At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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After half a day.

After half a day, the fierce war had already come to an end. Except for the soldiers who were still chasing and killing their targets, they had not returned, and the millions of soldiers who stayed in the center of the battlefield were cleaning the battlefield.

As early as an hour ago, most of the besieged Central Continent masters had already been put to death, with the exception of very few who were able to escape desperately.

However, even if those people have escaped, it has no effect on the overall situation. After this battle, it means that there is no force in Central Continent that can stop the footsteps of the four immortal dynasties.

After all the hostile masters were wiped out and the battlefield was restored to calm, Ying Zheng and the four immediately ordered everyone to clean the battlefield, collect any useful materials, and then destroy all the corpses.

At the back of the battlefield, Ying Zheng's four people were full of joy at this time.

Ying Zheng put his hands on his back and laughed loudly: "Haha, it's finally resolved, after this battle, I want to see, who can stop our four immortal dynasties from unifying the Tianyu Realm?

"Haha, there are three fellow Daoists, Ao Lie, what's wrong with 11!! 95

"Not bad, this battle can be said to have been accomplished in one battle, and at the same time it has also solved the branch of the Western Church.

"Hey, that's true. Next, as long as we integrate our forces and continue to push horizontally, I believe it won't be long before we can unify this world!!"

The three of Cao Cao also laughed and echoed, and their expressions were full of confidence and longing.

In the past six months, their four immortal dynasties have been suppressed and beaten by the enemy, and the loss will not be mentioned. At least it made Ying Zheng and others feel very embarrassed, but because of the existence of Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi, they had nothing to do with the enemy army. Able to hold back.

Well now, they invited three masters of the Great Luo Jinxian, and with preparations, they killed the two great enemies, Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi in one fell swoop, and also won a big victory, killing most of the enemies in one fell swoop. The army was completely beheaded, and most of the resistance was immediately swept away.

In this case, how could the four Ying Zheng not be overjoyed?

When they thought that the four immortal dynasties would soon be able to unify this world, the four Ying Zheng couldn't help but get a little excited.

Being able to unify the Heavenly Feather Realm means that their four immortal dynasties will usher in a period of soaring strength again. After all the results of the battle are digested, they will use the Heavenly Feather Realm to feed back the four immortal dynasties. In this way, the strength of the four immortal dynasties will be reduced It can skyrocket a lot!!

This can be considered to live up to Ji Han's high hopes. After all, with Ji Han's so much help, if he can't win even one Tianyu Realm, how can he fight other big worlds in the future?

As for the two ancient beasts, Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi, although they still don't know their results, Ying Zheng and the others are full of confidence in Zhao Gongming and the three of them. A catastrophe.

Sure enough, thinking about it like this, the next moment, there was movement from the distant horizon.

Three escaping lights of different colors galloped from the distant horizon, and it seemed that they were still far away, but the three escaping lights only flickered a few times, and soon came to Ying Zheng and others not far away.

"Don't panic, it's three fellow Daoists, you don't need to pay attention!!

Seeing that because of the appearance of the three rays of light, the soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield immediately became vigilant and eager to move. Ying Zheng immediately yelled loudly, and at the same time, the four of them quickly greeted them in the direction of the escape light.

Obviously, Ying Zheng and the others could still distinguish the auras of Zhao Gongming and the others.

But with Ying Zheng's call to stop, those agitated soldiers immediately quieted down and continued to do the work of cleaning the battlefield.

After a while, Ying Zheng and the others joined together with Zhao Gongming.

"Haha, it's great that the three fellow Daoists can return unharmed, otherwise we will be ashamed!!"

Seeing that the three of Zhao Gongming returned unscathed, with satisfied smiles on their faces, Ying Zheng rolled his eyes and said hello immediately.

However, Ying Zheng is obviously extremely smart. He didn't ask Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi's fate first. Instead, he cared about Zhao Gongming and the three of them. Although he said that people can see it at a glance, he still made Zhao Gongming and the three of them quite useful. , The favor of Ying Zheng and others has also improved a little.

And Cao Cao immediately answered: "That's right, haha, but there are three fellow Daoists who shot together, I believe those two evil beasts should have already been executed, right??

As for Li Shimin and Chongzhen, they did not speak, but bowed their hands to the three returning Zhao Gongming with smiles.

As soon as the three of Zhao Gongming disappeared, they stood in front of Ying Zheng and the others, then Zhao Gongming stroked his long beard, nodded and smiled: "Yes, those two evil beasts have indeed been put to death!! 99

"Haha, there are three fellow Taoists!!""

"That's right, thanks to the three fellow Daoists!!"

"Thank you to the three fellow Daoists for removing the enemy for us!!

The four Ying Zheng were overjoyed when they heard the words. Although they had expected it, they couldn't help but burst into ecstasy after they got the news.

After solving Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi, they no longer have any scruples in this world.

Therefore, Ying Zheng and the others immediately saluted Zhao Gongming and the three of them gratefully.

The three of Zhao Gongming just smiled slightly and waved their hands indifferently.

For Zhao Gongming and the three, they were very satisfied that they could take the opportunity to get rid of Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi this time. In this way, they not only cut off the two huge tentacles of the Western religion in the dark, but also greatly weakened the Western religion. The strength of Ao Lie also avenged the previous great revenge, and both parties have obtained the results they wanted, it can be said that everyone is happy!!

"Haha, three Daoists please, there is no need for three Daoists to take action next, 720 We have already arranged a banquet, and the three Daoists can wait for us to return!!

After thanking them, Ying Zheng and the others immediately politely asked Zhao Gongming and the others to go to the rear to rest.

The two most difficult enemies have been resolved, and the large enemy troops have also collapsed. The next thing does not need Zhao Gongming and the others to take action. The army of the four immortal dynasties can completely solve all the problems.

However, when the three of Zhao Gongming saw this, they looked at each other tacitly, and then Zhao Gongming said: "No need, since the four fellow Daoists, Daoist Mo and Jin Chanzi have already been executed, the three of them are not in this world. Stay a little longer, and return to the Great Wilderness!

After speaking, Zhao Gongming gave Ying Zheng a nod to the four, and Ao Lie and Yang Jian also bowed to each other, apparently ready to return with Zhao Gongming.

After all, the problem has been solved, and it is useless for them to stay in this world, and sooner or later they will return to the Great Desolation.

In this regard, Ying Zheng and the four couldn't help but be a little surprised, but they decided to go after Zhao Gongming and the three of them, and there was still a chance to meet in the future. Therefore, the four Ying Zheng did not persuade them any more after they kept a few words.

"That's fine, the four of us will not send more, thank you three fellow Daoists for helping out, I'm very grateful, the three fellow Daoists walk slowly!! 35

"You're welcome, fellow Daoist stay!"

After saying hello, the three of Zhao Gongming left this world without hesitation!!

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