At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

073 The earth moves and the mountains shake, and the city of Touman falls! [Additional, please order

After crossing the North River

The three-way army of Daqin and the Huns launched a series of battles. The two sides killed you and me, and it was extremely tragic!

The three-way army is like three iron swords, mercilessly plunged into the hinterland of the grassland!

The Huns attacked again and again, but they did not disrupt their pace at all, let alone block their way.

Morton's plan failed!

No one can stop Qin Jun!

Moreover, the vast and boundless prairie did not hinder the Qin army's pace. They were two horses, and they were extremely fast. In just half a month, they advanced to the vicinity of Touman King City.

Li Xin, Tu Sui, and Meng Tian lead the team together!

A full force of 400,000 to 500,000 troops stretched for hundreds of miles, causing the Huns on the city wall to feel numb.

"Damn, damn it!"

"They're coming, they're coming! 99

"Did these Qin people take the wrong medicine?

"Why are you chasing it so hard, don't you want to completely wipe us out?"

All the Huns were in a panic. At this time, most of the Huns on the prairie gathered in this royal city, and a total of 170,000 to 80,000 people crowded the small royal city.

Outside the city is a large 187 blockbuster enemy army, which makes people feel hopeless.

"Everyone, don't panic!" Touman pretended to be calm and comforted: "Our city walls are tall and they can't get in. The gods are protecting us, what are you afraid of!"

"How tall are the walls?

Behind the crowd, Mao Dun revealed a wry smile!

The wall of this royal city is only seven or eight meters high. It is a simple stone and mud city. There is no material on the grassland, and it cannot be a big city at all!

This is also the only city on the grassland, how tall can it be?

Touman of the frog in the well thought he could defend with this city.

This is going to be fought, and it will be over in less than half a day.

"When the Huns are finished, they have to think about the way back!"

Mo Dun's eyes flickered and he pondered.

But he hadn't waited for him to figure out what to do.

A cavalryman rushed out from the Qin army on the opposite side, he roared close to the Xiongnu King City, and shouted loudly: "Hun King Touman, listen, His Majesty the Great Qin Shi Huang has an order to hand over Motun, and I will keep you with a whole corpse. , If you don't obey, the Hungarian (bbed) slaves and dogs will not stay!

All the Huns on the city wall were stunned for a moment, and then they all looked at Mo Dun!

Qin Huang asked him by name? What does this mean?

"Oops! 35

Mo Dun's face changed wildly, he originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos to quietly withdraw with his troops, in order to make a comeback.

But he never thought it would be like this!

He had never been to Daqin, nor had he offended Ying Zheng, so how could he be targeted by him? And he even called him by name?

"Father, no!" Mo Dun roared anxiously: "Emperor Qin is trying to divide us, and he said that he would spare your whole body only after handing it over to me. It is clearly impossible to negotiate with them, so let's fight with them!


Touman snorted angrily.

If Ying Zheng had an order to hand over the Maodun peace talks, then he would definitely hand over without hesitation.

But now he handed over Mao Dun to keep the whole corpse, and Tou Man only agreed when he was stupid.

"Go ahead and prepare to defend the city!" Touman growled.

"Father Wang Yingming!" After heaving a sigh of relief, Mo Dun quickly shouted: "My son, I will go to rectify the troops and horses, and fight against these thieves!"

"Wait!" Touman sneered: "You stay here, you are not allowed to go anywhere!

Touman's order made Mao Dun, who wanted to escape, turn pale!

Although Touman didn't know why Qin Huang was eyeing Mo Dun, he knew that this young son was definitely not easy.

The war is imminent, and he must not be allowed to do things!

Therefore, Mo Dun was forcibly left on the city wall, unable to escape even if he wanted to.

The Qin army on the prairie outside the city is ready to go to war!

Hundreds of thousands of troops kept approaching, looking menacing, and every soldier had a contemptuous grin on his face, ignoring the Huns at all.

"Two generals, how many wooden-handled grenades do you have in your hands? 35 While observing the distant city wall with a telescope, Meng Tian said to Li Xin and Tu Sui: "Why don't we gather the grenades in our hands and smash them all into the ground?" In this royal city, how about blowing up this city wall?" 5

"Okay, that's a good idea!

"I still have three thousand grenades in my hand!"

"I have five thousand!"

Li Xin and Tu Sui all agreed with this proposal!

If hundreds of thousands of Huns were to defend this royal city, they would definitely suffer heavy losses.

This is a death order, they naturally dare not hide it!

In the end, Li Xin took out 3,000 to survive, Tu Sui 5,000, and Meng Tian 6,000. The three of them together had more than 14,000 wooden handle grenades.

"Concentrate the entire army's crossbow, tie a grenade, and blast me!""

"Quick! Fight the drums!"

"Carriage crossbow array, attack!"

More than 1,000 crossbows had already been tied with grenades, and after igniting them, they shot at Touman King City!

A large number of crossbow arrows plunged into the city wall, the city head, or shot into the city!

The next moment, more than 3,000 grenades exploded like crazy.


A burst of fire soared into the sky, and the earth shook!

Most of the city walls of Touman King City collapsed in an instant.

This kind of low city wall made of mud is not resistant to beatings at all, and the city wall collapsed in an explosion, and a large number of soldiers screamed, either being killed or buried by the city wall!

The city also exploded everywhere and caught fire everywhere!

Many tents were devoured by the fire, the cattle and sheep fled desperately in fright, and the scene was chaotic!

"Go on, shoot!"

"Third round, shoot!"

Bombing again and again, one after another.

The King City of Touman was immediately plunged into a sea of ​​fire. Countless Huns died tragically in the explosion. Many people knelt on the ground in horror, watching this scene like a punishment from heaven and kowtow desperately!

"My God, is this the gods punishing us?"

"Help, help!"

"No, how could this be? 39

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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