At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

703 Haha, you guys are really planning a lot! 【Subscription】

In the flood, the East wins Shenzhou.

Dongsheng Shenzhou is one of the four great continents, and it is also the most prosperous continent with the most human races.

Moreover, the forces in Dongsheng Divine Continent are basically human forces, and the three Daoist religions happen to be located in this continent. Therefore, Dongsheng Divine Continent can also be regarded as the jurisdiction of Taoist sects.

In the middle of Dongsheng Shenzhou, there is a big mountain that is not very famous, called Jiuhua Mountain.

However, only the local people know this name, because in the flood and famine, there are countless such mountains, and there are many taller and more spectacular mountains. Therefore, Jiuhua Mountain is not well-known.

However, today, the fame of Jiuhua Mountain will spread all over the world.

Yang Jian came from the east and seemed to be heading west.

In fact, Yang Jian was returning to the direction of his master's cave, and passing Jiuhua Mountain was just a pass.

At this time, Yang Jian's speed was not fast, and he had not yet reached Jiuhua Mountain.

Yang Jian was alone, with no entourage beside him, and his troops and horses disappeared.

On the way back, Yang Jian flew slowly, but he was lost in thought.

Because just yesterday, Yang Jian received a secret message from Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming mentioned that on Yang Jian's way back today, they sent a person from the Intercept Church to pretend to have a conflict with him, and Yang Jian just had to kill that person.

As a result, the conflict between their teaching and interception cannot be reconciled.

Yang Jian was astonished at the time, thinking to himself why you were so willing to intercept the sect, and even throw a random person for me to kill.

Then, after Yang Jian saw Zhao Gongming's last words, he understood, because Zhao Gongming and Yang Jian explained that the person who set up a conflict with him and Yang Jian was Chang-ear Dingguangxian, who was also a spy arranged by Western Sect to intercept the Sect , this time just use it.

In this way, Yang Jian naturally has no doubts and no psychological pressure.

Killing a Western spy would be no problem for him at all.

"I didn't expect that the Western Sect also planted a lot of spies in the interception. Haha, the Western Sect really has a lot of plans!~々!"

Yang Jian sneered secretly, and hated the shameless sect of the Western Church more and more.

Galloping all the way, Yang Jian looked up and saw that Jiuhua Mountain was not far away.

"It should be almost right?" Yang Jian thought to himself.

Immediately, Yang Jian secretly cheered up.

Sure enough, just as he was about to reach the sky above Jiuhua Mountain, a mutation protruded.

I saw an explosion below Jiuhua Mountain, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was suddenly stirred, and a figure rushed towards Yang Jian with the momentum of a surprise attack.

Yang Jian's expression moved slightly, and then he suddenly shouted: "How brave, how dare you to ambush this immortal!!

Yang Jian, who had been preparing for a long time, took advantage of the situation and raised his three-pointed two-blade spear to slam his subordinates, but he secretly used the magic formula given by Zhao Gongming.


With a loud bang, Yang Jian collided with the raider, and the man was knocked out by Yang Jian, and then fell straight towards Jiuhua Mountain.

Yang Jian took a closer look, isn't it the long-eared Dingguangxian?

"Hehe, the long-eared Dingguang fairy? You are the one who intercepted the teaching, why did you ambush me?"

Yang Jian asked directly.

When making a play, it is necessary to do a full set, because Yang Jian doesn't know whether there is a great power watching in secret, or whether it will attract the attention of the sage, and even the sage may restore the scene to deduce after the event, so Yang Jian decisively follows the most real I don't dare to be careless when I act in a situation.

However, the long-eared Dingguangxian was already unable to answer, as if he was seriously injured by Yang Jian's blow, and he vomited blood during the fall.

Seeing this, Yang Jian put away the three-pointed two-blade spear and looked at it coldly.

But in the next moment, just before the long-eared Dingguangxian fell to the top of Jiuhua Mountain, the long-eared Dingguangxian suddenly burst open, just like a broken porcelain, it turned into countless pieces and fell, and all those pieces were In an instant, it turned into fly ash and dissipated directly into the world.

At this point, the long-eared Dingguang Immortal was completely destroyed, and there was not even a chance to turn around and reincarnate.

On the other hand, Yang Jian, who was standing in the void, showed a hint of stunned expression at the right time, as if he had never imagined that with just a casual blow, he would blow up the intruding enemy so easily, and even destroy his body and spirit.


Yang Jian was stunned, then frowned and looked around, as if he was worried that someone would see this scene.

Because he Yang Jian is a person who explains the sect, while the long-eared Dingguang Xian is a person who intercepts the sect. Although the two sects are Taoist sects, they have the same spirit, but Yang Jian killed someone. This is very difficult to explain. If No one sees it, it is naturally the best, Yang Jian can still cover it up.

So far, Yang Jian is doing very well.

And all of this was carefully arranged and prepared by Sect Master Tongtian.

Long-eared Dingguangxian was already dying long before Yang Jian appeared.

When Yang Jian appeared, Tongtian Cult Master secretly controlled Chang-eared Dingguangxian's body and flew towards Yang Jian, it seemed as if Chang-eared Dingguangxian suddenly exploded and attacked Yang Jian.

Faced with such an emergency, Yang Jian, who was attacked, naturally would not wait to be killed, but chose to fight back.

This is a very normal reaction, and no one can blame it.

However, Chang-eared Dingguangxian didn't seem to have expected Yang Jian's strength to be so powerful, and he would be completely destroyed with a single blow, causing the body and spirit to be destroyed.

In fact, the reason why the long-eared Dingguangxian burst apart was not because of Yang Jian's blowing up, but the secret formula given by Yang Jian from Zhao Gongming, which quietly detonated the ban planted by the Tongtian sect master on the long-eared Dingguangxian. Therefore, the long-eared Dingguangxian It disappeared in an instant, leaving no trace.

But no one at the scene saw it, and no one noticed it, so it seemed that Yang Jian had blasted the long-eared Dingguangxian.

Yang Jian looked around nervously, then frowned and said: ".. so unscathed? With such strength, how dare you come to ambush this immortal? You deserve it if you die! (Wang Zhao's)

After speaking, Yang Jian seemed to have completely calmed down, he didn't care about the life and death of Chang'er Dingguangxian at all, and he was going to destroy the corpse and destroy the traces to completely cover up the matter.

However, before Yang Jian could make a move, a figure appeared not far away, and it seemed that he had already noticed the movement of the place, and was rushing over, not far from Yang Jian.

"What happened here? Why are there fluctuations in my interception and prohibition?? 35

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"Huh? It's the breath of Junior Brother Chang-Ear? What about people??"

It seems that the person who just appeared is Zhao Gongming, who is intercepting the teaching.

Zhao Gongming seemed to be nearby, and the fluctuation of Yang Jian's battle with Chang-eared Dingguangxian caught his attention, and then he rushed to this place quickly.

As soon as he appeared, he felt that there was a peculiar restraint fluctuation in the scene, Zhao Gongming's complexion changed, and he slammed towards Yang Jian to drink up.

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