At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

762 Worrying and grateful! 【Subscription】

Soon, in the small manor, Lin Mushan and others met Ji Han who was like a god in their hearts!!

Ji Han is dressed in a white robe, and his long hair is just casually tied into a bun, but the whole person is like an immortal, with an extremely outstanding temperament, and at the same time has a faint sense of ethereal, plus the surrounding is like a fairyland The surrounding environment, and the very fairy-like fairies who were waiting on the side, shocked Lin Mushan and the others, but they didn't dare to take a second glance.

"Lin Mushan has met Mr. Ji!!

"Feng Muru has met Mr. Ji!!


After coming to Ji Han, the seven Lin Mushan immediately bowed and bowed their hands to Ji Han respectfully to show their respect.

Ji Han waved his hand slightly and said, "Get up, no need to be polite, sit down!!

After Ji Han finished speaking, several fairies immediately brought stools for Lin Mushan and others.

Even the stool was moved, and Lin Mushan and the others couldn't say what they wanted to say.

At this time, Lin Mushan and the others were just like seeing the elders in the family when they were young. They didn't even dare to fill their entire buttocks. They only sat halfway, and their backs were quite straight. They didn't dare to lean back at all. Ridiculous 11 with a respectful smile.

Generally speaking, when they reach the position and height of Lin Mushan and others, they are often the ones who are trembling in front of them, but at this time in front of Ji Han, their identities have no meaning at all, and they are not worth mentioning at all, so Lin Mushan and others consciously kept their posture to a minimum.

After the seven fairies had served the tea, Ji Han looked at the seven of Lin Mushan and asked with a smile, "Why are you here this time?"

As Ji Han, why do you need to fight with others, he asked directly.

The seven members of Lin Mushan seemed to have already expected this, they looked at each other silently, and then Lin Mushan stood up as the representative, standing up and replied: "Mr. Mr. Ji pointed out the maze, and I hope that Mr. Ji will give me some advice!! 39

"Oh? It's about an unknown projection that appeared in the sky not long ago??"

Ji Han had a faint smile on his face, as if everything was under his control.

However, Lin Mushan was not surprised by this, he said with a smile: "I really can't hide anything from Mr. Ji, that's right, we are actually here on behalf of the country. We want to ask Mr. Ji, who suddenly appeared? The illusory celestial body, but an alien plane? Will it invade the Blue Star and cause damage to the Blue Star?

In front of Ji Han, Lin Mushan didn't dare to think carefully, and didn't dare to hide anything. He would say something directly. As for whether Ji Han would answer or not, it was not up to them to decide.

"Oh? You call it an illusory celestial body?? Haha, this description is also appropriate!!"

Ji Han chuckled slightly in surprise, then before waiting for Lin Mushan and the others to ask more questions, he comforted: "I understand what you mean, and what you are worried about, don't worry, it's not what you think, and you don't have to panic. , that is indeed another plane, and it is a world that is thousands of times larger than the Blue Star, but it is actually hundreds of millions of miles away from the Blue Star, and it is impossible to invade the Blue Star!! "

"These two worlds seem to be very close, but the huge illusory celestial body outside the Blue Star is just a projection of that world, and it does not have any influence or threat to the Blue Star, so you don't need to worry about anything at all, nor do you need to worry about it. If you need to be too nervous, just deal with it normally, do what you need to do, and don’t need to pay too much attention!!”

Ji Han didn't sell anything, and directly explained the relationship between Yanhuang Xianyu World and Blue Star, and at the same time reassured Lin Mushan and the others that they didn't need to panic and nervous. Treat it normally!

In fact, the connection between Yanhuang Xianyu and Blue Star was something Ji Han never thought of.

After thoroughly refining the origin of the Heavenly Dao of Yanhuang Immortal Domain, because Ji Han is the Heavenly Dao of Yanhuang Immortal Domain and Blue Star at the same time, there is a relationship between the two worlds automatically, which is also Yanhuang Immortal. The reason why the domain suddenly projected outside the blue star.

It's just that Lin Mushan and the others didn't understand, and the whole Blue Star didn't understand, so they were so panicked and nervous, fearing that some aliens would invade Blue Star and then pose a huge threat to the entire Blue Star.

As a result, Kyushu cannot be spared, and there will definitely be unimaginable casualties and losses.

Ji Han was also well aware of the concerns of Lin Mushan and others, so he calmed down a few words and explained the matter thoroughly.

Lin Mushan and the others were overjoyed when they heard it.

"Sir, is this true? Oh, don't get me wrong, sir, we definitely don't question what Mr. means, it's just unimaginable!!""

"Yes, yes, don't blame Mr. Ji!!

"A world that is thousands of times bigger than Blue Star? What kind of unimaginable existence is this?"

"Oh my god, if Mr. Ji hadn't personally confirmed it, we wouldn't have believed that such a magnificent world exists outside the Blue Star!"

"'s fine if it doesn't affect us, haha, thank you Mr. Ji for giving us advice, otherwise we don't know how nervous we should be!! 720

Lin Mushan, Feng Muru and others were overjoyed, and they all spoke in surprise. Some wanted to confirm this fact with Ji Han, some were curious about the world Ji Han said, and some were relieved, feeling that they were coming Ji Han asking is the wisest choice.

At this moment, Lin Mushan and others were deeply surprised and honored to get the answer this time.

Before they came, they were not sure if Ji Han knew the answer, nor if Ji Han would answer them, but now all worries are gone, Ji Han not only answered them, but also gave the clearest answer, let All their panic and nervousness vanished and ceased to exist.

Obviously, the choice to ask Ji Han this time is definitely the wisest and most correct choice for them, and if they do not come to ask Ji Han, maybe they will be like other countries in Kyushu, panicking all day, but unable to guard against .

The current result was exactly what Lin Mushan and others wanted. In this way, Kyushu would have the real information, so he could face various situations calmly, instead of doing useless work, wasting manpower and material resources, and worrying all day long.

"Thank you Mr. Ji for clarifying the confusion, I am really grateful!! 99

Lin Mushan and others stood up one after another and bowed deeply to Ji Han to show their gratitude to Ji Han!!.

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