At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

772 The arrival of the final moment! 【Subscription】

In the face of all kinds of show-offs, ridicules and bragging from foreigners, as if those western countries have surpassed Kyushu, Kyushu netizens will naturally not sit still, let alone stand idly by.

Although they look at those Western foreigners as ridiculous as they look at clowns, they will not let them continue to target Kyushu. Therefore, the huge number of Kyushu netizens have started a sharp counterattack online, and they are not used to them at all.

"Hehe, the labor and management really can't hold back their laughter when they do a day-to-day study. How dare you show off such a completely invisible thing? Is it because your brain is flooded or is it trapped when you go out?"

"Haha, I'm laughing to death, do you want to break out in depression, or do you want to be ashamed? Are you worthy?

"I see, they have been suppressed for too long, and their mentality exploded. Now they see a little hope and think it is the result, but they have never thought about what the mirror is, haha!!"

"It seems that Western foreigners don't have any smart people, it's really pitiful, if the world is so easy to change, and the alien civilization town is so easy to contact, then Blue Star will not be what it is now!!

"Foreigners are optimistic, thinking about what benefits they will get, but don't think about if there are alien civilizations, can people see them?"

"Hey, Western foreigners just like to dream, and this is already dreaming about the future before it even started. It's really funny. If the bamboo basket is empty this time, I really want to see what their faces will be!!

"This is more than just a dream, this is a fantasy at all, haha, and it will look good in Kyushu? You should show me one, we Kyushu are waiting for you!!"

Numerous sharp and pointed satires and ridicules began to appear on the Kyushu network, and even on the networks of other countries. When it is on the network of various countries, it detonates the network of Western countries in an instant.

Countless foreigners have been stimulated by these extremely satirical remarks. It seems that as netizens in Kyushu said, Western foreigners have been oppressed for too long, and their mentality has changed. .

As a result, various wars of words erupted on the Internet in various countries in an instant. Netizens in Kyushu and netizens from various countries also began to frantically exchange and ridicule each other, and they were all releasing their most primitive thoughts.

Under such circumstances, the Kyushu officials did not respond, as if the matter had nothing to do with them. They neither came forward to explain or condemn the actions of the Great Eagle Empire and other countries, nor did they take any other actions. Sit on the sidelines.

Ordinary Kyushu people don't understand, but all the senior officials in Kyushu are really watching the show. They have already learned the truth, so how can they be interested in the plans of Western countries, and even want them to waste all kinds of manpower and material resources to explore, so As a result, after those Western countries have truly tasted the taste of failure, Kyushu's wise choice will be reflected.

After all, there is a comparison that hurts!

At that time, I believe that all Western democracies will be severely slapped in the face!

However, no matter how the netizens of various countries engage in war of words, the rocket launch plan led by the Great Eagle Empire and the United States has been steadily progressing.

At this time, the power of the state machine was fully demonstrated. Dozens of powerful countries joined together, coupled with the cooperation of top scientists and the use of various precious and rare materials, the progress of the rocket launch plan was amazing.

In less than a week, all the preparations for the rocket launch plan have been basically completed. Whether it is the transformation and reinforcement of the rocket, or the inspection of the launch device and other equipment, it has been completely completed.

The United States directly selected two astronauts with the most experience and physical fitness as the forerunners of this rocket launch plan.

After all the preparations were done, the United States immediately sent an invitation to all participating countries, inviting the leaders of those countries to go to the Houston Rocket Launch Center in the United States to conduct tests and prepare for the launch.

The leaders of various countries represented by Queen Elizabeth naturally went to the United States immediately, and then accompanied by various top scientists, they personally visited the rocket that was about to be launched, and also witnessed the final test results.

"Report, Your Excellency, that all equipment, all instruments, and all parameters have completed the final inspection, and no problems have been found. The rocket is ready for launch, please instruct the President!!"

A middle-aged scientist in a white coat immediately reported to President Wilson and others after completing the final inspection.

Paul Wilson nodded, then ordered: "Very well, order everyone to get ready and start the launch tomorrow on time as planned. 35

They couldn't wait, so they set the launch time for tomorrow. For this, Queen Elizabeth and others naturally have no objection.

"Yes, Your Excellency!!""

The scientist in the white coat immediately nodded and took the order, and then conveyed the order, allowing all relevant personnel to make the final preparations.

This plan is extremely important, and no one dared to neglect it. All of them made the final preparations with the most rigorous attitude and waited for the arrival of the launch time.

The same is true for the two astronauts, who are aware of the heavy burden they carry, so they have been doing light exercise to keep their minds and bodies active.

733 And national leaders such as President Wilson and Queen Elizabeth were also full of expectations. After they encouraged the staff, they left the rocket launch center under the leadership of Wilson, and went to rest for a night. Come over tomorrow.

This time, Queen Elizabeth and the others did not choose to keep it secret, but openly prepared to publicize the scene of the rocket launch. At the same time, they also prepared to let the two astronauts broadcast live, and they wanted to let the entire Blue Star people watch it. To their plan, to see them step by step closer to success, to see them come into contact with alien civilizations.

In this way, not only can the sense of honor of the people of their own country reach the peak, and they can feel the arrival of change, but they can also slap the face of Kyushu, so that the people of Kyushu can only watch their success, and they can only be jealous, but they can't do anything to change. .

This is exactly what Wilson et al wanted.

Therefore, the most important media in various countries have received important instructions and dispatched the most powerful media team, vowing to make the most perfect publicity and reporting for the rocket launch plan.

For a time, with the approaching of the rocket launch plan, the focus of the entire Blue Star has also become this matter. Regardless of whether they care about it or not, no matter what the hope is for the outcome, the minds of countless people are on the Houston Rocket Launch Center, waiting for The final moment has come!.

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