At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

776 No one can change this! 【Subscription】

However, those ordinary people did not know that compared with them, the hearts of national leaders such as President Wilson and Queen Elizabeth had begun to sink a little.

They are all national leaders and smart people, so naturally they will not be fooled by Steve's words.

They understand the reason very well, but there is one thing that ordinary people have not thought of, that is, the illusory celestial body can be seen from the ground, which proves that the alien world must not be too far away from the blue star, otherwise how could there be Such a huge, so clear projection appeared!

Therefore, based on the speed of the rocket, Steve and the others could not get close to the target within two hours, and even the illusory celestial bodies displayed in the live broadcast did not change much, which proves that the target still seems to be flying far away. The place.

Such speculation, although it has not yet been determined, "Seven-Three-Three" is enough to make people such as Wales and Queen Elizabeth worry.

However, they are all old fox-level characters, and they are politicians who are enough to play. Naturally, they will not show any strangeness. Instead, they will continue to watch with a calm expression, and they will chat and laugh with the people next to them from time to time.

Such a situation naturally made people in Western countries feel relieved, their patience also increased a lot, and they continued to watch with peace of mind.

Only Lin Mushan and Feng Muru and other high-level officials in Kyushu saw this scene with sneering expressions on their faces. Disdain and sneer flashed in their eyes, as if they had expected this scene.

The senior officials of Kyushu, who knew the truth for a long time, were naturally happy to see the embarrassment of the Western countries, and it was even more wonderful to slap the face on the spot. Therefore, they were all watching quietly, waiting for the final result to appear.

Different from ordinary people who don't know the truth, Lin Mushan and the others have a relaxed expression. What they are waiting for is the shattering of Western countries' dreams.

In the face of those countries that dared to put aside Kyushu, tried to use various opportunities to catch up with Kyushu, and even tried to make Kyushu look good afterward, how could the senior leaders of Kyushu tolerate it? As long as the rocket plan completely failed, Kyushu, who had been silent all the time, also Time to start!!

But before the final result came out, all the audience still had a lot of expectations.

However, no matter how big the hope and the fullness of the ideal, it cannot withstand the cold and cruel reality.

two hours.

Four hours!

six hours!!

A full six hours passed. Even if the rocket accelerated to the fastest speed, it still could not get close to the target. Whether it was the scene in the live broadcast or in the sight of Steve and Anthony, the illusory celestial body still existed, but But it seemed out of reach, there was no change at all, even if they flew for more than six hours, there was no sign of getting close to the target.

As a result, it naturally attracted countless abuses and complaints from the audience, and even a lot of ridicule and ridicule.

As early as four hours into the flight, many people started to get restless again, and two hours later, they were still waiting for the same result.

From full of hope to disappointment, to despair, this kind of straight-down psychological blow makes people collapse.

Therefore, under the disappointment of countless audiences, they all began to abuse and complain.

"Damn, what the hell is going on? Why can't you get close? Is it too far away?"

"Impossible, it's impossible, isn't it very close? Why is this?"

"Sheet, isn't this playing with our relationship? I've been watching it for more than six hours, and this is what I've been waiting for?

"Mom sells the batch, although I didn't hold out hope at first, but when I think about the more than six hours I wasted, I can't help but want to curse!!"

"Haha, foreigners, have you seen it, is there no way to succeed? You are still squeamish, showing off, bah!!"

"Haha, I'm dying of laughter, that's all? This is what you said to make Kyushu look good? It's so good to be slapped in the face on the spot, haha!!"

Countless viewers began to curse in various ways, especially those in Western countries. This completely explained what it means to be as hopeful as possible and as disappointed as possible. Under the extreme disappointment, how could they hold back and cursed one after another. .

The people of Kyushu were ridiculed and sneered in various ways. Obviously, Western countries were obviously slapped in the face on the spot. As a result, let alone the people of Kyushu, even the people of Western countries already know that this plan can be announced. Failed.

After all, more than six hours have passed. If they can really get close to the target, then they will have already approached. How can it be like now, no matter how much the rocket accelerates, there is no change, and the celestial body in the line of sight does not get any bigger. sign..

As a result, how can we not disappoint all the audience.

All kinds of abuse and ridicule continued to resound in every corner of the world, and even the live broadcast screen was completely covered, and the screen could not be seen at all, only countless words drifted by.

At this moment, it is obvious that any words of appeasement are pale. After all, the eyes of the public are sharp, and no one is a fool. Naturally, they can see what the final result will be.

The national leaders such as Wilson and Queen Elizabeth were also gloomy at this time, and they were no longer relaxed and calm at the beginning.

"Impossible, it can't be like this, why is it like this? Why can't it be close??"

Queen Elizabeth's face was heavy at this time, her hands were clenched tightly, and she didn't even notice that her fingernails were slightly pierced into her palms.

As the advocate of this plan, Queen Elizabeth can be said to be the most confident person besides Casa. She has long imagined that she can contact alien civilization, thereby changing the strength of the Great Eagle Empire, and then changing the blue pattern of stars.

But now all illusions have been shattered, and in the face of the cold and cruel reality, no one can change this.

The plan has failed, and what followed should be the blow of the political enemy, the dissatisfaction and abuse of the people, all these impending influences, the Queen Elizabeth 4.3 has a feeling of being caught off guard, and she can even think of it, What will happen when you return home?

Not only Queen Elizabeth, the President of Wales of the United States, the President of Germany, Karl, and others, all had ugly expressions on their faces, a terrible look that was unacceptable.

To be honest, it is really difficult for them to accept such a result. A few hours ago, they should have thought of all kinds of celebrations after their success, but the reality hit them hard and they had to wake up.

However, no matter how hard it is to accept, the fact is the fact, and no one can change it.

Therefore, before the two astronauts asked whether they could return to the voyage, Wilson, Queen Elizabeth and the others had already started to discuss in secret in a low voice!!.

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