At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

771 Why do I need to see their faces? 【Subscription】

Such a major event, even without the publicity of the media in various countries, has already become a buzz after being disseminated on the Internet.

Sure enough, the panic and tension that people from all over the world had existed for a few days has long since disappeared with the reports of the media in various countries, and turned into all kinds of shock and joy, as well as a strong sense of pride!

At the same time, countless people also became excited, especially those in the participating countries, their sense of pride was overwhelming, because they had been suppressed by Kyushu so much for a long time, and now they have a feeling of exaltation, so they simply suppressed it. Can't stop the excitement.

"Haha, did you see that, we Germany is one of the leading countries!!"

"Alien world, powerful civilization, my God, it's exciting to think about it, if you really come into contact with the civilization of that world, won't our country's "Seven-Three-Three" technology develop like a fly?

"Haha, not bad, that's what we want, and sure enough, God still favors us and has not given up on us!"

"I seem to have seen the scene where our country entered the cosmic era and began to rush out of the Blue Star!"

"Me too me too, it's so exciting, this is definitely the most exciting news in a while, haha!!

Countless people began to make all kinds of excited shouts and speeches on the Internet in real life. It seems that only in this way can they vent their excitement and uncontrollable pride.

Now the entire Blue Star is full of discussions about alien worlds and alien civilizations, as if they really saw aliens, most people choose to believe it without a bottom line, and a few people even raised doubts The sound of the voice will be immediately drowned under all kinds of excited voices, and it will not be able to rise at all.

It may be because the people of Western countries have been suppressed for too long, and their psychology has already changed, and they are bent on making their country stand out in the world. Therefore, under such circumstances, with the endorsement of the country, they have no principled choice. to believe.

Only a very few people who are still calm and rational will consider other issues, that is, if it is really a huge world and there is an extremely powerful civilization, why do people want to communicate with Blue Star? If They found that Blue Star was so weak, so they chose to invade? Or it was originally a world dominated by colonization, and they found Blue Star as if they found a colony, so what should Blue Star do?

These issues are deadly and crucial, but most people are too lazy to think about them, or they just ignore these issues subconsciously, as if they are deceiving themselves.

In short, at this time, people all over the world have understood that the times are about to change, and the world will usher in great changes, but no one knows what the direction of this change will be and what it will look like, they only know Thinking on the bright side, but never thought about the heavy price of failure to change.

Before that, the Western countries had been suppressed by the Kyushu, and they watched as the Kyushu began to quickly surpass the countries and came to the front of all the countries, and also achieved the great goal of national cultivation, and began to rush forward on the road of supernatural research. All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred in Western countries.

But they couldn't do anything, they couldn't stop them at all. Instead, they became Kyushu slowly suppressing them. Therefore, the leaders and high-level officials of Western countries were naturally anxious. There is not much effect, but it is pulled farther and farther.

Therefore, all Western countries are eager to master the power of supernatural civilization to strengthen their own strength, and then change the pattern of the world.

It is precisely because of this that when they discovered that the illusory celestial body that suddenly appeared was a world with a powerful civilization, the leaders of Western countries were so eager, so impatient, that they chose to join without even thinking about it. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change the pattern of Blue Star.

Once they miss this opportunity, they don't know when the next time will be. Maybe the next opportunity has not yet appeared, and Blue Star has already been ruled by Kyushu.

Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to wait any longer.

At this time, most of the people in Western countries were still immersed in excitement and excitement. They began to show off and brag on the Internet.

"Haha, Kyushu people, take a good look, our Great Eagle Empire will soon come into contact with a more powerful civilization, and will soon surpass Kyushu!

"Not bad, the people of Kyushu are probably envious now, right? But it's useless to be envious, you Kyushu simply don't have that chance!!"

"Hey, it seems that Kyushu has been excluded, it's a pity, they can only watch us become stronger, this feeling is definitely not good!! 99

"Tsk tsk, that's not what you said, you should say that Kyushu disdains to contact other worlds and other civilizations, haha!!

"Hehe, Kyushu? I don't think they will be around for a long time, let's see, when our countries come into contact with that powerful civilization, the pattern of Blue Star will soon change, and Kyushu will naturally look good by then!

People in Western countries are constantly clamoring and bragging on the Internet, and they even say that they want to surpass Kyushu and look good to Orientals. Well, once you gain power, you won't be forgiving.

Because the Great Eagle Empire did not invite Kyushu to participate in the meeting before, and did not give any explanation afterward, it seemed that Kyushu was regarded as air, so now the people of Western countries have also expressed their attitudes.

Obviously, the powerful Kyushu has already become the public enemy of most countries in the world, and it is also their common target, especially the capitalist countries such as the United States and the Great Eagle Empire, which have a particularly bad attitude towards Kyushu. , Now it is even more faintly 4.3 do not take Kyushu seriously.

They thought wholeheartedly, as long as they could realize the plan and get in touch with the alien world and alien civilization, it would no longer be difficult to catch up with Kyushu, and then they would return to the status of a world power, so why would they need to look at Kyushu again? face ah.

Therefore, for the behavior of the people of their own countries on the Internet, the high-level officials of those countries not only did not stop them, but were happy to see it.

In short, now not only countries are uniting and starting to target Kyushu, but even the people of Western countries have begun to try to use the pressure of fishing boats to play the mentality of the people of Kyushu.

However, those ordinary people in Western countries do not know that the people of Kyushu treat them like clowns, which is both pitiful and ridiculous!!.

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