At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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Ji Han accepted the big gift from Lin Mushan and others with great peace of mind!

Then Ji Han waved his hand and said, "Okay, no need to be too polite. Even if you don't come this time, I will find someone to notify you!"

The Yanhuang Immortal Territory had a relationship with the Blue Star, resulting in a huge projection, causing a lot of panic on the Blue Star. As the initiator, or the person who knows the most, Ji Han naturally finds a way to appease it. , but Ji Han's appeasement target is only Kyushu, as for other countries, Ji Han will not take a look at it at all.

At this time, Lin Mushan and others also understood Ji Han's love for Jiuzhou, and immediately felt extremely ecstatic, because with Ji Han as a great god covering Kyushu, Kyushu can avoid all kinds of crises, thus obtaining unimaginable benefits. Well, this is definitely a great thing for Kyushu.

Therefore, Lin Mushan and others were overjoyed, and all kinds of good words poured out like they didn't want money. If the behavior of Lin Mushan and others were seen by outsiders or their subordinates, they might be shocked.

However, Ji Han seemed to have been tempered for a long time, and he was already immune to all kinds of flattery. He just waved his hand gently, and Lin Mushan and the others could only stop angrily.

However, Lin Mushan and the others had more questions at this time, and Lin Mushan asked carefully: "Mr. Ji, since that world is so far away from our Blue Star, does it mean that we cannot approach or approach that world at all?"

"That's right!!" Ji Han nodded, "The distance between the two worlds is too far, even if Bluestar's technology is improved tenfold, it will be difficult to get close to that world, so don't think too much, there is nothing realistic. All thoughts are thrown away, so as not to be useless!!

"Yes, we understand!!"

Lin Mushan nodded slightly embarrassedly.

Obviously, Lin Mushan heard Ji Han's warning. Before that, when he heard that it was a world that was thousands of times bigger than Blue Star, Lin Mushan and the others naturally started to explore, thinking that if they could get along with that world The exchange of civilizations in the world may bring unimaginable benefits to Kyushu.

But after listening to Ji Han's warning, Lin Mushan and the others stopped thinking about it, and they all became honest.

After all, Ji Han was able to talk so much, which already gave them a lot of face. If they didn't believe it, next time they wanted to come to see Ji Han, they probably wouldn't even be able to get in. They wouldn't be stupid.

At this time, Feng Muru couldn't help but ask curiously: "Sir, I don't know what kind of world it is? There are all kinds of beasts and angels, and the area is so big, it's unbelievable!~々!"

Feng Muru's question is actually what other people want to ask, because such a world is really too curious, but anyone who knows this information, it is impossible not to want to know what kind of existence that world is.

It's just that there was another problem that was ignored by the seven Lin Mushan tacit understanding, that is, how did Ji Han know that it was a bigger world, and how did he know how far apart the two worlds were?

Lin Mushan and others did not dare to ask or think about this question at all, for fear of breaking Ji Han's taboo, so they tacitly ignored it, and now they are just asking some irrelevant questions.

Knowing that they were curious, Ji Han pondered for a moment, and then replied: "It was originally a world ruled by the Tianyu clan, the so-called Tianyu clan are the people you see with wings like angels, and they are full of faith. The world is a world where hundreds of clans gather together. That world is not only a thousand times bigger than the Blue Star, its strength is not comparable to that of the Blue Star. , there's only so much I can tell you, you don't need to think too much!!"

Ji Han only briefly described the original situation of the Yanhuang Immortal Domain, but to Lin Mushan and the others, it was like an unimaginable picture scroll unfolding slowly in front of them, shocking them to the point of suffocation.

Whether it is the so-called Tianyu clan or all kinds of fierce beasts, or the area of ​​the Yanhuang Immortal Territory and the immortal cultivators there, it is not something that Lin Mushan and others can imagine. This is definitely an unimaginable impact for them. I almost fell into it and couldn't extricate myself.

Such a magnificent world, such an incomparably huge world, such a world full of customs and opportunities of hundreds of ethnic groups, anyone would like to enter and experience it.

However, Ji Han's last words of warning were like a basin of cold water, throwing Lin Mushan and others awake.

"Yes, we understand, thank you sir!!"

Lin Mushan and the others immediately responded in unison!

Although they only briefly understood the world of Yanhuang Immortal Realm from Ji Han's mouth, the shock revealed in it was real, enough to make Lin Mushan and others reminisce for a long time.

This is also the reason why Ji Han is reluctant to say more, otherwise Lin Mushan and others may ignore Ji Han's warning and desperately want to contact the world of Yanhuang Xianyu.

Thinking of this, Ji Han said again: I have told you everything you want to know, after you go back, remember to explain to the rest of the high-level executives, don't try to approach or contact that world, it is not something that the current Blue Star can touch , you don't care what other countries do, Kyushu just needs to develop according to the policies and lines formulated before!!

As a native of Kyushu, Ji Han didn't want the development of Kyushu to be dragged down by other things, so he took the trouble to warn him again.

Lin Mushan and the others could hear the meaning of Ji Han's words, they didn't dare to neglect, they got up immediately, and said in unison: "Yes, sir, please rest assured, we must keep in mind your instructions! Sentencing!

With Ji Han's admonition, I believe that Kyushu will be able to avoid useless efforts, and there will be no more unrealistic ideas.


If they ignore Ji Han's warnings and still want to do unrealistic things, then Ji Han will naturally not care about it, and will not pay attention to anything in the future.

Naturally, Lin Mushan and the others didn't know what Ji Han was thinking at the moment, they bowed deeply again and said goodbye to Ji Han: "Sir, please don't blame Mr. gentlemen!!

Ji Han won't keep anything, he waved his hand and said: "Okay, I won't give more, you all go back!!

Lin Mushan and the others said that they did not dare, then under the guidance of the two fairies, they slowly backed out, and then left the small manor.

After leaving the small manor, Lin Mushan and others breathed a sigh of relief. Not only did they no longer have the pressure to face Ji Han, but also because they got the answers they wanted, they no longer panicked. Therefore, the seven of them laughed softly and took their hands with them. In a hurry, I rushed back to Yanjing again.

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