At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

077 Destroy the eight major Shanxi merchants and let the new army see blood! [47, please subscribe]



Inside the mansion of Fan Yongdou, a big businessman in Shanxi

The eight major Shanxi merchants are sitting around, looking ugly!

They have already received the news of the great change in the capital, and also know that Chongzhen has seized the grain and shops of the major grain merchants by means of thunder!

As the top merchants in the Ming Dynasty at this time, the news of the eight major Shanxi merchants can be said to be well-informed!

Even most of the million stone grains and grass seized this time belonged to them, but no one thought that Chongzhen would be so crazy this time.

"There has been a lot of movement in the court recently." Fan Yongdou frowned and said, "Our shopkeepers in the capital didn't even have time to burn the food, so the mansion was copied cleanly. Chongzhen seems to be playing a real game. of!

"Hehe, I just lost a few shops and a few people, nothing to worry about!" Wang Dengku shook his head disdainfully: "I guess Chongzhen was in a hurry because he couldn't raise food and grass, so he just found an excuse to forcibly raid the house."

"It's not necessarily that simple!" Wang Dayu said solemnly: "If the emperor's child only needs food and grass, it's fine, but if it involves us, what should we do?"

"Yeah, I have to be on guard. Let's say hello to the generals from all over the world!""

"That's right, let's deal with the Liaodong faction!

"This Huang Taiji has sent another letter to ask for more grain and cotton, so we can take the opportunity to raise the price and ask Jiannu to send troops to the customs to distract Chongzhen's attention!"

"This court affair is a game. I want to see if Chongzhen dares to take the risk of the world and move us!"

"I see, he just dared to speak out about our spokesperson in the capital.""

The eight major Shanxi merchants laughed and talked a lot. They didn't take this matter seriously, and they didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. They thought that Chongzhen was just losing his temper.

They don't even know that Cao Bianjiao's soldiers and horses have come galloping!

This time, it was confirmed that the eight major Shanxi merchants were behind raising the price of food, and Chongzhen thought of Ji Han's words in a rage. In order to make this Ming Dynasty reborn, he must cut the mess and kill, kill, kill!

Therefore, he abandoned the old concept of fearing wolves before and tigers later, and ordered Cao Bianjiao to lead his troops to secretly dispatch!

As for why Cao Bianjiao was chosen instead of Huang Degong and Fang Zhenghua, it was not because they did not trust them, but because there were too many eyes and ears of the enemy in the Beijing camp and the forbidden army.

Only the new army, a newly established new army, selected from among the disaster victims, can be trusted to carry out this secret order!

Otherwise, before the person leaves the capital, the eight major Shanxi merchants already know his actions, and I am afraid that there will be even bigger troubles.

"Hurry up, hurry up~々!"

"All cheer up and don't fall behind!"

"hurry up!"

Cao Bianjiao led the army and galloped all the way!

Although the 5,000 cavalry under his command were newly recruited, after his training for a while, they already had a little climate.

The enemy this time is nothing but a group of merchants!

Just happened to raid their home, let the new army see blood.

In half a day, Cao Bianjiao had already brought people from the capital to the outside of Wucheng, and the speed was so fast that no one had time to react.

"One group controls the city guards, one group controls the city lord's mansion and the major yamen, and one group controls the streets. Anyone who dares to change will be shot!"

"Others, follow me!

Cao Bianjiao's cold order!

The arrival of the army immediately stunned the gatekeepers!

Before they could ask any questions, Cao Bianjiao roared angrily: "The new army in the capital is following orders, and those who stand in the way will die!"5

"Oops, something is going to happen!"

The guards at the gate were so frightened that they desperately stepped aside, and the army rushed in immediately, and rushed into the Wucheng in a mighty manner.

Cao Bianjiao knew that this was the base of Shanxi merchants!

The eight major families run the business here without leakage, not only officials at all levels are their people, but also all kinds of yamen and street gangsters are their people, and even the major families also maintain a large number of servants and guardians. Caravans, and all with firearms!

So this battle must be fought quickly!

Cao Bianjiao personally led his troops to kill Fan's house. Pedestrians on the street fled in fright, and the entire Wucheng suddenly became chaotic.

The city guards in the city have just received news and are ready to dispatch!

It was blocked by a thousand new troops at the gate of the barracks!

A thousand new troops began to maintain order on the streets and control the city gates, shooting and killing anyone who dared to run around!

A thousand new troops control the city lord's mansion and the major yamen, and no one is allowed to be easily dispatched!

Cao Bianjiao led someone to the gate of Fan's mansion!

Seeing this, the servants of Fan's house were so frightened that they hurriedly wanted to close the door, but Cao Bianjiao kicked them open!

He rushed through the gate and shouted: "... under the order to arrest the treasonous merchants, raid their homes and exterminate their families, and those who resist will be killed!

bang bang bang!

The new soldiers behind him also opened fire!

Many of the family members of Fan Manor fell into a pool of blood just as they wanted to resist.

Such a big movement has already alarmed the eight major Shanxi merchants. Fan Yongdou and others were stunned. They never thought that Chongzhen would actually dare to move them, and the speed was so fast.

It totally caught them off guard!

"Damn Chongzhen, how dare he? How dare?"

"Quick, escape, you must escape! 35

"Come on, block them, and the caravan takes the lady away first! 35

Fan Yongdou ordered anxiously, and other Shanxi merchants were also anxious!

The servants of Fan's house and the caravan guards quickly formed a group of more than 1,000 people, many of whom had swords, bows and crossbows, or bird guns, and cluttered their way to the door, facing each other. Cao Bianjiao and others!

It's a pity that they are facing a new army equipped with brand new flintlock guns!


Cao Bianjiao sneered and ordered, the new army soldiers quickly divided into four rows, and then started round after round of salvos.

bang bang bang!

The dense bullets directly turned these servants into a hornet's nest on the spot. Occasionally, when they encountered a few who were stubbornly resisting, they immediately threw a row of grenades, and the entire Fan Mansion immediately fell into a sea of ​​fire.

Screams and wailing, here and there!

Cao Bianjiao's face was full of coldness, his eyes were murderous, and he didn't show any mercy at all.

Regardless of gender, age, or age, kill a wave first and then talk about it.

This time he was ordered to kill.

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