At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

775 I look like nothing has changed! 【Subscription】

The unique depth and vastness of the universe, as well as the twinkling stars in the distance, shocked everyone who saw this scene.

And astronaut Steve's voice also sounded at the right moment: "Everyone watching the live broadcast, now the rocket has flown out of the atmosphere of Blue Star, what you see now is the scenery of outer space, and it is also the unique vastness of the universe. , is it beautiful? Isn't it spectacular? Is it shocking? Haha, I believe many people have seen it for the first time, right? The alien world in the distance, let's witness a vaster and more spectacular universe together!!"9

Astronaut Steve seems to have a talent for live broadcasting, and with his passionate voice, countless people couldn't help swaying, as if they were really exploring the stars with them.

At this time, the two astronauts, Steve and Anthony, were also extremely excited, because after flying out of the Blue Star, they could continue to see the illusory celestial body still in the distance, not leaving, nor dissipating. .

In this way, it proves that the guesses of experts and scholars may be correct. There may really be an alien world there. What they have to do now is to speed up and try to get close to that world as soon as possible.

And countless spectators on the ground also saw this scene, and it was even more shocking than seeing it on the ground, because when viewed directly from outer space, the projected picture seemed to be clearer, and the figures on the projection became vivid- many.

As a result, those Western foreigners who had been looking forward to it suddenly couldn't help cheering excitedly.

"Haha, have you seen it, have you seen it? The world seems to be clearer!!"

"Yes yes, does it mean that our rockets are approaching them?"

"It must be like this, it must be, absolutely right, haha, we're going to make it!! 35

"Oh my God, it's incredible, I didn't expect to see such a magnificent scene in my lifetime!""

"That's it, that's it, haha, let the people of Kyushu take a good look at our upcoming success!!

Countless westerners followed the rocket and cheered as they marched forward. Even Wilson and Queen Elizabeth and others all smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, because this was a very good start, so just continue Move forward and reach the target successfully!!

After the people of Kyushu saw this scene, in addition to many people marveling at the beauty and vastness of the universe starry sky, more people watched with a cold eye, accompanied by many disdainful sneers.

"Hehe, I dare to say that it was successful at the beginning? Western foreigners are really optimistic!"

"Laughing to death, I don't see any change, where is it clear?"

"Haha, shouldn't people be more optimistic? Or are they really getting closer!

"Hey, just take a look, the labor and management want to see how you are slapped in the face!!"

There are many sarcastic voices in reality and on the Internet, representing the thoughts of most people in Kyushu.

The two astronauts, Steve and Anthony, obviously knew their mission, so after a brief introduction, they immediately pushed the accelerator so that the rocket began to accelerate toward the target direction.

It can be clearly seen from the live broadcast screen that the speed of the rocket is constantly accelerating, because the screen is also rapidly moving, but the scenery in the cosmic starry sky is the same, as if it has never changed.

Seeing that the rocket began to accelerate, everyone's attention was also focused. No matter what the minds of the people on the ground were, they all wanted to see the final result.

The two astronauts, Steve and Anthony, in the rocket were also excited, their eyes were full of excitement, and they stared straight at the target outside the window, without any intention of moving away.

At the same time, experts and scholars in the main control room are also paying attention to the two live broadcasts at the same time. They obtained first-hand information and data earlier than ordinary attention, and they also carried out various data transmissions from the rocket. Emergency processing and recording, let the staff report the data every few minutes to avoid any unexpected situation


However, from the launch of the rocket to the time the rocket accelerated and approached the target, all the data were normal, and there were no errors or unexpected situations. This made Casa and the others relieved and secretly excited to look forward to it.

・・For flowers..

Soon, driven by the acceleration, the speed of the rocket was getting faster and faster, and it was getting closer to the target outside the starry sky.

five minutes!

Half an hour!

One hour!!

two hours!!

During this period, the two astronauts, Steve and Anthony, were also speaking continuously, introducing the scenery outside space to the audience, and at the same time to refresh their sense of existence. Their voices were full of pride and pride. Among so many astronauts, they were elected to complete this extremely important plan, which shows how excellent they are.

However, their passionate voices from the beginning began to gradually become heavier after two hours. At the same time, the frequency of speaking also decreased, and they were no longer as excited as they were at the beginning.

This is because, two hours later, they still didn't see the target, and they didn't really get close to the target, which made the two astronauts, Steve and Anthony, start to murmur in their hearts, and their morale was also affected. .

Such a situation naturally attracted dissatisfaction and ridicule from a large number of audiences. Even Steve and Anthony could imagine how the audience would react.

Therefore, Steve reassuringly smiled and said: "Dear viewers, please don't be impatient, you must know that although the target looks very close to us, in places like outer space, the distance is often calculated in light years, Although the goal we are going to approach this time is not that far, it is impossible to reach it within two hours, so all audience friends please be quiet and continue to follow us forward!!

I have to say that what Steve said seems to have some truth. After all, the universe is so big, and it is not on the ground, so it is understandable that it has not been close to the target for two hours.

Therefore, most of the audience really quieted down and chose to continue watching patiently.

Even the people of Kyushu, who were mocking and sarcastic just now, slowly suppressed it and said nothing more, because they knew that this was just the beginning, and it was really impossible to get close to the goal so quickly, so they also became quiet again. Watching the live broadcast quietly, waiting for the result!! Beg.

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