At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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Acting is going to be a full set!!

After the quarrel, it is natural to have to have a fight!

Therefore, according to the original plan, Zhao Gongming rushed directly towards Yang Jian, looking like he was going to capture and kill Yang Jian.

This is also what it should be. If Zhao Gongming can still be indifferent in the face of a murderer who killed their interceptors, it will be too suspicious, which is also sorry for Zhao Gongming's status.

Therefore, in terms of emotion and reason, Zhao Gongming should make such a reaction.

Seeing that Zhao Gongming didn't agree, Yang Jian called over, his face immediately turned cold, and he sneered: "I want to kill my nephew before I figure it out? Not to mention that you are the uncle, even if the ancestor is here, Yang Jian will also It's impossible to get hold of it, come and do it!!"

After that, Yang Jian raised the three-pointed two-edged spear without fear, and immediately blocked Zhao Gongming's long whip.


The long whip and the two-edged spear collided fiercely, and the energy was scattered. Zhao Gongming's black face was awe-inspiring, with an angry look in his eyes, and he continued to whip the whip without hesitation.

And Yang Jian was naturally unwilling to be outdone, and it was impossible to capture it without his hands, so the three-pointed two-edged spear was also waving again and again, blocking Zhao Gongming's long whip one by one.

However, seeing that Yang Jian's cultivation base and Taoism are not weak, Zhao Gongming is also fierce. Except for the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Beads and Bound Dragon Cables that have not been used at the bottom of the box, the rest of the magic weapons and magical powers are frequently used. It seems that He made up his mind to capture Yang Jian.

As for Yang Jian, facing the ferocious offensive of Zhao Gongming and other powerhouses, it is naturally impossible to hold back, so he also broke out with all his strength, resisting Zhao Gongming with all his might.

For a time, the spiritual energy of the sky and the earth above Jiuhua Mountain was violently stirred, the sky and the earth changed color, and the two fought extremely fiercely.

It's just that Zhao Gongming and Yang Jian are very measured, this scene seems to be extremely fierce, but both of them only exerted their strength, and the scenes created are mostly false, and there is no threat to each other. .

In the scene, although Yang Jian was able to block Zhao Gongming, he still fell into a disadvantage.

After all, Zhao Gongming is an old-fashioned Golden Immortal. He has more Taoism and experience than a new Golden Immortal like Yang Jian, so he can naturally gain the upper hand.

However, Yang Jian was able to remain undefeated, but he fell into a disadvantage, which was considered quite a feat.

The two fought each other for a full quarter of an hour, and they only stopped after they fought each other fiercely.

Zhao Gongming looked at Yang Jian with a stern face, and said with a sneer: "What a good Yang Jian, he is really out of blue, and the poor Daoist can't take you down in a short period of time!!

Obviously, Zhao Gongming was a little surprised at this time. He didn't expect Yang Jian's cultivation and Taoism to be so tyrannical. Although he was inferior to him, it was not realistic to want to win Yang Jian in a short time.

Therefore, Zhao Gongming's eyes were even more annoyed!

On the other hand, Yang Jian said indifferently: "Senior Master is too acclaimed, Master Nephew does not dare to act like it, and he also asked Master Master not to be excited, so let's talk about this matter!!"

"Let's talk? How to talk? You said that you killed Pindao's long-eared junior brother, is Pindao still indifferent?

Zhao Gongming's face was icy cold, and he said viciously: "This matter is irreconcilable, you killed Junior Brother Pindao, you Yang Jian must pay the price today, Pindao advises you to take it easy, lest the two sects turn their face for this, or even A fight!!"

"My nephew is right!! Yang Jian shook his head and rejected Zhao Gongming's suggestion: "Even if the master is in front of him, the nephew is the same, even if the two sects turn their faces for this!!"

Yang Jian's attitude is also very tough, although he can't represent the teaching, but it does not affect him in the slightest.

"Okay, okay!!" Zhao Gongming laughed angrily, "So, that poor Taoist has to see whether you are good at teaching, or whether we intercept and teach many people!!"

Speaking of which, it is impossible for anyone to take a step back.

In that case, what can we do? Shake people!!

Zhao Gongming decisively took out the communication instrument, quickly wrote a few lines on it, and then put away the instrument.

When Yang Jian saw this, he naturally knew that the matter was so serious that he could not stand it alone, so he immediately sent the news back, ready to shake a large number of masters who came to explain the teaching to see how to intercept the teaching.

And the reason why the two of them are stuck here and does not retreat is because they are acting, so naturally it is impossible for them to retreat, and they have to bring in people.

Second, it is because, on the bright side, this matter is of great importance, even the relationship between the two religions. If it is handled improperly, Yang Jian will be the culprit. Therefore, even if Yang Jian is not afraid of Zhao Gongming, he will not dare to leave at this time. , he had to wait for the person who explained the teaching to call the shots for him.

What's more, even if Yang Jian wanted to leave, in front of Zhao Gongming, he might not be able to leave!

··For flowers....

Therefore, the two chose to shake people without hesitation, and then maintained a tense confrontation.

Obviously, at this time, the two people's play can be considered to be the end, and only the two sects can get together, and then start the fight, the matter is done.

Interpretation of teaching, Yuxu Palace.

Yuxu Palace is the Taoist place of Yuanshi Tianzun, but many immortals and loose immortals under Yuanshi Tianzun will gather in Yuxu Palace to practice, including Guangchengzi, the eldest disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Guangchengzi is the chief disciple of the Yuanshi Tianzun, and he is also the actual manager of the teaching.

It can be said that all the immortals who explained the teachings respected Guangchengzi and were willing to obey his management, which also made Guangchengzi's prestige only under Yuanshi Tianzun.

.0 On this day, Guangchengzi was still meditating with his eyes closed. However, the next moment, a message came in. "Huh? Junior Brother Yuding asks to see you?" After reading the message, Guangchengzi's eyes flashed with a trace of doubt, but without hesitation, he immediately opened the restriction and let the real person outside Yuding walk in. "Junior Brother Yuding, rare guest, why are you here?? Guangchengzi looked at Master Yuding with a smile on his face! When Guangchengzi wanted to come, Master Yuding must have something to look for when he came this time, otherwise It won't appear in Yuxu Palace, but will stay in his Jinxia Cave. Because Yuding has a lively nature, is more free and easy, likes to wander around, and rarely appears in Yuxu Palace, even his Yuquan Shanjinxia Cave seldom stays. Usually Guangchengzi has some difficulty in finding him unless he comes back by himself. Therefore, Guangchengzi is very sure that there must be something wrong with the Master of Yuding this time. Guangchengzi is already mentally prepared. , Prepare to satisfy him as much as possible no matter what Master Yuding wants. After all, Master Yuding is also highly valued by their masters, and his strength is also extremely strong, so for Master Yuding, Guangchengzi is still right. However, what Master Yuding said at the next moment made Guangchengzi's face change greatly. "Senior brother, my disciple, Yang Jian, came back with a message, saying that the interceptor was about to kill him, and he sent a message for help, and I feared that there would not be enough of them. In order to control the scene, I hope my brothers can help!!

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