At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

704 Refuse to admit mistakes, deceiving people too much! 【Subscription】

The appearance of Zhao Gongming made Yang Jian's face seem to suddenly flash a trace of panic, as if he was caught by the scene when he did something bad.

However, Yang Jian is not an ordinary person. The unnaturalness at that moment was suppressed directly, and his face returned to an indifferent and indifferent color.

Yang Jian's thoughts turned sharply, and when he was about to say something, Zhao Gongming suddenly said, "Are you Yang Jian? Junior Brother Yu Ding's disciple? 35

Yang Jian's body trembled slightly, knowing that he couldn't hide it, so he nodded and said, "This is Yang Jian, who is your Excellency?"

"The poor way is to intercept Zhao Gongming!

Zhao Gongming looked solemn and revealed his identity.

When Yang Jian heard this, he immediately saluted and said, "It turned out to be the uncle in front of him, and the nephew Yang Jian has met with the uncle!! 35

"Don't be in a hurry to see the salute first!!" Zhao Gongming's face turned black, and he immediately asked: "Tell me, what happened here just now? I clearly sensed the aura of my junior brother Long-eared Dingguang Xian, what about others? 35

Zhao Gongming went straight to Yang Jian with a series of questions.

At this time, Zhao Gongming did not have any intention of greeting Yang Jian, but was full of vigilance. If it weren't for Yang Jian's identity, it is estimated that Zhao Gongming had already taken Yang Jian and said it again, why would he be so long-winded with him.

Moreover, after Zhao Gongming finished asking, he released his divine sense and swept around, his eyes also watching back and forth.

Obviously, Zhao 670 Gongming did not think that what happened here was a good thing, he had already held a great vigilance towards Yang Jian.

Yang Jian opened his mouth and had to tell the truth: "Returning to my uncle, Yang Jian just passed by this place when he suddenly encountered a person who attacked his nephew, and the nephew responded in a panic, but he didn't expect that person to be so unscathed, Even the nephew's move couldn't stop it, but... it was directly blown up!! 99

Yang Jian's tone was full of helplessness, and he briefly described the situation just now.

It's not that Yang Jian doesn't want to hide it, but it's impossible to hide it at this time. First, because Zhao Gongming arrived at the first time, he didn't have time to clean the scene, and Zhao Gongming only needs to check it carefully to find out. What happened just now, the second is that the long-eared Dingguang Immortal is a real person who has been replaced by a fake, so the body and spirit are destroyed. Once the saint makes a move, it is not difficult to deduce the real result, so Yang Jian still chose to rely on it. To tell the truth.

However, Zhao Gongming's expression changed, and his aura became fierce.

He stared at Yang Jian, and asked in a deep voice, "What does that person look like? Why did he sneak up on you?'55

Yang Jian first described the person's appearance, then shook his head and said, "My nephew, I don't know why that person attacked me, and my nephew didn't know that person in the past, and there was no conflict, so it's a little strange!

"That person is the Pindao's long-eared junior brother, you...

After listening to Yang Jian's description, Zhao Gongming's expression changed drastically.

Immediately, Zhao Gongming immediately calculated with his fingers.

"You've really fallen, and your body and spirit are still completely destroyed. You are so ruthless??" Zhao Gongming looked at Yang Jian with disbelief on his face.

"This... there must be something strange about this matter. I also hope that my teacher Bo Mingcha, Yang Jian doesn't know the long-eared Dingguangxian, and the long-eared Dingguangxian sneaked up on me. Yang Jian can't wait to die, right?"

Yang Jian seems to have some wrongs, after all, he killed the long-eared Dingguangxian, so he didn't dare to attack, so he could only explain it to Duke Zhao.

However, Zhao Gongming sneered and said: "Well, there must be something wrong with you, Yang Jian, as a person in the teaching, you don't know the long-eared junior brother of the poor Daoist, and there was no conflict with him in the past, so why would he attack you? Intercepting the teaching and explaining the teaching can be said to be of the same spirit, and they are both members of Taoism, if there is no hatred, how could Junior Brother Chang-Er do such a thing?"

"And whether or not Junior Brother Chang-Ear attacked you by surprise is a matter of two things. This is just your one-sided remark. Yang Jian, Pindao advises you not to hide anything, or you can't bear the consequences!! 35

Zhao Gong was obviously very serious, and his eyes when he looked at Yang Jian were also extremely unkind.

However, Yang Jian is not an easy person. Seeing that Duke Zhao (bbed) seemed to insist on this matter, he said coldly: "What my nephew said just now is the truth, and there is no concealment at all, whether the master believes it or not. , Master and nephew are all these words!

Yang Jian's attitude also became tougher, and he was not afraid of Zhao Gongming's threat at all.

Long-eared Dingguangxian was killed by Yang Jian, but the fact is as Yang Jian said, he was the target of a sneak attack, and he was only forced to fight back, but Chang-eared Dingguangxian did not know why he was so unbeaten, and he was killed immediately. The spirits are gone.

However, Zhao Gongming and Yang Jian had a very tacit understanding at this time, and they didn't talk about the forbidden things on Dingguangxian with long ears, and they were very professional when they acted.

Seeing that Yang Jian was so arrogant, Zhao Gongming had no intention of admitting his mistake, and suddenly became furious: "Okay, Junior Brother Yu Ding has really taught a good disciple, not only did he arbitrarily kill my disciple, but he also refused to admit his mistake. Do you really think that I have no one to teach you? Or do you think that your master, Master Yuding, can protect you?"

Since Yang Jian had this attitude, how could Zhao Gongming be polite, and sternly accused him, as if he was furious.

This is also normal. After all, Chang-ear Dingguangxian is the second-generation disciple of the Intercepting Sect, and one of the seven immortals who attend to the sect master of Tongtian. The status is not low. Since something happened and he was killed by Yang Jian, then Zhao As a high-level interceptor, Gongming naturally wants to find his way back, and even capture the murderer.

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming's breath became more and more fierce, and he stared at Yang Jian closely, as if he would burst out at any time to capture Yang Jian.

Yang Jian's cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds, and he is still the one who was attacked. How can he be accused of this.

He immediately sneered and said: "Master, don't make random accusations, my nephew didn't kill your disciples at will, but my nephew was attacked by someone sneakily, could it be unreasonable for me to fight back in self-defense? Since my nephew is right, then Why do you admit your mistake? What's more, I'm not meant to be bullied by anyone, so it's better for my uncle not to think that my nephew is easy to bully!!

Yang Jian's meaning is also very obvious. I was attacked by someone sneakily. It's not wrong for me to counterattack in self-defense. Since I didn't, it would be impossible to admit my mistake. That person deserved to be dead, and I, Yang Jian, are now the great master of Daluo Jinxian. You Zhao Gongming are not wrong at all, don't think I'm easy to bully.

Zhao Gongming suddenly became annoyed and laughed, "What a self-defense counterattack, this is the excuse for you to kill my junior brother Chang-Ear at will? If so, the poor Daoist will kill you here today, and then tell your master that it is self-defense. Fight back and see how he reacts!!

After he finished speaking, Zhao Gongming held a long whip and hit Yang Jian fiercely!

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