At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

075 The Shipwreck Case in the South of the Yangtze River, the Rebellion of the Capital in Daming! 【2

The battle of Daqin to destroy the Huns lasted for more than half a month!

During this period of time, Ying Zheng stayed in Shangjun and never returned to the Xianyang Palace, so he did not go to Ji Han's small farm to eat and drink twice in a row!

In the same way, Chongzhen didn't have time to go there!

Because at this time he is facing a big trouble.

After many days of fermentation, the grain shortage in the capital of Daming became more and more serious. Chongzhen once sent people to interview the major grain merchants in the capital and asked them to sell at lower prices.

However, these grain merchants either sneered at it and ignored it, or "one eight seven" was a violation of yang and yin, and they cut prices on the surface, but in fact they were short of jins and taels, so that the people were angry and dare not speak.

At this time, several large ships that transported grain from Jiangnan to the capital unexpectedly sank. When the news came to the capital, this panic was completely diffused!

Countless people rushed to the rice shop to buy high-priced rice, and the grain merchants made a lot of money!

However, the Ministry of Household's disaster relief silver taels were quickly exhausted, and hundreds of thousands of victims who were waiting to be fed had no food rations.

The entire capital is almost in a mess!

Because of this, the Ministry of Household continued to cry on the poor and sell the poor one day.

It is stated that if the funds are not allocated, these hundreds of thousands of victims will have to go hungry!

In the Qianqing Palace, the faster Chongzhen made this memorial, the angrier he became. He couldn't help but slapped the table and roared: "You bastards, I gave them millions of disaster relief funds, and it will be spent in less than ten days?"

"Don't think that I don't know what's going on outside, the major grain merchants have joined forces to raise the price of food, I think they are simply lawless!

"And what happened to the sinking of this grain-carrying ship? How could a good ship sink? Didn't the Dongchang find anything yet?"

Chongzhen's roar made all the eunuchs tremble!

The high food price incident during this period is actually a ghost.

Even this grain ship was weird.

But who dares to say? Who dares to check?

The eight major merchants in Shanxi all have hands and eyes open to the sky, and they are all their people, both inward and outward. Which official in each state has confiscated their favor?

Which of the commanders in various places has no relationship with them?

If this kind of thing is stabbed out, it will turn the world upside down.

"Go back to the Holy One!" Cao Huachun immediately came out and replied bravely: "After investigation by Dongchang Fanzi, the incident of the shipwreck in the south of the Yangtze River is quite strange. Before the sinking of many shipwrecks, the food had been transferred."

"At present, the East Factory has controlled the relevant people, and all the details are being interrogated. It is suspected that there is a major involvement with the Jingshi Caoyun Division, but several key witnesses are unwilling to speak. 99

"And among the sixteen large grain merchants and twenty-three medium-sized grain merchants in the capital, all of them have been found to be hoarding grain for huge profits!

“Among them, many grain merchants headed by the Shanxi merchant Fan’s family have built more than ten secret granaries in the suburbs, hoarding grain and grass that exceeds a million stone.”

Cao Huachun's words shocked everyone present!

They all felt that something was wrong, and after thinking about Chongzhen's thunderous tactics last time, everyone's back was even colder. When this master heard the news, I'm afraid he would be even more furious.

"Can't you handle the case if the witnesses don't speak up? What do I raise you for?"

"Pry open the witness's mouth immediately, I want real evidence, if your Dongchang can't do it, let Jinyiwei do it, so you don't have to stand in the pit and not shit!" Chongzhen scolded in a rage.

"Sorrow, please calm down. Sage, please calm down!" Cao Huachun quickly assured: "The old slave will be interrogating him overnight. Be sure to pry the mouths of these dog thieves open to get all the conclusive evidence."

"I will give you a day to find out the sinking case, and I will punish you severely! Chongzhen roared in anger.


Cao Huachun quickly agreed!

"Where's Li Yuanyin? Are you there yet? Xuan! 55

Chongzhen continued to urge, and after a while, Li Yuanyin, the commander of the Jinyiwei, entered the hall to worship.

"My minister pays homage to the saint!"

"No ceremony!" Chongzhen said with a face full of livid: "Li Aiqing, I want you, Jin Yiwei, to take over the grain storage case. These major grain merchants have hoarded millions of stone grains for huge profits. Do you really think that I dare not kill them? "

"You immediately dispatch your troops and bring people to seal up their shops, granaries, and raid the homes of these profiteers. It doesn't matter if there is no evidence. You can always find evidence in the process of raiding!"

"I gave you the sword of Shangfang, but you can cut it first and then play it, and those who dare to resist will be killed without mercy, can you do it? 95


"I will live up to my mission!"

Li Yuanyin agreed excitedly!

A burst of excitement flashed across his eyes in an instant.

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