At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

774 This scenery is too spectacular! 【Subscription】

United States, Texas, Houston Rocket Launch Center.

In the general control room of the rocket launch center, all relevant experts, scholars and staff gathered here at this time, and they were all staring at the various data on the big screen and the scene after the rocket took off.

Casar, who was fortunate enough to be in charge of the rocket launch plan, couldn't help but look overjoyed when he saw the rocket successfully lift off.

The general control room was also full of cheers, and the sound of applause continued to inspire everyone present.

After the cheers subsided, Kasa straightened his expression, patted the microphone in front of him, and commanded loudly: "Very good, the rocket has successfully lifted off, and the data monitoring will be started immediately. Changes in data and all the parameters collected by the rocket must be reported immediately, and any abnormal conditions must be reported immediately. Okay, now please report the parameters to the relevant personnel!!""




All the staff present responded immediately.

After a few seconds, all kinds of relevant data were reported immediately.

"Report, the rocket looks normal without any damage!

"Report, the rocket's push-to-weight ratio of 733 is normal and has not changed!"

"Report, everything is normal in the combustion chamber!"

"Okura everything is fine!"

"The rocket is running normally and the speed is advancing normally!"

All kinds of data are continuously aggregated to Casa, and behind Casa, top scientists from all over the world are also listening intently.

In the end, a staff member concluded: "The chief of the report, the rocket is running normally, and all the data are normal!!

"Very good!!" Casa nodded and continued: "Turn on the satellite live broadcast immediately, and connect the live broadcast inside the rocket immediately!!


After receiving the order, two huge screens immediately showed different pictures.

The picture on the left is the live broadcast of the satellite, which is monitoring the overall situation of the rocket. This picture will only appear in the general control room. Therefore, what Casa and others saw is the full picture of the rocket. The rocket has entered the advection at this time. In the middle of the layer, it is speeding up to outer space.

The screen on the right shows a picture from another angle. This picture was taken by the two astronauts, Steve and Anthony, inside the rocket.

Because Wilson and others had already arranged for a live broadcast inside the rocket, in order to let all the people of Blue Star see that they are approaching success step by step, so the two astronauts Steve and Anthony are entering the advection. The installed camera has been turned on for live broadcast before the floor, and the main control room is responsible for broadcasting the live broadcast.

Soon, as long as the audience is still watching the live broadcast at this time, the screen immediately switches to a picture, and the picture is full of white clouds and blue. It is easy to see from the picture that this picture is exactly the same. It was taken from the inside of the rocket, and at this time, it can be seen that the live screen is constantly advancing, that is because the rocket is accelerating out.

"Wow, the live broadcast is also started inside the rocket??"

"I bought Karma, this is really a surprise and a surprise, but fortunately I didn't turn off the live broadcast!!

"Haha, my dear, come and see, our astronauts live broadcast inside the rocket, and we can also see the scenery of outer space!!"

"Fuck, the foreigner's hand is enough to hold it, aren't they afraid of slapping the face on the spot??"

"Hey, who cares, it's not a loss to be able to see the sight of outer space!!

When this live broadcast appeared in every corner of Blue Star, it immediately aroused the amazement and cheers of countless people. They immediately stared at the screen again, wanting to follow the Rocket to see what the scene was outside Blue Star.

At this time, the voice of astronaut Steve also came out from the screen.

"Hello, friends from the audience (bbed), welcome to watch this rocket live broadcast, I'm astronaut Steve!"

"I'm Astronaut Anthony!" Another voice followed.

"Okay!" Steve continued: "Now what the audience sees is the stratosphere of Blue Star, and we are about to break through the stratosphere. Please follow our perspective, explore outer space together, and witness together. The success of this project, thank you all!!”

Although the two astronauts did not appear on the live broadcast due to the installation angle of the camera, their voices could be transmitted back through the live broadcast.

Obviously, the two astronauts, Steve and Anthony, were very excited and excited at this time. It could be heard from their voices that they were full of passion and anticipation.

And countless viewers on the ground also watched the live broadcast with various moods, no matter what the thoughts of these viewers, and whether or not everyone hoped that this plan would be successful, but one thing was the same, that is They all want to see what outer space is like, and also want to see if the legendary alien world exists!

Don't say anything else, just say that this live broadcast of the outer space scenery has already made many people satisfied!

At this moment, even the voice of discussion was much less, and everyone watched the live broadcast quietly with all kinds of hearts.

Soon, the rocket passed through the stratosphere, leaped over the mesosphere, the thermosphere, and the escape layer according to the original predetermined trajectory, and finally passed through the outermost atmosphere and appeared directly in outer space.

When the rocket flew out of the atmosphere, the live broadcast immediately changed.

I saw that there was no longer a monotonous white airflow and clouds in the picture, but an extremely deep dark blue color occupying the entire picture, and at the same time, there were many shiny dots in the picture, and there was another one in the distance. Large glowing sphere.

In the live satellite image, the entire rocket is like a fish, and the entire Blue Star is like a blue lake. At this time, the rocket is like a fish leaping out of the lake and entering a deep silence. in outer space.

Seeing this scene, countless people were deeply shocked.

"This...this is outer space??"

"Oh my God, this deep color, this enchanting sight, it's so spectacular!!"

"Is that glowing giant sphere the sun? Is it?

"Although I have seen the pictures taken by the satellite, but when I actually watch the live broadcast, the shock is completely different!!"

"This is the universe? This is the view beyond the blue star?? 99

Countless people are seeing the scene of outer space for the first time, but they all feel what is spectacular and what is shocking!!.

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