At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

768 What are you still struggling with? 【Subscription】

The words of Queen Elizabeth II caused everyone present to fall into silence.

It is both reality and desperation!

No matter how much unwillingness in their hearts, they can only face the reality.

Kassa was silent for a while, then nodded with helplessness: "Indeed, Your Majesty, we can't do this independently of other countries. In my opinion, it's better to be honest with the US and them and share this with us. Discover, and then jointly implement the plan, so that although our Great Eagle Empire may gain a lot less benefits, it is still better than nothing!!"

As a top scientist, Casar's intelligence is of course needless to say. He was the first to accept this reality, so he decisively suggested to Elizabeth II to cooperate with other countries, develop together, and implement plans together.

It has to be said that although Kasa's suggestion made the high-level people in the room quite tangled, no one dared to say anything against it.

Because whether it is for the sake of the overall situation or selfishness, it is the most appropriate and best choice to cooperate with other countries. After all, they do not have the ability to implement this plan independently, as Casar said, although it will lose some Benefit, but it's better than getting nothing!

Seeing that everyone was in a tangle, Kasa couldn't help but add another fire: "Your Majesty, everyone, think about it, is this the time to be selfish? What's more, we don't have enough scientific and technological strength, so I advise you Let's put down that unrealistic thought. Besides, this may be our only chance to catch up with Kyushu. If we miss it, we will be left behind by Kyushu, and it will be impossible to catch up with us. Compared with this result, what is the cooperation with other countries? Besides, as the first country to discover, we can completely dominate!!”

As soon as these words came out, it was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, making everyone wake up.

"Kasa is right, we can't hesitate any longer. The sooner this plan is implemented, the better, and the longer it drags on, maybe Kyushu will discover something~々!"

"Indeed, I agree with Kasa's suggestion, we have to face the reality and can't hold on to that point!

"Well, if that's the case, then do as Kasa suggested!"

"I agree too, there's nothing to tangle about it anymore!"

"Yes, so be it, the sooner the better!"

All the high-level executives nodded and agreed with Kasa's suggestion. After all, they are all smart people. After seeing the reality, they will naturally make the most correct choice.

Even Queen Elizabeth II nodded and said: "Very good, since everyone agrees, then this is the decision, and I will immediately make an invitation to the United States, Russia, Germany, Canada and other countries in my name, simply. Explain our findings and make suggestions for win-win cooperation!"5

"At the same time, immediately send people to prepare for the reception of high-level officials from various countries. All etiquette and matters are prepared with the highest standards, and a cooperation meeting will be held tomorrow!!

Queen Elizabeth II made a decision directly, and issued various preparation orders.

"Yes, Her Majesty the Queen!!

Everyone immediately got up, bowed to take orders, and immediately went down to prepare.

Soon, various European and American powers, including some countries with strong technological strength, all received the invitation of the Great Eagle Empire, and at the same time, the high-level officials of those countries also knew that the Great Eagle Empire had already made research findings.

"What? Queen Elizabeth sent an invitation? Saying that the Great Eagle Empire has already made research findings?"

"Really or not? Our U.S. has not found anything yet. Is their Great Eagle Empire more powerful than ours?"

"It looks like it shouldn't be fake, the Eagle Empire doesn't have the guts to tease us!

"Immediately order someone to prepare a special plane, and in addition, notify immediately so that all relevant personnel will come to meet immediately, and go!!"

"Walk around, send a special plane to the Great Eagle Empire immediately, the sooner the better!!"

The high-level officials of various countries who received the news were all shocked. They did not expect that the Great Eagle Empire had actually researched something useful. Therefore, whether they believed it or not, or had other different thoughts, the leaders of European and American countries have made A unanimous decision was reached, that is, to immediately summon relevant personnel to go to the Great Eagle Empire.

Soon, the bigwigs of major European and American countries quickly gathered in the Great Eagle Empire in just half a day.

Because this incident has already caused panic in all countries in the world, and the bigwigs of various countries are naturally very concerned. Since the Great Eagle Empire has discovered this time, they must be present in person, whether it is to confirm the authenticity of the news or to play games with various countries. , Only after they are present in person can they have a bottom line.

And the Great Eagle Empire has obviously made preparations for the reception. All matters have been properly arranged, and the etiquette is not bad.

However, the minds of the bigwigs of various countries have long been attracted by the discovery of the Great Eagle Empire.

Queen Elizabeth had obviously considered this for a long time, and knew that the bigwigs of various countries could not have any waiting, so after the representatives of various countries had arrived, and after they had a slight rest for an hour, they immediately sent someone to notify the bigwigs or Representatives of various countries, let them go to the political center of the Great Eagle Empire for a collective meeting.

This naturally made the bigwigs from various countries want what they wanted, and immediately took the relevant personnel to the meeting place. Obviously, they were a little impatient.

Along the way, all kinds of heavy soldiers escorted, and the relevant routes have long been under martial law, showing the caution of the Great Eagle Empire.

Seeing this scene, the bigwigs of various countries already know what they know. Obviously, the news from the Great Eagle Empire is probably true, otherwise they would not be able to set up (Zhao Haohao) such a big battle.

In this way, after confirming the conjectures in their hearts, the leaders of various countries also began to take advantage of the situation to think about the upcoming scenes, such as what the Great Eagle Empire means, what ideas, what is win-win cooperation, and what should they do? What kind of benefits to win for one's own country, etc., these are major issues related to the future development of each country, and they should not be careless in the slightest.

After all, if you take a small step back in the conference room, you may lose a large piece of cake on behalf of your country in the future, and thus lose a great opportunity to catch up with other countries. Therefore, no matter which country's big boss, they will not Dare to relax.

As politicians, this is what they are most familiar with, and with their keen sense of smell, they have naturally thought of all this.

Soon, the bigwigs of various countries, with different thoughts, began to gather together under the guidance of the Great Eagle Empire, and launched an unprecedented large-scale meeting.

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