At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

767 Is your discovery really accurate? 【Subscription】

When Casa's discovery was presented in front of everyone, the audience instantly exploded.

"What?? That illusory celestial body came from a huge world?"

"And that powerful civilization still exists in that world? Really? 35

"Oh my God, are you sure, Casa? This is no joke!

"Omg, do other worlds really exist outside of Blue Star?

"Kasa, how did you find out, is your discovery really accurate? Is it reliable?"

Including the Great Eagle Empire Queen, everyone was shocked by Kasa's remarks, and they all asked in surprise.

At this moment, no one can calm down.

Because it was another world before Blue Star, and there might be an extremely powerful civilization in that world, which meant that everyone knew what it was, so they were shocked and lost their composure.

But after the shock, everyone immediately woke up, and immediately became extremely pleasantly surprised, with greed and heat flashing in their eyes at the same time.

Because if Kasa's discovery is true, it will definitely be an opportunity for Blue Star to rise, and it will be an unimaginable good thing for their Great Eagle Empire.

Therefore, at this time, everyone stared at Kasa with burning eyes, wanting to hear a definite answer from his mouth.

Sure enough, the next moment Kasa nodded and affirmed: "I am very sure that it must be a world that we can't imagine, and there is a highly developed civilization. Therefore, as long as we come into contact with that world, our big eagle will The empire is very likely to obtain endless benefits, which can not only improve the overall strength, but also this is our hope of catching up with Kyushu."

Casar clearly understood the importance of this discovery and directly qualified it.

That's right, this is a world that will allow us to catch up with Kyushu, so hurry up and find a way to get in touch with that world, don't wait any longer.

That's what Kasa thinks, and it's because Kasa wants to be in touch with that world more than anyone else.

At the same time, in order to verify his findings, Casar also put forward a lot of arguments, such as various data, comparison of various parameters, and various pictures observed with astronomical telescopes, all of which prove that Casar's discovery is very likely is correct.

The high-level leaders of the Great Eagle Empire obviously did not live up to Kasa's high hopes. Their eyes immediately lit up, and they were immediately stimulated by the cake drawn by Kasa. It seemed that they had seen the Great Eagle Empire overtake Kyushu and even dominate the Blue Star. that scene.

Only Her Majesty the Queen was barely keeping her awake. She looked at Kasa and asked, "In your opinion, what should we do next?"

"It's very simple!!" Kasa replied without thinking: "Use all methods and means to contact the world and see if we can communicate with them. If we can, we will be halfway there, and the next thing will be Don't I need to say more?"5

As long as they can successfully contact that world, with the means of those high-level leaders of the Great Eagle Empire, there is no need to say more about the rest. They must be more skilled than Casar, because that is what they are good at.

Therefore, Casa just made a head, and those high-level officials have fully understood it.

The hot expressions in the eyes of the dozens of high-level empires, including dozens of scientists, instantly rose.

"If that's the case, then what are we waiting for, start the plan now!!

"Yes, yes, what do you need? Satellite? Rocket? Or something else?

"Kasa, whatever needs you have, we will do our best to meet them, as long as we can get in touch with the civilization of that world!

"Yes, this opportunity must not be missed, you must find a way to get in touch with that world!

Everyone started to talk about it, and even a little impatient!

This time, even Queen Elizabeth II didn't say anything to stop her, because she knew that such a golden opportunity, let alone others, would not even be missed by herself.

But Casa shook his head and seemed to say with difficulty: "It is impossible to rely on us alone, our country's technology and technology are not enough to support us to carry out this plan!! 39

Kasa's words seemed to suddenly pour cold water on all the excited high-level executives, making it very difficult for them to accept.

"Impossible, our dignified Eagle Empire doesn't have enough technology yet?"

"That's right, Kasa, why do you have so little confidence in your own country!!"

"How can we share this discovery with other countries without relying on ourselves? Crazy?35

"Yeah, Kasa, do you know what you're talking about?"

The executives of the Great Eagle Empire were immediately stimulated by Kasa's words, and they subconsciously made a denial and refused to share this incomparably important discovery with other countries.

This was originally a unique opportunity for their Great Eagle Empire. Once the plan is successful, they will overtake Kyushu and even lead the entire Blue Star. By then, their Great Eagle Empire will become the most powerful country on Blue Star. How can opportunities be shared with others?

Therefore, those high-level executives refused without even thinking about it, and even their faces became ugly!!

Only those scientists in the same laboratory with Kasa kept silent, so that those high-level executives seemed to understand what was going on, so they stopped one after another, with embarrassment, rejection and hesitation on their faces. look.

Obviously, compared with those high-level leaders who don't understand anything, all the experts and scholars of the Great Eagle Empire understand that what Casar said is not a lie, but that the Great Eagle Empire really cannot complete this plan independently. In terms of the height of technology, their Great Eagle Empire still can't compare with the United States, Russia and Germany.

And Kasa seems to understand the thoughts of the high-level people, but the fact makes him have to tell the truth: "Your Majesty, everyone, this is an indisputable fact, you don't have to be so excited, and you don't have to be in a hurry to deny rejection, if we have the ability. To realize this plan, I have already made various demands without saying a word, so why not use this!!”

The rest of the experts and scholars also nodded, agreeing with Kasa's statement.

This group of people are all the top scientists of the Great Eagle Empire, and they are clearly aware of their country's scientific and technological strength. Since even they collectively said that they could not complete this plan by themselves, it means that This is really hopeless.

Therefore, those high-level officials immediately looked at each other, as if they had not expected this at all.

After a while, Her Majesty the Queen asked: "Since it has been determined that we cannot realize this plan by ourselves, does that mean that we must share this discovery with other countries? We must unite with other countries. To complete this plan, is that so?"

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