At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

753 The enemy is gone! 【Subscription】

Ying Zheng and others silently watched Zhao Gongming and the three leave the Tianyu Realm.

After Zhao Gongming and the others left, Ying Zheng and the others looked at each other and saw the excited expressions in each other's eyes.

Chongzhen grinned and asked, "Hehe, the three brothers, the enemy has been eliminated, what should we do now?"

"Haha, why don't you ask?" Ying Zheng laughed and said decisively: "Of course, we will concentrate our forces and completely sweep all the forces in Central Continent. After we have captured Central Continent, we can continue to sweep North Continent and Western Continent.

Obviously, with Ying Zheng's belligerent and strong character, he will naturally not develop steadily. Since the enemies in this world are powerless to resist, they will definitely take down all the enemies in one fell swoop and completely establish a unified situation.

Cao Cao also immediately agreed: "Yes, such an opportunity, wasted, wouldn't it be punished by God? We should strike while the iron is hot and take Central Continent in one fell swoop!!"

"Haha, that's right at all. After this battle, I believe that it is impossible for the birdmen of the Tianyu Realm and the Western Church to organize any effective resistance. The unification of the Tianyu Realm by our four immortal dynasties is just around the corner!!"

Li Shimin was even more confident at this time, and obviously had expected the follow-up development situation.

Chongzhen naturally knew about this, so he didn't say anything, but smiled and nodded.

The four of them quickly reached a consensus, and immediately ordered all the soldiers to return immediately. After cleaning the battlefield, they rested for three days. After three days, they immediately assembled the army to advance to Central Continent.

The reason for the three-day rest is because the four great immortal dynasties also suffered a lot of casualties, and various war materials were also consumed and needed to be replenished; Whether it is mana or spiritual sense, most of it has been consumed, and it must be recuperated for a few days.

Moreover, the four Yingzheng people are not afraid of those remaining forces escaping or continuing to unite. Although the Tianyu Realm is very large, once the four immortal dynasties are unified, all the Tianyu people will have no room to survive, and they will not be able to escape. It was swept away by the Four Immortal Dynasties.

Even if the remaining forces continue to unite against the four immortal dynasties, they are not afraid of the strength of the four immortal dynasties, and they only need to push and crush them all the way.

As for the hundreds of ancient beasts that escaped, the same is true. Among them, there is no master at the level of Daluo Jinxian. It is completely unrealistic to break through the boundary wall and escape from this world, so in the end, there is only a way for them to perish.

Therefore, the armies of the four immortal dynasties can completely rest for a few days before continuing to fight.

After the order was issued, within half a day, the soldiers who went to hunt down the enemy returned one after another, and then rested in place under the leadership of the generals.

At the same time, the four Ying Zheng did not really relax their vigilance. They didn't dare to be careless. After all, it was not the time to truly unify this world. If the boat was overturned because of carelessness, it would be a lot of fun. No one would be able to withstand Ji Han. 's anger.

Therefore, during the three-day rest period, except for the main force, the rest of the troops were not idle. The logistics began to step up the production of various battlefield consumption materials. At the same time, Ying Zheng and the others also sent a large number of scouts and assassination troops. First, In order to continue to inquire about the information and trends of the major forces, the second is to kill the masters of the major forces earlier.

For a time, although the army of the four immortal dynasties has not yet started again, it has already set off various bloody storms in Central Continent.

A large number of Tianyu clan masters were continuously assassinated, and various information and trends were constantly reported. As a result, the Central Continent was naturally disturbed. The surviving masters laid down various iron barrel-like defensive measures, and at the same time tightened their own forces. He didn't dare to show his face at all, and he didn't dare to stay alone. There were a large number of people around him, so he was extremely prepared.

The defeat of the Central Continent Resistance Alliance army also brought an unimaginable huge impact to the major forces in Central Continent.

In this battle, Central Continent not only suffered tens of millions of casualties, but at the same time, most of the high-level sects were beheaded, and only a few people were able to escape. Therefore, all the forces that participated in the battle were full of vitality. He was seriously injured, his strength dropped by more than half, and even the weaker forces were almost wiped out.

This is definitely a major weakening and blow to the overall strength of Central Continent. When the news came back, those who stayed behind were naturally frightened and terrified. They did not expect such a result.

However, before those forces could come up with any countermeasures, the army of the Four Immortal Dynasties, which had rested for three days, started again, and pushed directly towards Central Continent, with a terrifying momentum of destroying the city and destroying the country.

After learning this news, the major sects in Central Continent were once again frightened and panicked.

However, the Central Continent's military heart has been lost, and the general trend is over. The so-called resistance alliance army is completely vulnerable in front of the four immortal dynasties.

The four immortal dynasties would not be polite to the enemy. The army pushed it all the way, just like locusts crossing the border. All forces encountered were wiped out, and all Tianyu people were wiped out. At the same time, they were also searching for all available materials and resources, and then continuously shipped back to the rear.

For the four immortal dynasties and the Tianyu clan, the two sides have long been deadly enemies, and they are completely irreconcilable. Therefore, the four immortal dynasties will not be merciful enough to keep their hands on the enemy or leave anything alive, but all the people of the Tianyu clan, Kill them all and show no mercy, including the old and the weak, women and children.

Because even if Ying Zheng and the others were kind and left some alive, those Tianyu people would not be grateful to them, but would hate the four immortal dynasties even more. Once there was a chance (Zhao Li), they would definitely take revenge and go back, so still Good for cutting weeds.

In this way, the four immortal dynasties continued to wipe out the major sects in Central Continent. Under the powerful strength, the major forces in Central Continent were simply unable to resist, and they were swept away.

In particular, the various strongholds of the Western Religion have all been taken care of, and all the disciples in the Western Religion are the key targets of killing, and it is absolutely impossible to let anyone go.

For a time, all kinds of bloody storms broke out in Central Continent, and Tianyu Clan also ushered in unprecedented disasters and calamities. In less than three months, all the forces in Central Continent were swept away, and all Tianyu Clan people died and fled. Escape, hundreds of millions of casualties!!

At the same time, all the strongholds and forces of the Western Sect in the Tianyu Realm, including the disciples, were all beheaded.

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