At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

696 The guests and the host enjoyed themselves, and they did not suffer! 【Subscription】

East China Sea Dragon Palace.

As the Four Seas Rebellion came to an end, and it only caused a lot of shock in the floods, it attracted different reactions from all parties, and the Four Seas and Seas began to regain their calm.

Although this battle also caused the dragon clan to suffer a lot of casualties and lost a lot of elder-level characters, it is not unacceptable to the dragon clan, not to mention that their dragon clan also gained the friendship of intercepting the sect, and even went to heaven. Generally speaking, it is not only worthy, but will also usher in a good development trend.

It is impossible for Ao Guang and others not to see this, so they are very happy in addition to their heartache.

After the end of the war, Ao Guang and others first carried out some aftermath, and then handed over all the remaining matters to their subordinates to take charge, while Ao Guang and others gathered in the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

The reason why they gathered in the East China Sea Dragon Palace is not only because they "Six Seven Zeros" want to discuss things, but also to entertain Zhao Gongming and others, and express sincere gratitude to them.

Ao Lie had already warmly invited Zhao Gongming and others, including Yang Jian, who had only shot once, all of them were invited by Ao Lie to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, expressing his gratitude to them.

Naturally, Zhao Gongming, Yang Jian and others would not refuse. Since the war has ended, there is no harm in getting close to the Dragon Clan.

This was originally for Ao Lie's face, otherwise, Zhao Gongming and Daoist Duobao would have something to do with the Dragon Clan.

In this regard, Ao Guang and others also understand very well, so in addition to being grateful, they also value Ao Lie more and more.

They all already understood that their son, nephew, and junior have long since changed. Not only is their cultivation base not weak, but their relationship network is not comparable to them.

Look at the help that Ao Lie has brought, Tianting, Intercepting, Millions of Heavenly Soldiers, Zhao Gongming, Daoist Duobao, Yang Jian, etc., all of them are masters that the Dragon Clan wanted to contact but could not reach in the past.

Thinking of it this way, Ao Lie's position in the Dragon Clan is no longer inferior to them!

Regarding this point, although Ao Guang and other four dragon kings have different ideas, they are very pleased, and one thing is the same, that is, Ao Lie is a member of their dragon clan. The stronger Ao Lie, the greater the power under his command, the relationship The stronger the net, the more beneficial to their Dragon Clan, as long as Ao Lie does not betray the Dragon Clan.

Therefore, for Ao Lie's development so well, Ao Guang and others are extremely satisfied.

In the hall of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, not only the Dragon King of the Four Seas and Ao Lie, but also Zhao Gongming, San Xiao, Yang Jian and Daoist Duobao, who had intercepted the teaching, were gathered at this time.

Everyone sat in the hall, and even the Dragon King of the Four Seas did not dare to sit on the throne of the Dragon King with a shelf.

In front of Zhao Gongming and Daoist Duobao who intercepted the teaching, even as the Dragon King of the Four Seas, Ao Guang and others would not dare to have any airs, because no matter in terms of identity or strength, they have no capital in Zhao Gongming and Daoist Duobao. Presumptuous in front.

As Zhao Gongming and others took their seats, a large number of dragon girls immediately walked into the hall, holding various immortal brewed immortal fruits in their hands, and placed immortal brewed immortal fruits on everyone's table with a charming smile.

After the dragon girls had retreated, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, immediately raised his glass, raised his glass to Zhao Gongming and the others, and said with a smile: "Haha, all the daoists have invited, thank you all the daoists for helping this time, Ao Guang is very grateful, The Dragon Clan will not dare to forget it. In the future, once the fellow Daoists give orders, the Dragon Clan will do their best to help. Haha, Ao Guang will drink this cup first!

After speaking, Ao Guang raised his glass and raised his head to drink the wine!!

With Ao Guang taking the lead, Ao Run and the other three dragon kings also expressed gratitude, said many words of thanks, and then raised their glasses to toast.

Zhao Gongming also raised his glass and said: "Haha, fellow Daoist Ao Guang is being polite, the ancient beasts played abusive, the Hai clan rebels devastated the world, slaughtered hundreds of millions of lives, but we can't see it, so we help a little. That's it!! 35

Zhao Gongming looked righteous and dignified, waved his hand as if he didn't care, then raised his glass and drank it all!!

For Zhao Gongming, what he planned with Ao Lie and Ji Han is absolutely impossible to say, and this relationship is also tacit, so in the face of the gratitude of Ao Guang and others, Zhao Gongming can only be polite. Fan.

Daoist Duobao also said: "Indeed, Daoist friend Ao Guang does not need to be polite, I will never sit by and watch the beasts ravage the world, such trivial things, Daoist friends don't have to take it to heart!!99

In fact, Daoist Duobao didn't want to get involved too much with the Dragon Clan. Although he didn't know the relationship between Zhao Gongming and Ao Lie, they were high above the class, and it was not a good thing to have too much involvement with the Dragon Clan and other races that bear the sins of the ancient times. .

Therefore, Daoist Duobao didn't care much about the gratitude of Ao Guang and others!

And the reason why Yang Jian came to help was because he hated Western religion to the core. He would be happy if the Western religion suffered a loss, so in the face of the gratitude of Ao Guang and others, he just smiled and casually greeted Ao Guang and others. Shut up.

As for Sanxiao, he didn't say much, he just ate the fairy fruit at will, and the three of his sisters whispered.

In response to this situation, Ao Guang still laughed and said: "Haha, I can't say that, if there is no help from fellow Daoists this time, it's hard to say whether my Dragon Clan can survive this crisis, even my East China Sea Dragon Palace may be possible. Destroyed by beasts, Ao Guang must keep in mind the great kindness of fellow Daoists!!

Ao Guang appeared to be extremely sincere and sincere, and was not meant to be perfunctory at all.

In this regard, although Zhao Gongming, Daoist Duobao and others don't care much, they are quite satisfied when they see the attitude of Ao Guang and others. After all, no one wants to help others and can't be grateful.

Therefore, the polite smiles of Zhao Gongming and Daoist Duobao became much more sincere.

For a time, the host and guests enjoyed themselves!

Ao Guang and the others kept laughing and toasting, and then said all kinds of close words with Zhao Gongming and others, trying to draw in the relationship between them.

You must know that in the 4.3 famine, there are not many people who want to form a good relationship with Intercepting Jiao, but they cannot get it. Right now, Zhao Gongming and Daoist Duobao who are Intercepting Jiao are here. If Ao Guang and the others don’t know how to get involved If you have a good relationship, you are not worthy of being the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

Facing the deliberate actions of Ao Guang and others, Zhao Gongming and others felt a little amused, but they did not resist. After all, it is better to have one more friend than one more enemy!

Besides, Ao Lie's development is going up so violently that Zhao Gongming was a little surprised, not to mention that Ao Lie is someone Ji Han favors and invests in. In the future, Ao Lie must be the person in charge of the Dragon Clan, and now he has a good relationship with the Dragon Clan. Teaching is not a disadvantage.

Therefore, Zhao Gongming and the others did not put on airs, but had a great conversation with Ao Guang and others!!

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