At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

735 Strong counterattack, offensive and defensive ectopic! 【Subscription】

War is imminent!!

As the attack orders came out from the two camps, the armies of the two sides facing each other at a distance of ten miles began to slowly approach the opposite side.

On this side of the Four Immortals, densely packed soldiers gathered into square formations one after another.

Although the number of enemies on the opposite side is not much different, they appear to be relatively loose. There is no formation at all, and they are simply gathered together.

Comparing the two, the Four Immortals appear to be very disciplined, and at first glance it is an army of iron and blood.

As the distance between the two sides continued to approach, the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties were all awe-inspiring and bloodthirsty, their whole bodies were surging, and they were obviously ready for a thunderous strike.

When the distance between the two sides was shortened to within three miles, the attack signal was the first from the four immortal dynasties camp!!

"The first three legions listened to the order and used magic weapons to attack!!

"The Third Army Corps obeyed the order and used the Talisman to attack!!"

"Kill!!!" 9

According to the lineup distribution of the four immortal dynasties, the ordinary legion was divided into several large legions, lined up in the front and middle positions, acting as the vanguard.

The core legion is deep in the rear, not only to hold the line, but also to supervise the front legion, so the first wave of offensive under the contact of the two armies did not dispatch the core legion.

The soldiers in front responded immediately after hearing the order.

I saw the soldiers in the front row raised their magic weapons one after another, most of which were standard magic weapons, and most of them were long-range attack magic weapons such as magic crossbows and bows and arrows.

Those soldiers had already made preparations. After the order was issued, they pulled the trigger of the crossbow or loosened the bowstring.

Of course, there are also a small number of soldiers who use instruments such as flying swords and flying knives, which are also sacrificed with a single trick.

The soldiers in the next few rows were holding a talisman in their hands. These talismans included various types of spells such as fireball, ice pick, boulder, and lightning strike.

The moment the soldiers got the order, they slammed the mana onto the two talismans, and the talismans in their hands suddenly radiated light, and the center of their palms jumped slightly. With a wave of Qi Yang's hand, he threw the talisman that had been activated in his hand directly at the enemy on the opposite side.

In an instant, countless secret crossbow arrows and a large number of magical instruments were like locusts passing through the border, densely shrouding the enemy on the opposite side, covering the sky and the sun, extremely terrifying, and at the same time awe-inspiring.

At the same time, countless talismans were inspired and turned into countless spells, including a bathtub-sized fireball exuding scorching firepower; a sea-bowl-sized, incomparably sharp ice pick; a huge house-like hard rock, and countless paths out of thin air. The bowl-sized thunder and lightning that appeared, mixed with various spell attacks, looked extremely dazzling, but also looked extremely terrifying, all of them slammed towards the enemy on the opposite side.

Such a terrifying and intensive offensive, if seen by ordinary immortal cultivators, they would definitely be frightened to death.

The enemy on the other side did not expect that their side would be a little slower, and they would lose the first move.

You must know that in such a large-scale war, being able to take the lead means that you have a huge advantage, you can attack one round first, or even press the enemy to fight later.

This is also precisely because the legions of the four immortal dynasties are strictly disciplined and forbidden, so they can take a step forward and occupy the most important first mover.

As for the leaders of the sects in Central Continent, it was impossible for them not to understand this truth, but at this time they were unable to change the fact that they had lost their first movers. Therefore, various orders came out one after another from the resistance alliance army.

Some leaders were worried that the damage would be too great, so they ordered to defend first. Some leaders were afraid that they would be pressed and beaten all the time, so they ordered to attack with all their strength, wanting to counteract the enemy's attack by counterattack. At the same time, a two-handed choice of defense and offense was made.

Under such circumstances, the side of the Resistance Alliance army appeared to be in a lot of confusion, and they could not achieve unity of command and command at all. In addition, they lost their first move. Therefore, after a while, the Resistance Alliance ushered in a painful loss of casualties.

The crossbow arrows that were so dense that they could not dodge at all and could only be resisted came in waves one after another, and each crossbow arrow not only carried a huge force, but also exploded on its own after hitting the target, producing a great formidable power. In a short period of time, the resistance alliance army suffered a huge loss, and tens of thousands of birdmen and monks were shot down by these crossbow arrows, or were directly blown to pieces by the explosion.

・・For flowers.......

This is not over yet. The various spell attacks that followed also made the resistance alliance army complain endlessly. A large number of birdmen and monks were either burned into human-shaped fire pillars by fireball, or they were pierced by ice picks. It was directly split into coke by lightning strikes.

The most important thing is that, whether it is the crossbow arrow or the magic attacks transformed by various talismans, it is like an inexhaustible, constantly bombarding the resistance alliance army, so that the enemy who has lost the first move has no way to fight back, and can only be forced to be beaten. .

Under such circumstances, the casualties of the Resistance Alliance can be imagined. Almost every moment, a large number of birdmen and monks were slaughtered, and large areas were constantly vacant, and then they were filled by the people behind.


This is still in the case that the core legion of the four immortal dynasties has not made a move, this is also the advantage of taking the first move!!

In just the first wave of offensive, the Four Immortal Dynasties brought huge casualties to the Resistance Alliance.

However, the resistance alliance army is not helpless. Although it lost the advantage of the first mover, and at the same time because of the issuance of various orders, the battle situation is chaotic, but the meditation Luohan of the Western religion is not a mediocre. The rest of the major forces reached a consensus, using the short interval after the first wave of the four immortal dynasties' offensive.

launched a counterattack.

Compared with the four immortal dynasties, the anti-alliance army had far fewer long-range attack instruments, and they were more accustomed to using spells to attack.

Therefore, although the resistance alliance army was still under various offensives at this time, as soon as they saw the attack interval of the four immortal dynasties, the major forces dominated by Western religions immediately caught up and gathered most of their manpower to attack the four immortal dynasties. A strong counterattack was given.

All kinds of terrifying spells rushed towards the camps of the four immortal dynasties, and they didn't seem to have been transformed by talismans, but were all directly condensed by those birdmen and monks with mana.

No one expected that the enemy army would be able to seize the short attack interval of the Four Immortal Dynasties and launch a powerful counterattack!!

The offensive and defensive trends of both sides were suddenly reversed!! Beg.

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