At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

777 Don't have any superfluous thoughts! 【Subscribe】

Kyushu, Yanjing.

At this time, all the big family members of Kyushu gathered in a conference room!

The reason why they took the time to gather here is for no other reason than to see what kind of ugliness the Western countries will make.

They still have time for this, so they have watched the live broadcast for more than six hours since the launch of the rocket.

Therefore, when more than six hours passed, when everyone saw that countless viewers began to be disappointed and abused, and there was no change in the live broadcast of the Rockets, Lin Mushan laughed directly: "Haha, I really think I can get close to that world. What? A bunch of dudes!!

After waiting for several hours, and finally waiting for the Western countries to be slapped in the face on the spot, Lin Mushan couldn't hold back, and immediately made a mockery of his words, and his heart was extremely happy.

Feng Muru also sneered at this time: "It's more than ignorant, I think they are self-righteous and smart, and they really think they can seize this opportunity to catch up with our Kyushu, which is ridiculous!!"

11 "Haha, it's not bad, that's what I want, haha, it's not worth our wait for so long!"

"According to the words of netizens in our country, they are a group of idiots, haha, I think it is very appropriate!!"

"Haha, who said it wasn't, those idiots wasted countless human, material and financial resources, but in the end they got such a result, if I were to Wilson and them, I would just find a piece of tofu and kill me!"

"Don't say it, look at how wonderful the faces of Wilson and Elizabeth II are, tsk tsk, it wasn't like this a few hours ago!! 35

"Hey, Lao Zhao, you're too bad, how can you say that to others, maybe they're holding on, secretly they're going to be scolding mother, haha!!

At this moment, this group of senior officials in Kyushu seems to have lost their former majesty and calmness. After seeing Western countries being slapped in the face on the spot, they laughed so happily. ridicule.

You must know that those Western countries have never been good to Kyushu. Not only do they look down on Kyushu in all aspects, but they target Kyushu in everything. This time, Kyushu is completely excluded, and they try to take revenge on Kyushu after gaining enormous power. His opponent could already be regarded as an enemy, so Lin Mushan and the others did not need to worry about anything at all.

Thinking of this, Lin Mushan immediately looked at the boss and asked, "Zhu Xi, since the result has been decided, shall we continue to implement the established plan?"

Without any hesitation, the boss nodded and said, "Execute!!""

Other high-level executives have no objection, the matter is finalized!

Before the rocket launch plans of Western countries, the senior leaders of Kyushu had already anticipated today's events, foreseen the development of today's events, and anticipated the results. Therefore, they have already made relevant plans for Western countries. coping plan.

Since the Western countries have chosen to turn their face with Kyushu in a showdown, they will show their horses and horses, they will no longer care about the relationship between the countries, and they have regarded Kyushu as their unanimous enemy. Naturally, the Kyushu side will no longer be a good person, nor will they allow the West. Countries continue to target Kyushu. Therefore, Kyushu has also formulated a series of counterattack plans, and will launch a counterattack immediately after today.

Outer space, inside a rocket.

The two astronauts, Steve and Anthony, had long lost their initial passion and excitement at this time. Their expressions were slightly tired, their voices became weak and weak, and the frequency of their speech dropped by more than half, and only occasionally did they speak. A few words sounded, completely incomparable with the state of blood and passion at the beginning.

In fact, this is also understandable. It is the same for any person. From the beginning, they are full of expectations and hope, to later disappointment, and then to despair. Their mentality has already undergone tremendous changes. Not to mention collapse, at least they have to the brink of despair.

"How can this happen? Why is it like this? It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be like this, why can't it be close??"

Steve's eyes were dim, his face was ugly, he was in self-doubt, and muttered to himself.

He really couldn't figure it out, why couldn't he get close to that world?

Obviously you can see it, obviously it looks very close, why can't you get close?

Could it be that what they saw was fake and an illusion?

This is also impossible, you must know that all the Blue Star people on the ground can see this scene, which means that what they see is not an illusion.

Since it's not a hallucination and it's not fake, why can't you get close?

Is it because they are not fast enough, or because the distance is too far?

No matter how much Steve thought about it, he couldn't figure out the reason, and he didn't know whether to keep going forward or return now.

If they continue to fly, when will they fly? Will they fly until they run out of fuel? Then how will they return?

And now it seems that even if the fuel on the rocket runs out, it is impossible to get close to that alien world.

However, they were a little unwilling to return to the voyage now, and there was no order to return from the ground, so they naturally did not dare to make decisions without authorization.

Thinking of this, Steve turned his head and glanced at Anthony next to him, and found that he also had an ugly face and a tangled look in his eyes. Therefore, Steve couldn't help asking softly, "Anthony, what do you think?"

At the same time, 733 Steve also motioned Anthony to look at the power fuel consumption displayed on the instrument.

Apparently, Steve meant to ask Anthony if it was time for them to move on or turn back.

The instrument shows that the rocket's power fuel has been consumed by one-fifth at this time, which seems to be very little, but they must leave enough fuel for the return flight. Therefore, even if they continue to move forward, they can only fly at most eight to ten You have to go back in an hour or so, or you may stay in too fast forever.

Anthony naturally understood what Steve meant. He glanced at the various data on the meter, then moved his eyes slightly, and shook his head gently at Steve, indicating that he should not say more or think more.

After all, no matter how many ideas they have, it's useless. Their every move must be strictly required by the ground headquarters. It doesn't mean that they will return if they want to return. It must be approved by the ground headquarters.

Therefore, Anthony's meaning can't be more obvious, that is, everything is done according to the order. Before the order comes, don't have superfluous thoughts, or just fly forward honestly!


Steve woke up, sighed lightly and stopped talking, but quietly looked ahead, hoping to get the results they wanted!!.

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