At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

769 Why can Kyushu be first? 【Subscription】

This large-scale meeting is quite a bit of the World Summit!

This time, the people who came here are all superpowers, or countries with strong technology and top rankings. In short, there are no small countries.

However, there is only Kyushu here!

This is not due to the negligence of the Great Eagle Empire, but it did not include Kyushu at all, and it is even more impossible to invite Kyushu to attend such an important meeting, because this time they implemented the plan in the name of catching up with Kyushu. How could it be possible to inform Kyushu!

And all the national leaders or representatives who came to the meeting did not mention Kyushu in a tacit understanding, and even ignored Kyushu subconsciously. If Kyushu really participated in this meeting, those national leaders would feel uncomfortable. Woolen cloth!

When the bigwigs and representatives of various countries took their seats, Queen Elizabeth from the Great Eagle Empire, as well as top leaders and top scientists represented by Kasa also entered the venue one after another.

So far, this extremely important meeting, which is related to whether Western countries can catch up with Kyushu, has officially started!!

On such a solemn occasion, Queen Elizabeth naturally did her part to make the opening remarks and welcome speech.

"Dear country leaders, distinguished guests, and representatives, welcome to the Great Eagle Empire, 733 is very honored to meet you again, thank you for coming..."

The opening remarks and welcome speech were not long, only less than five minutes, because Queen Elizabeth knew that the focus of the bigwigs from all countries was not here, and she would not have the patience to listen to her long-winded words. Therefore, Queen Elizabeth It was just a simple speech that was routine and ended.

This time, the leaders of Western countries gathered together, and the entourage they brought were all people with unusual identities. Therefore, based on the attitude of confidentiality and prudence, no reporters participated in this meeting. The entourage of each country is responsible.

After a brief greeting, facing the slightly impatient and eager eyes of the bigwigs from all over the world, Queen Elizabeth did not say anything more, but said directly: "Everyone, this time I invite you to come here because Our Great Eagle Empire has researched and discovered the illusory celestial body that suddenly appeared a few days ago. This discovery is very amazing, and it is also related to the transformation of the entire Blue Star, which has a huge impact on the entire Blue Star. Therefore, our Great Eagle Empire has Based on the spirit and principle of sharing information, coexisting responsibilities (bbed), and jointly maintaining the Blue Star order, we plan to share this discovery, and then act together with other countries to advance and retreat together!!

Queen Elizabeth's words were very straightforward, she simply explained the reasons for inviting all countries to come, and then she almost said that they would fight against Kyushu together and develop together!!

Seeing that they had entered the topic, the bigwigs from various countries raised their spirits one after another, and then immediately began to ask questions about Queen Elizabeth's words.

"Ms Elizabeth, what is this discovery? Who made it?"

"Related to the entire Blue Star change? Are you sure? This is not the time to be alarmist!"

"To act together? How to act together? What are we going to do?"

"There is no problem in advancing and retreating together, but it would be better for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth to explain these things clearly!""

The bigwigs and representatives of various countries are all the top politicians or politicians in the world. Naturally, they look at the problem sharply, and immediately ask the most crucial questions.

And Queen Elizabeth still kept smiling, as if she had anticipated these questions, only after she waited for everyone to quiet down, she smiled and said: "Dear distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, please don't worry, your questions We will answer them one by one. First of all, we will invite our Casa Rifford. It is precisely because of Casa that this research discovery has been made. Next, he will provide professional answers to your questions. Experts and scholars are welcome to ask questions and communicate together!!”

Under the instructions of Queen Elizabeth, Casa, who was sitting underneath, immediately stood up, bowed respectfully to the bigwigs of various countries, and then started his explanation.

The bigwigs from various countries glanced at Kasa in surprise, but immediately turned their attention to the content of Kasa's explanation, as did the top scientists who came from various countries. Hear what exactly Kasa's discovery was all about.

The main reason is that these experts and scholars have a trace of comparison psychology. As the so-called literati are light, they did not research and found anything, but they were one step ahead of Kasa. Naturally, they should listen carefully to Kasa's findings. Maybe they can point out something What's wrong.

Next, Casa repeated the explanation he gave to Queen Elizabeth and others yesterday. It was nothing more than showing various observed pictures and various detailed comparison data, as well as changing parameters, etc. Experts and scholars working with you have also started to ask questions in every detail to understand the reliability and accuracy of this research finding!

Casar is also not stage fright, this is his professional field, all kinds of arguments and professional parameters come casually, and the various scenes he observed without sleep for two days, all of which prove Casar's found with high confidence.

After more than an hour, the explanation and inquiries slowly stopped.

Obviously, everyone has no doubts, and turned into a thoughtful, or frowning look.

And Kasa is making the final summary: "Dear distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, experts and scholars, this is the result of my research, and it is also my discovery. I dare to believe that the world must be a very broad world, It is much bigger than Blue Star, and there must be an extremely powerful civilization in that world!

"This is exactly the important discovery that we have made to go out of Blue Star and to the universe, and it is also an important step. Once we step out, realize, and contact and communicate with that world, then the change of Blue Star will really come, and we as The pioneers are also the first batch of people to communicate with that world, so we don’t need to say anything more about the benefits that can be obtained?!”

"This is not only our hope of catching up with Kyushu, but also the best opportunity for our countries to develop science and technology and strengthen their strength. Once missed, it will be difficult to meet again. Once delayed, Kyushu may be the first!"

"So all we need to do now is join forces, develop together, act together!!

Kasa even has some potential for politicians, and he summed up a few words so heart-warming, which directly mobilized the minds of many people!!

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