhao Gongming will not be soft on the Western religion, and then they will use all means to weaken the Western religion.

Even Daoist Duobao said with a look of hatred and hatred: "The Western sect is secretly doing that shameful thing, and it also wants to be detrimental to my sect, I will definitely hit it hard, and I will never show mercy! 35

For Daoist Duobao, no matter who the Western religion wants to plan, which race or force it plans, it has nothing to do with him.

But the Western religion wants to be detrimental to the interception, which is absolutely unforgivable for the Taoist Duobao, so the Taoist Duobao also regards the Western religion as an enemy, and vows to strike hard.

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

The Jade Emperor Haotian was sitting high on the throne, and at this time he was listening to a report from a heavenly general in his spare time.

"Master Ao Lie and several masters who intercepted the teaching were ambushed outside the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and all the ancient beasts that were committed in the future were killed in one fell swoop, and only the blood-winged black mosquito and the six-winged golden cicada, who were the highest in the road, were able to escape from heavy damage!

"In the end, the Hai Clan rebels were wiped out, and the Hai Clan rebellion was completely suppressed!

"Your Majesty, this is the process of this rebellion!!"9

The Heavenly General respectfully reported the details of the rebellion to the Jade Emperor!!

After the Jade Emperor heard this, Long Yan was immediately overjoyed.

"Haha, good, good, I did not live up to my high hopes, Ao Lie is very good, you are very good!!

The Jade Emperor did not hesitate to praise, and seemed extremely happy.

No way, for a long time, the presence of Heavenly Court in the Great Desolation was not high, and those big forces did not pay much attention to Heavenly Court.

This time, the Jade Emperor resolutely agreed to Ao Lie's request and chose to send troops, and he sent troops under the banner of saving hundreds of millions of lives and pacifying the rebellion in the world. Therefore, after the great victory, the fame and benefits obtained were naturally immeasurable.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty, after this matter, the Jade Emperor's reputation for being compassionate and caring for hundreds of millions of living beings will be spread, and it will spread more and more widely, and then hundreds of millions of living beings will read your Majesty's goodness!!

The Taijinxing on the side is also full of joy and compliment!!


When the Jade Emperor heard this, he laughed again!!

Thirty-three days away, Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun, who had been keeping his eyes tightly closed, suddenly opened his eyes slowly, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, turning into a purple sky thunder and dissipating into the void.


"Why did the Dragon Race become like this?"

"Why intercept the Church?"

"Why did Western religion fail? 35

Hong Jun frowned slightly, puzzled.

The Dragon Clan rebellion should not have been like this, and Hongjun had already made plans, but now things have unexpectedly occurred, causing Hongjun's plans to deviate.

Therefore, Hongjun was very puzzled and did not understand why a good thing suddenly turned into this.

As his mood fluctuated, thunder bursts in the void thirty-three days away, ringing non-stop.

As soon as Hongjun's mind moved, he immediately pinched his fingers and deduced it.

Soon, Hongjun stopped the deduction.

Because he already knew what was going on!

"It's that person again, who is this person? Why does it keep breaking my plans?"5

Hong Jun was secretly angry!

Because he had already figured out that behind this incident, Ji Han, who had never met, was still planning, which disrupted his plan and made things go wrong.

・・Ask for flowers・

"This person is hidden so deeply that even I can't find him, but he frequently stirs up the floods. What's the reason?"

Hong Jun's brows were deeply furrowed, and he was quite puzzled.

Because he couldn't find out Ji Han's whereabouts with his Taoism, and he still didn't understand what Ji Han wanted to do, which made Hongjun very uncomfortable.

Hongjun thought for a long time, but couldn't find the key, he could only sigh and let it go!

"Forget it, I will find it sooner or later, let's see!!

Hongjun muttered to himself, then closed his eyes again, his mind returned to calm, and the void thirty-three days away slowly became quiet.

Intercept to teach, Biyou Palace.

After the Tongtian Sect Master learned of this gratifying news, he did not show the slightest joy, but his eyes darkened a little.

"If it's what Gongming said, then the Western religion... Haha, it's interesting!"

A stern look flashed across the Tongtian Sect Master's eyes, and he couldn't help but sneer.

For the Tongtian Sect Master, many of the small movements of the Western Sect have long been seen by him, but he has been watching from the sidelines and never intervening.

But last time Zhao Gongming told him a lot of things, and many of them were related to Western religions, which could be regarded as an indirect verification of some of the conjectures in Tongtian's mind.

It is precisely because of this that the Tongtian sect master will agree to Zhao Gongming's request to go to the heavenly court, and it is because of this that the interception and the dragon clan jointly attack the ancient beasts.

Since the Western Cult has already made moves, and will continue to intercept them in the future, the Master Tongtian will naturally not be polite, and he is not a pedantic person.

Originally, the leader of Tongtian did not have the slightest impression of Western religion, especially Zhunti. The leader of Tongtian wanted to teach him a lesson for a long time. This time, he could make the Western religion suffer a big loss. A harmful thing.

In addition, thinking of his own senior brother Yuanshi, and then thinking of what Zhao Gongming said to him, about the future cooperation between the interpretation and the Western religion, the Tongtian sect master sneered in his heart.

"If that's the case, don't blame the impolite!"

The ice-cold color flashed in Tongtian Sect Master's eyes, and then he regained his calm expression again.

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