At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

074 With this inscription, praise the immortal master's eternal prestige! [17, please subscribe

The epoch-making weapon, the grenade, easily defeated the royal city on which the Huns depended!

After more than 10,000 grenades were all fired, the entire royal city had already fallen into a sea of ​​fire and mourning, and hundreds of thousands of Huns had been beaten.

"All troops attack, kill! 35

"Great Qin Wansheng!

"Great Qin Wansheng!

Li Xin, Tu Sui, and Meng Tian all gave the order to attack the whole army!

They knew very well that the Huns had already been beaten and beaten, and at this time they had to take advantage of the victory to completely destroy them.


The three of them excitedly drew their swords and roared wildly~!

"Kill kill kill!"

Hundreds of thousands of troops roared frantically, and they slaughtered the past.

This was the last battle to destroy the Xiongnu. The Xiongnu in the city had been frightened, and they went in to get credit.

Whoever runs slowly gets the soup!

Whoever runs fast eats meat!

Therefore, every Daqin soldier seemed to have been beaten by chicken blood, and rushed forward with excitement, and the tide-like soldiers and horses quickly broke through the ruins of the city wall.

After entering the city, the Qin army would kill anyone they saw, and chop them down when they saw someone!

Some of the Huns wanted to fight back with their fierceness, but they were crushed crazily. A large number of Qin crossbow volleys shot over, and the rebels were shot into a hornet's nest on the spot!


"Kill them all and leave none of them!"

"no, do not want!"

The city was suddenly in chaos!

The screams, the wailing, and the screams were endless.

The Qin soldiers were numerous, strong and strong, and their momentum was like a rainbow.

The Huns have long been scared out of their courage. Wherever their opponents are, the battle situation is often collapsed at the touch of a button, and they cannot organize an effective defense at all.

"Hurry up, follow this king and go out, hurry up!"

"Bastard, don't mess up, don't mess up!

"Stop them, hurry up! 99

Touman growled anxiously, desperately trying to escape with someone.

But no one paid him any attention in the chaos, and there were fewer and fewer people around him, and the Huns fled everywhere, completely out of order.

Touman desperately wants to vomit blood!

He reluctantly organized thousands of people to kill them.

However, before he could take three hundred steps, he was surrounded by groups, and in a short while, the people around him were all dead and wounded, and even he was shot by an arrow.

"Kill it, hahaha!"

"Brothers, can't let them run away!"

The soldiers of the six kingdoms in the Qin army were the most insane. They all rushed to death, slashing at the key points of the Huns, and the Huns who killed were trembling with fear!

In order to obtain the military exploits of Da Qin, these six kingdoms surrendered soldiers, it can be said that they are desperate!

They are well aware of the power of Da Qin, and they also know that if they want to fully integrate into the Qin army, they must have military exploits, so everyone is not willing to fight hard for others.

After half an hour!

This epic battle is coming to an end.

From the very beginning, the Huns fell into absolute desperation. They were completely unable to resist the crazy attack of the Da Qin people, and they were killed in just half an hour.

The rest of the Huns wanted to kneel and surrender in horror, but they were swarmed by excited Qin soldiers, and they were all chopped into mashed flesh with random knives.

"Report to the three generals and capture 152 high-ranking members of the Xiongnu royal family, including the Xiongnu king Touman, the prince Modun, and the leaders of various ministries, please send them!"

A lieutenant led a group of people, drove the captured Touman and others, and went outside the city to report to Meng Tian and the others.

Li Xin was so happy when he saw it!

This Man was in a state of embarrassment at this time, how could he still look like the King of the Huns.

"Kill all of them, and leave none!" Li Xin said impatiently: "Oh yes, which is Mo Dun? Your Majesty ordered him to be brought back to Xianyang to greet him well, and he must be tortured at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China."

"Why?" Mo Dun roared in disbelief in the crowd: "I don't know Emperor Qin, and I have never invaded Da Qin, so why are you targeting me?

At this moment, I felt a sense of depression and madness in my heart!

If he was beheaded here on the spot, he would not feel wronged at all.

··For flowers...

But why did Ying Zheng target him and have to take him all the way back to Xianyang to be punished, which is simply humiliating.

"Haha, how can you guess His Majesty's will?" Li Xin sneered: "You are Mo Dun, right? Hold it and take it away, and the rest, kill!

"No, I am the king of the Huns, how dare you dare to be presumptuous!"

"The gods won't let you go!

"Beasts, you are all animals!""

Touman and the others cursed hysterically, but everyone was too lazy to listen to their nonsense. Swords fell, and all the senior Xiongnu leaders were beheaded.

Mo Dun looked at this scene in despair!

He can't escape if he wants to!

Because his legs have been broken long ago, and he was guarded by five flowers, no one should try to save him!

What awaits him is only a tragic death by torture!

So far, the Huns have completely exterminated their clan.

Even if there are sporadic survivors and small tribes who survived the disaster, it is difficult to set off any waves. As for this prairie, it will completely fall into the hands of Da Qin.

Even if they attacked the Huns in the past, they would not leave troops and horses stationed in the grasslands, even if they were victorious!

Because Emperor Gao was far from easy to control on this day, other alien races often appeared on the grassland after the army had withdrawn.

But this time, Ying Zheng's ambitions have long been unwilling to be reconciled to the land of the Central Plains. He wants the whole world to become the land of Daqin, so not only will he not withdraw, but he will also send a large army to station here!

Don't even try to take advantage of the Da Yuezhi, Qiang people and other foreign races!

Whoever dares to stretch out his hand, Ying Zheng dares to chop off the opponent!

After the war, it is naturally time to harvest the spoils.

The innumerable wealth, cattle and horses in the city of the Huns were continuously transported back to Shangjun!

At the same time, Meng Tian also took out an imperial decree that Ying Zheng had already prepared!

"Your Majesty has an order to erect a monument immediately after the capture of the Xiongnu King City to show the achievements of the Great Qin!"

"With this inscription, the immortal master is praised for the eternal fame, and it will last forever! 33

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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