In the face of the enemy's counterattack, every soldier of the four immortal dynasties has a solemn expression, but there is no fear at all.

Moreover, Ying Zheng and others have already made deductions for such situations, and they have been prepared for it, so they are not confused at all.

Before the enemy's offensive approached, I saw one person standing in the center of each square formation. All of these people made a unified action, that is, they raised their hands high, and when the mana in their palms spit out, they stood up. A huge circular shield firmly protects all the soldiers in the square formation.

These soldiers were naturally the Immortal-level soldiers that Ying Zheng and others had arranged in each formation in advance. This move was also to protect against the enemy's offensive.

Just as the giant shield was propped up, countless terrifying spells from the enemy slammed over.

Bang Bang Bang "Seven Zero Three"!!!


Countless spells kept hitting the circular shields, making loud bangs, and at the same time, various spells burst open after the impact, sending out all kinds of violent explosions, all kinds of flames, ice, lightning, etc. Wait for it to spread.

However, there was a protective shield held up by experts from Heavenly Immortals. Although some of the shields were shaky due to the bombardment, they did not break. They were still firmly supported, and each soldier was firmly protected without causing any casualties.

In fact, this one-handed measure was only thought of by Ying Zheng and others recently.

Seeing this scene, the countless birdmen and monks on the opposite side were dumbfounded, and they didn't expect to be able to play like this.

This is the downside of inherent thinking!

In the past, although the major forces in the Tianyu Realm attacked each other, they have never experienced the invasion of foreign forces for tens of thousands of years, and then started such a large-scale war.

Therefore, whether it is a high-level bird man in the Tianyu Realm, an ordinary bird man, or a foreign monk from the Western religion, they have no experience in large-scale wars, and until now, they have never thought of such a strange way of fighting.

They just use the number of people and use various spells to attack the enemy, but there is no tactical innovation.

However, Ying Zheng and others are different. They have experienced countless teachings from Ji Han, and their thinking has already surpassed the limitations of the past. In addition, they have experienced countless wars, including World War I and World War II, ancient cold weapon wars, and more. Hot weapon wars, and all of them are large-scale battlefields with huge numbers of people, so the tactical thinking of Ying Zheng and others has already been tempered, how can they be compared with the native birdmen of Tianyu Realm?

Therefore, it is not surprising to come up with a few fancy tactics.

What's more, the four immortal dynasties have 200,000 immortal-level soldiers. This is the background, so that this tactic can be realized.

But no matter what, seeing the four immortal dynasties actually made such defensive measures, there was a sudden chaos in the resistance alliance army.

All kinds of "impossible", "why is this" and other inconceivable words constantly spit out from the mouths of those birdmen and monks, showing their shock in their hearts.

The most important thing is that everyone has already thought that the four immortal dynasties have such peculiar defensive measures, but they did not. As a result, even if they continue to attack, the enemy will not suffer any casualties at all. Every moment they resist the alliance, there will be huge casualties. Appearance, under such a situation, if they resist the alliance without effective countermeasures, there is no need to fight, it won't take long, their resistance alliance may be scattered in a hurry!!

Of course, it is not impossible for the resistance alliance army to follow the actions of the four immortal dynasties, but it cannot be done immediately, at least not in such a chaotic battlefield, at least until the next war. appropriate tactics. And the decision makers of the major forces such as Shen Si Luohan naturally saw that scene.

They know better than ordinary soldiers what it means.

Once they make a wrong decision, or can't find a way to deal with it, then this war will definitely end in their fiasco.

In this case, it will be difficult for them to stick to Central Continent!!

In such a situation, Shen Si Luohan couldn't help sighing: "Fortunately, we have the support of two seniors this time, otherwise it might be over!!

What the meditation Luohan said was Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi!!

This is the biggest trump card of Shensi Luohan and the others, and it is also the reason why Shensi Luohan can't change his face after seeing the situation in such a dilemma.

Thinking of this, Shen Si Luohan asked his younger brother Tota Luohan to explain and appease the decision-makers of other forces, and he himself turned into a beam of light and flew back.

Soon, Shen Si Luohan came to the rear of the camp. There were only hundreds of figures, and there was no one else.

These are Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi, as well as the hundreds of ancient beasts they led.

After coming to Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi, before Luohan could speak, Daoist Mosquito took the lead and sneered: "What? I can't hold it anymore??"

Obviously, although he was in the rear, with Daoist Mosquito's cultivation base, he could easily observe the entire battlefield with his divine sense, and he knew the changes of the situation like the back of his hand!

"Yes, the senior's discernment is perfect!!" An embarrassed look appeared on the face of Shen Si Luohan, and then he pleaded solemnly: "I believe that the two seniors have already seen that the enemy has some tactics in his tactics. I was caught off guard, and now I can only ask the two seniors and fellow Daoists to take action, otherwise the situation will be out of control!!

Originally, Sisi Luohan wanted to invite Daoist Mosquito and the others to take action when the battle situation became more anxious, and then they would definitely achieve greater results.

However, the change in the situation caught Shen Si Luohan by surprise, so he could only invite Daoist Mosquito and the others immediately.

Daoist Mosquito didn't take it seriously, he nodded slightly and said: "Well, I came here this time to help you, hehe, the two of us also want to meet this foreign force and see what it is!

"Fellow Daoist Jin Chanzi, everyone, let's go on 4.3!!

Daoist Mosquito greeted Jin Chanzi and the hundreds of ancient beasts behind him, and then hundreds of escaping lights flew out in unison, galloping towards the army of the Four Immortals.

Obviously, Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi are finally ready to fight!!

They also observed for a while in the rear just now, and they also had a general impression of the strength of the four immortal dynasties, so they also saw that if they hadn't made a move, or they didn't come to support this time, then Zhongzhou probably really It won't be long before it falls into the hands of the enemy.

And by then, their Western efforts in this world will be in vain.

This is not what Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi wanted to see, and they did not dare to sit back and watch, so at the request of Shen Si Luohan, they decided to take action!!.

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