At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

702 is so good, this candidate is excellent! 【Subscription】

This is the more perfect plan that the Babel leader thought of.

Originally, according to Zhao Gongming's proposal, he would set up a bureau for Yang Jian to conflict with the person who intercepted the teaching, but this candidate has not yet been determined.

When Tongtian sect master was thinking about it, he suddenly remembered what Zhao Gongming had said to him before, and remembered the long-eared Dingguangxian who betrayed the sect in the future, and also pitted him.

Therefore, the Tongtian sect master made a decision in an instant. He not only decided to agree to the proposal of Zhao Gongming and others, but also gritted his teeth secretly, and decisively decided to make things bigger and escalate, that is to throw the long-eared Dingguang Immortal and take the opportunity. Destroyed the long-eared Dingguang fairy.

Since Chang-eared Dingguangxian is such a ruthless and shameless traitor, there is no psychological pressure on Tongtian Sect Master to make such a decision.

It's just that only Zhao Gongming and Tongtian sect master know the reason, Daoist Duobao and Sanxiao have been kept in the dark, so they are a little surprised why Tongtian sect master made this decision.

Zhao Gongming saw the expressions of Daoist Duobao 11 and Sanxiao, so he looked at Tongtian Sect Master and asked for instructions with his eyes.

Tongtian Sect Master nodded slightly, expressing his agreement.

Zhao Gongming immediately understood, and immediately whispered to Daoist Duobao and Sanxiao about the apostasy of Chang-ear Dingguangxian and others.

After Daoist Duobao and Sanxiao heard it, they were already burning with anger, and they wished they would go out immediately and kill Chang-eared Dingguangxian and others.

"Shameless, such a shameful traitor, what's the use of keeping him?"

Duobao is so popular that he yells at him!!

He is the person who respects Tongtian Sect Master the most. As the chief disciple, he has the deepest sense of belonging to the Intercept Sect, and he is the most shameless traitor like Dingguangxian.

"Yes, it's just scum!""

"People like this deserve to die!"

"Disciple agrees with Master's decision!!

San Xiao was also so angry that his face was like frost, and he had no sympathy for Dingguangxian with long ears.

Such ruthless and unrighteous people also committed evil deeds of apostasy, which led to the almost shattering of the sect, and it was simply impossible to tolerate.

This time, Daoist Duobao and Sanxiao understood their master's intention.

Zhao Gongming was also delighted in his heart. He did not expect his master to be so decisive, and he abandoned the long-eared Dingguang Immortal without hesitation, and this also proved the trust of the Tongtian Cult Master in Zhao Gongming.

Such an excellent candidate was something Zhao Gongming had never thought of before.

"So good, this is a fantastic choice!!

Zhao Gongming agreed with a smile.

It is indeed better than what Zhao Gongming thought.

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming asked: "Master, since you have chosen the long-eared Dingguang Immortal, how do you want to use it?35

"It's easy!" Tongtian sect master said indifferently: "After a while, this seat will call back the long-eared Dingguang fairy, and then plant a ban on it, and then just follow Gongming's plan!

When it comes to planting a ban on Chang-eared Dingguang Xian, Tongtian Sect Master's tone did not fluctuate, and he was very indifferent, as if he had already regarded Chang-eared Dingguang Xian as a dying person, and he didn't need to care about it at all, just like abandoning one. Pieces of goods are generally random.

And Zhao Gongming, Duobao and the others also felt that it was very normal. For those shameless apostates, they didn't need to be polite to him.

"It's so good, then I'll trouble the Master!"

Zhao Gongming and Daoist Duobao gave a salute to the Tongtian sect master.

Sect Master Tongtian nodded lightly, then waved his sleeves.

Zhao Gongming and the others immediately bowed and said, "Disciple retire!!"

After Zhao Gongming and others withdrew, they immediately began to prepare according to the plan.

The Tongtian Sect Master inside resumed his meditation, his eyes were slightly closed, and the whole person was silent.

But before that, he had already passed down an order to let the long-eared Dingguang Xian come back to stand by.

As for the order of the Tongtian Sect Master, the long-eared Dingguang Immortal, as a disciple, naturally did not dare to neglect, and immediately rushed outside the Biyou Palace as quickly as possible after receiving the news.

"Disciple with long ears, please see Master!!"

The long-eared Dingguang Xian waited respectfully outside the Biyou Palace.


After a while, Tongtian Sect Master's voice sounded.

The long-eared Dingguang Immortal immediately entered the place where the Tongtian Sect Master was cultivating, and then respectfully visited the Tongtian Sect Master.

"I don't know why the master called the disciple back? Once the master has instructed, the disciple will die!! 35

As soon as they met, Chang-eared Dingguangxian smiled and asked why.

Tongtian Sect Master slowly opened his eyes, his face was neither sad nor happy, and he gave Long-eared Dingguangxian a faint look.

In fact, the long-eared Dingguang Xian has a very poor appearance, with a bald forehead, long hair and beard, and two extremely long ears, which looks very strange.

It's just that Sect Master Tongtian can't see the appearance of Dingguangxian with long ears, but him.

The Tongtian Sect Master never found out that the long-eared Dingguang Immortal actually had a back bone.

Now it seems that it is indeed a traitorous appearance, which makes Tongtian Sect Master's inner thoughts more and more firm.


The long-eared Dingguangxian was a little frightened by the look of the Tongtian Cult Master, and she couldn't help crying.

"Oh? It's okay, come here, I have something to tell you!"

Tongtian Sect Master closed his eyes, and waved at Chang-eared Dingguangxian with a gracious attitude, motioning for him to come over.

Long-eared Dingguangxian then suppressed the doubts in his heart, and then approached the Tongtian Sect Master.

For a long time, Tongtian Sect Master was ok with their disciples, and seldom beat or scolded them, so Chang-eared Dingguangxian did not have any doubts.

However, when the long-eared Dingguang Xian approached and sat down in front of the Tongtian sect master, the Tongtian 670 sect master shot without warning.

I saw him sitting still, but with a sudden wave of his right sleeve, the long-eared Dingguang Immortal was enveloped in it.

Long-eared Dingguang Xian didn't have time to react at all, and with a swoosh, he was pulled into his sleeves by Tongtian Sect Master.

With the cultivation of the sage level of the Tongtian sect master, it is not too simple to conquer the little golden fairy with long ears and Dingguang. It doesn't need any calculations or the like.

After the Tongtian Sect Master put the long-eared Dingguangxian into the long sleeve, the fingers of his right hand repeatedly choked, and directly planted various restrictions on the long-eared Dingguangxian, which instantly made the whole body of the long-eared Dingguangxian wilt.

In front of the saint, the long-eared Dingguang Immortal could not even utter a scream, and all kinds of restrictions were planted in the whole person silently, not only the cultivation base was completely ruined, but even the vitality was deprived.

After a while, the long-eared Dingguang Immortal reappeared in front of Tongtian Sect Master.

However, the long-eared Dingguang Xian has become dying, but he can't die yet, so the Tongtian Sect Master did not completely deprive him of his vitality, but hung him with a sigh of relief.

Long-eared Dingguangxian glanced blankly at the Tongtian Sect Master before falling into a coma, and seemed to be asking: Why?

But Tongtian Sect Master just sneered, without even looking at Dingguangxian with long ears, he resumed his peaceful meditation!!

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