At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

773 Our country has never let us down! 【Subscription】

the next day.

United States, Texas, Houston Rocket Launch Center.

It has always been one of the two most important rocket launch centers in the United States, and has extremely important strategic significance and status. Therefore, President Wilson of the United States directly selected the location of the rocket launch plan here.

When it was just dawn, the rocket launch center was already busy, and even most of the people here did not sleep, and they were carrying out various meticulous inspections and preparations in order to ensure that the rocket could be launched without fail. .

And Wilson, Queen Elizabeth and other bigwigs from various countries also came here early, waiting for the launch time.

They are standing on a huge viewing platform hundreds of meters away from the rocket that is about to be launched. Here, they can clearly see the scene of the rocket launch, and they can also have an unobstructed view of the situation of the rocket launch center. For such an arrangement, the bigwigs of various countries are naturally extremely satisfied.

With various entourages, there are hundreds of people on this huge viewing platform.

At this time, Wilson, Queen Elizabeth and others were talking softly, and everyone had a soft and expectant smile on their faces, as if they had a lot of confidence in this plan.

At this time, experts and scholars such as Casa are also making final adjustments to ensure that there will be no unexpected situations.

In addition, there are dozens of national-level media on the viewing platform who are reporting the rocket launch plan live. Since the launch time has not yet come, those media can only first report the conversation of the bigwigs of various countries, but not Dare to conduct interviews without authorization, after all, everyone here has a high identity, and random interviews may attract dissatisfaction from the bigwigs, so no media dares to touch this bad head.

People in all corners of the world are also paying attention to the rocket launch plan at this time. No matter what happens, most people in Blue Star choose to take time out to watch today's live broadcast, because they all know that, This time the plan is related to the future changes of Blue Star, and they also want to know whether it will be successful.

"Come here, the small bench for melon seeds and peanuts is ready, I'm not doing anything today, I have to read it and see if there is any result~々!"

"Wow, the live broadcast has started, so excited and looking forward to it!!"

"Haha, let's all come and see, it's almost time for the rocket launch, so let's put everything away first!!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, these foreigners dare to broadcast live reports, and they are not afraid of slap in the face, hehe, let's take a look too!! 35

"Hehe, I hope the foreigners can gain something, don't cry when there is no place to cry!!"

"Let's take a look first, I also want to see what the alien civilization is like!!

Netizens from all over the world began to watch the live broadcast from various channels early in the morning, including the people of Kyushu.

Of course, watching these reports, the emotions and moods of people in different countries must be different. Western foreigners are mostly excited, expecting and excited, while the people of Kyushu are much calmer, basically watching the drama with the mentality of watching it. At the same time, there is also some disdain and ridicule, thinking that the Western countries' plan this time is impossible to succeed at all.

In short, at this time, countless people are paying attention to this matter and are quietly waiting for the launch time.

Soon, under the much-anticipated, the preparatory launch time will come.

As early as ten minutes ago, Wilson, Queen Elizabeth and the others had already stood up and looked directly at the rocket several hundred meters away.

All the cameras in the scene also aimed their lenses at the rocket. In addition, the two astronauts, Steve and Anthony, were already in place and entered the rocket ahead of schedule.

This time, not only the live broadcast of the rocket launch will be reported, but even the two astronauts have already received orders, and the whole process of the rocket will be broadcast live, so that all the public can watch the entire process and progress of the plan.

Soon, under the anticipation of countless audiences, the countdown sound began to sound from the rocket launch center.

"The rocket is ready to launch!"

"Prepare! 39






As the launch order was given, Kasa slammed the trigger button.

Then the rocket on the launch pad immediately made a huge roar. Countless people saw through the live camera that a layer of orange-red flames immediately emerged from the bottom of the rocket, and this layer of orange-red flames was under the powerful jet force. It spreads directly along the ground, bringing a powerful airflow and a thick white smoke.

Then, under the strong push of the orange-red flame, the rocket started to lift off slowly, and the flames at the bottom of the rocket also turned into two thick flame columns, which were continuously ejected from the bottom of the rocket, and the thick smoke also started Rising up, it was like a giant mushroom cloud erupted, and then, under the gaze of countless people, the bottom of the rocket shot up into the sky with two thick and continuous jets of fire, and the speed was getting faster and faster. It flew straight into space in a curved shape.

Even on the viewing platform hundreds of meters away, Wilson, Queen Elizabeth and others were affected by the strong airflow when the rocket was launched, making their hair messy and their clothes rattling.

It's just that this airflow comes and goes quickly, and as the rocket lifts off, the airflow immediately dissipates and disappears.

At this time, whether it is Wilson and Queen Elizabeth, the national leaders, or the people watching the live broadcast, everyone's eyes are slowly lifted up with the rocket, until the rocket is slowly within their line of sight. After becoming smaller and even invisible, they lowered their heads again.

With the successful lift-off of the rocket, the scene of the Houston Rocket Launch Center immediately broke out with extremely warm applause and cheers.

Wilson and other national leaders showed a confident smile (Zhao Haohao), while the entourage and the media behind him couldn't help cheering in various ways. At the same time, the warm and huge applause lasted for more than a minute.

Such cheers naturally aroused the common celebration of countless Western people outside the scene.

Haha, it worked, the rocket launch was successful!!"

"Very good, very good, haha, this is the first step to success!!"

"I knew it would work, no doubt, how could it fail!!95

"Beautiful, our country has never let us down, haha!!

"Wow, there is still a live broadcast later, don't go away, we will continue to watch!! 39

At this time, the people of Western countries seemed to see that the rocket successfully contacted the alien civilization. Just seeing the successful launch of the rocket, they became extremely excited, cheering in front of the computer or the TV!!.

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