At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

770 We should talk about how to cooperate! 【Subscription】

After speaking, Casa bowed again, and then returned to his seat and sat down!

Obviously, his role has already played a role. He is only responsible for explaining and answering various questions. The next thing should be Queen Elizabeth and the others. It has little relationship with Casa, only matters related to the professional field. Only then will he be able to use him again, so Kasa will naturally not be in the limelight again.

And Queen Elizabeth was obviously very satisfied with Kasa's self-consciousness. She looked at the bigwigs from all over the world and smiled: "I believe that everyone has a sufficient understanding of it. How is it? I don't know if there are any questions. Just say it, and if not, we can move on!"

As soon as Queen Elizabeth finished speaking, Paul Wilson, a black boss in the United States, asked: "I really understand something, and we are willing to believe the research findings of Casa experts, so before the Queen's crown The joint action mentioned is to join together to contact that world, preferably to communicate with the civilization of that world, right?"

"Indeed, Your Excellency Wilson!!" Queen Elizabeth nodded with a smile.

And Paul Wilson continued to ask: "Then I don't know how Her Majesty the Queen wants to cooperate? How should we act?

This is obviously the most important issue that all national leaders and representatives are concerned about.

Queen Elizabeth also had a draft, she said without hesitation: "This is the direction we are going to talk about next, Your Excellency Wilson, as well as all the bosses and representatives, if your research on Casa experts finds that There is no doubt, then we should talk about cooperation issues!!"

In this regard, everyone nodded slightly and said that there was no doubt.

Obviously, at this time, even if they hesitated, they would not say it, because most people have already believed that Kasa's research found that if they quit at this time, they will not only lose the best opportunity, but also have a chance to fight with each other. Countries are at odds with each other, and only a fool would do such a thing.

Therefore, no matter whether this action is profitable or not, they must join forces to implement it once, and so many countries have participated, how can anyone choose to quit? If it is really like what Kasa said, then they will These countries can make a lot of money, and the benefits they will get in the future are unimaginable.

This point, all representatives and bosses have already figured out, this is the so-called political game, and the next game is even more important, which will be related to the distribution of interests in the future.

Queen Elizabeth was obviously well aware of it, she said directly: "The so-called cooperation means that we have so many countries united to work together to complete the plan to contact alien civilizations. According to the advice of Casa experts, That world is not close to our Blue Star, so we'd better choose rockets as flying tools, of course, you can also put forward better suggestions!!

After Queen Elizabeth finished speaking, it immediately caused a discussion.

"Can artificial satellites work?

"I'm afraid not, the flight distance is insufficient, the power is insufficient, and the target cannot be approached! 99

"Can you build a spaceship then?"

"Lack of time, and what's the difference with the Rockets?"

"Time is running out, the Rockets seem to be the best option!

"At present, yes, and countries need to provide rare materials for transformation and reinforcement!! 35

Various questions and suggestions were raised one after another, and then they were also answered or abandoned one by one.

In the end, after several hours of careful discussion, all countries unanimously decided to start the rocket launch plan as soon as possible and go to contact the alien civilization.

The launch site of the rocket is set at the Houston Rocket Launch Base in Texas, the United States. The launch time is to be determined, the sooner the better.

At the same time, all countries need to provide human and material resources, as well as various precious and rare materials for the transformation and reinforcement of rockets.

After all, no one knows how far the world is from Blue Star. If the plan is implemented with an ordinary rocket, it is very likely that it cannot be approached. Therefore, the rocket must be transformed and strengthened, and even the power fuel must be carried. Just a little more.

The United States happens to have a ready-made rocket, which was originally planned to be launched in a month, but now it has become the most important part of this plan, so that this plan will not take too much time to prepare.

To this end, the United States directly recruited top scientists from various countries to carry out the transformation work, while other logistical work and all the resources needed for this plan are jointly undertaken by all countries.

··For flowers...

After the agreement was reached, the bigwigs of various countries left immediately, because they wanted to implement this plan immediately and make various preparations.

Top scientists in related fields from various countries have also gathered in the United States to escort this plan and provide the greatest scientific and technological support.

In this way, the plan began to be intensively prepared.

At the same time, after the bigwigs from various countries returned to China, they also had a tacit understanding and directly chose to announce this plan to the domestic people.

The reason why they do this is not only to appease the people, to eliminate the panic that has spread all over the world during this period, but also to show off to Kyushu. We have already made research findings and are about to take action. You Kyushu will wait and see! !

The meaning is probably the same, and there is nothing to hide. At the same time, when it is announced, it can show the people the scientific and technological power of their countries, and even arouse the cohesion of the people.

As a result, the entire Blue Star was detonated in an instant.

The whole incident started to stir up in a frenzy.

"My God, isn't that true? Did I hear it right?"

"Is that an alien world? Is there a powerful civilization? True or false?"

"Fuck, if the two worlds really communicate, wouldn't the entire Blue Star be changed?"

‘I bought Karma, I can’t believe it’s true, it’s so surprising, and of course, it’s amazing!! 35

"It's awesome, the power of the country is really strong, and there are still so many countries united, I am afraid it is really possible now!!"

People all over the world are frantically talking about this.

At the same time, important media in various countries also began to frantically report this incident, especially under the direction of the state apparatus, those media not only praised their plans, but also continued to analyze the benefits of doing so from various aspects. It is even preaching about future changes and possible changes in the future.

In a word, those countries that participated in the plan are sparing no effort to publicize this event, and at the same time, various preparations are also underway!! Beg.

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