At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

766 Sleepless research! 【Subscription】

Negative emotions such as panic, nervousness, worry and unease began to spread in all regions of the world.

At this time, it was only two days before the projection of the Yanhuang Immortal Territory appeared. When the high-level officials of various countries finally turned their attention to the people, they realized that there was almost a serious panic incident.

Therefore, high-level officials from various countries have rushed to make various announcements, or hold press conferences, etc., in order to appease the people and prevent panic from spreading.

The high-level officials of all countries have sworn to guarantee that this is not other worlds invading Blue Star. Even if other worlds invade Blue Star, they will swear to protect the safety of the people. Therefore, they all hope that the people can keep their senses and not be fooled by any negative information. influences.

Fortunately, officials from various countries responded in a timely manner, which calmed the public's emotions and avoided serious incidents. "Seven Three Three"

Of course, among the countries in the world, only Kyushu does not have this problem. First, the Kyushu government issued a notice early to appease the people in various ways. Second, the people of Kyushu have always believed in the government and the party. , so even a little panic is not enough to affect any overall situation.

At the same time, the Western countries did not give up the research on that illusory celestial body at all, instead they tried desperately to find clues and information from all aspects, trying to study the reason.

Great Eagle Empire, California.

Outside the suburbs of California, there is an extremely secret underground laboratory. This is a laboratory that can only be known by high-level scientists of the Great Eagle Empire and top scientists, and ordinary scientists are not qualified to know.

The full name of this laboratory is the Outer Space Comprehensive Monitoring Laboratory, and it is still the top one in the world.

At this moment, in a room of this laboratory, a four-eyed foreigner with a full beard and disheveled hair is concentratingly guarding in front of a super astronomical telescope. , and this foreigner has maintained this posture for more than two hours.

At this time, a handsome foreigner who also wore a research white coat walked in from the door. After seeing this scene, he immediately called out: "Hey, Kasa, you have been watching for a long time, you should rest for a while, No matter how you look, you can't see anything!!

Obviously, the foreigner named Edward is not surprised by Casa's behavior, because since two days ago, Casa has been in such a state of concentration, and he has hardly rested for the past two days. They are all frantically observing that illusory celestial body, almost completely sleepless.

Therefore, Edward couldn't help but want to ask Casa to rest for a while. After all, when doing research, the body is also very important. If the body breaks down, it is impossible to carry out any research.

But Casa, who was extremely focused, didn't seem to hear Edward's words, and remained motionless, maintaining a posture of observation.

Edward didn't feel angry, because he knew Casa's character, so he just shrugged helplessly and didn't continue to quarrel with him.

It's just that Edward didn't leave immediately. Instead, he picked up the information on the desktop and looked at it for himself.

Not to mention, the more he looked, the more serious and suspicious the look on Edward's face became.

Because all the data written on the stack of documents are all kinds of data observed by Kasa in the past two days, as well as the comparison of various parameters. Although there seems to be no research results at present, it seems professional compared to other experts and scholars. A lot and a lot more detail.

However, before Edward could finish reading, he heard Casa who was beside him suddenly jump up excitedly, and then shouted: "Haha, I know, it must be like this, it is absolutely like this, haha, great, finally It was researched by me!! 35

The excited Casa even seemed to be dancing, apparently falling into a state of inextricable excitement.

Edward on the side was naturally taken aback, but then he was surprised.

"Kasa, what are you doing? What have you discovered? Did the research yield any results??"

Edward immediately reached out his hand to stop Casa's crazy behavior, and then asked aloud.

No way, no matter who it is now, they are paying attention to this situation. If Kasa really researches something, it will definitely make a sensation in the world.

Sure enough, although Kasa was no longer dancing, he said with a blushing face: "Yes, I have already discovered something, haha, hurry up, let me know, and said that I want to meet the leaders of the empire, and I want to face them face to face. report!!

"Okay, let's go together, let's go!!"

Edward naturally has no opinion..

Such a confidential matter naturally had to be reported to the high-level officials of the empire, so Edward did not dare to ask more questions at this time.

After learning this news, the entire laboratory became a sensation in an instant. All experts and scholars crowded Kasa out of the laboratory, and then immediately went to the government affairs center of the Great Eagle Empire under the escort of heavy troops.

And the high-level officials of the empire who learned the news were also excited, and immediately paid the highest degree of attention and treatment, and immediately sent heavy troops to guard the government affairs center. conference room.

Because they all understand that this is likely to be a turning point in changing the fate of the Great Eagle Empire, or even changing the situation in Blue Star, so they should pay attention to it no matter how much.

Soon, scientists such as Casa and Edward came to the conference room and received a very grand reception.

However, Casa and the others are not those who pay attention to these external etiquettes. They simply exchanged a few words with dozens of high-level executives, and then sat down in their respective places.

As the supreme leader of the Great Eagle Empire and the queen of the empire, Queen Elizabeth II looked at Kasa with a burning gaze, then suppressed her excitement and asked gently, "Kasa, is everything you reported true? Yes? Did your research actually yield results?"5

"Yes, 4.3 Her Majesty, after my sleepless research for the past two days, I have indeed discovered something, and I am quite sure that the results I have discovered are real and effective!!""

Kasa didn't mean to be humble at all, but instead stated everything calmly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up, and then full of anticipation, they all looked at Casa.

"Oh? I don't know what the discovery you are talking about is?" the Queen of the Empire asked eagerly.

At this time, Kassa paused for a while, and then there was a hint of enthusiasm and excitement in his eyes, and he said slowly:

"I found that the illusory celestial body that appeared in outer space at this time is likely to come from a huge world, and there are also extremely powerful civilizations in this world!!"

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