At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

07.8 billion taels of silver, Immortal Master will not deceive me! [57, please subscribe]

The sound of gunfire and screams from Fan's residence lasted for a stick of incense!

Under the command of Cao Bianjiao, the new army kept rushing into Fan Mansion, killing anyone and opening fire when they saw anyone. Anyone who dared to resist was shot and killed on the spot. The entire Fan Mansion became bloody and corpses everywhere.

The faces of many new soldiers and soldiers have already turned pale!

After all, it was the first time to kill so many people, and everyone was still quite frightened.

But watching Cao Bianjiao supervising the battle, no one dared to be presumptuous, and could only continue to bite the bullet and continue to fire.

As for Fan Yongdou and others who wanted to escape but were unable to escape!

Because the inside and outside of the mansion was already surrounded by layers, the caravans under their command couldn't kill them at all. In the end, the family of Fan Mansion could only hide in terror and tremble in the backyard.

"Master, what are you going to do? What happened?

"How could this be, who is targeting us?"

"These people are the official army? Could it be that the emperor wants to raid the house?"

"What shall we do? What shall we do now?"

Fan's backyard is a mess!

A large number of female relatives, the elderly and the weak crowded together, and many family members were trembling with their weapons, and everyone was terrified.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Shut up for me, and kill anyone who can move 187 bullets with me!" Fan Yongdou roared grimly: "After going out, everyone will be rewarded 50,000 taels!"

"fifty thousand?"


Many householders immediately gasped and couldn't help secretly ecstatic!

The so-called human beings for wealth and birds for food and death, this 50,000 taels is not a small amount, it is enough for ordinary people to live a safe and stable life.

"Fight, sir, let's go from the east gate!"

"Go, take advantage of the chaos and get out!""

Dozens of servants rushed to the east gate with Fan Yongdou wrapped in them!

As for the old and weak women and children of the Fan family, no one cared about them. No matter how desperately they were screaming and cursing behind them, Fan Yongdou and the others all left very resolutely.

Fan Yongdou knew he had to escape!

If you can't escape, you will definitely die here.

After escaping, he still has a lot of assets in various places, and he can still rely on Huang Taiji. Although he doesn't know why Chongzhen wants to attack him, he knows that he can't die!

It's a pity that his luck is more unlucky!

Before taking a few steps, he actually met Cao Bianjiao and led the team to kill him.

"Want to go?"

"Take it!

Cao Bianjiao sneered and waved his hand, and the soldiers around him raised their guns again, firing indiscriminately, and the servants beside Fan Yongdou were killed on the spot.

"Old man, run, you run!

Cao Bianjiao grabbed him, raised his hand and swiped his mouth, Fan Yongdou vomited blood on the spot and almost fainted.

"Dog thing, do you know who I am? You dare to touch me?" Fan Yong growled and questioned in a desperate manner.

"Hehe!"" Cao Bianjiao sneered disdainfully: "You are still so mad when you are dying? The commander-in-chief of the new army in the capital, the general from the second-rank Zhenguo, was ordered to inspect the eight major families of Shanxi merchants, and none of you should try to escape. Take away! 99

"Yes! 35

Several soldiers rushed over like wolves and took Fan Yongdou away for custody!

"Leave 500 people here to guard, and the others will go to several other houses in teams. Those who dare to resist will be shot and killed!"

"Quick, you all act fast!"

"The things in the prisoner's mansion must not be disturbed, otherwise they will be dealt with by military law! 35

"The Wang family and the Qiao family will send two more teams over, hurry up!

Cao Bianjiao gave orders and kept giving them!

Although his 5,000 new troops have only been trained for half a month, he brought more than 100 guard veterans with him when he became an army, and these people are now serving as team leaders in various departments!

With their assistance and deployment, Cao Bianjiao's control over this army (bbed) is still very strong, coupled with the power of the flintlock gun and the wooden handle grenade, everyone's strength can easily crush the ordinary guards.

After paying a little price!

In half a day, the battle gradually ended.

Because the city gate has been sealed, most of the eight major families were unable to escape, and all important members were captured and detained.

As for the city guards and yamen who dared to make trouble, they were easily shot to death!

The entire Wucheng has been completely controlled, and the eight major families have also been raided quickly. Teams of soldiers have begun to dig three feet into the ground, not only arresting all the members of the eight major families, but also conducting raids on their family properties!

Just from below the Fan family's mansion, nine secret vaults were found!

There are huge amounts of gold and silver jewelry piled up in these secret vaults, and the piles of silver are hard to count. Even Cao Bianjiao couldn't help but be stunned.

"Well, these dog thieves are too rich, aren't they? 35

"Hurry up, hurry up and inform the Holy Master immediately, and let the Holy Master send an army to assist in transporting the stolen money!

Cao Bianjiao's face changed wildly and ordered, so many silver taels at least tens of millions, and the eight major families together are estimated to exceed hundreds of millions!

What does this represent?

This is almost equivalent to a few years of taxation in the Ming Dynasty!

This is no longer as simple as being rich enough to rival a country.

You must know that the national treasury is now empty, and before the last search of the house, Chongzhen only had a few hundred thousand taels of silver, and any of these eight major families was dozens of times richer than Chongzhen.

This money is driving people crazy!

Cao Bianjiao was afraid that his recruits would not be able to keep the temptation and mutiny, so he quickly ordered these assets to be sealed up, and he did not dare to count them alone.

Half a day later, an urgent report was placed in front of Chongzhen!

When he read Cao Bianjiao's report, he couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

"Damn, it should be killed, all of you should be killed!

"How can the eight great families have such a huge wealth? The Immortal Master will not deceive me! 99

"Wang Chengen, immediately order Cao Huachun and Li Yuanyin to send their elites to Wucheng, and then send Fang Zhenghua to bring 5,000 forbidden troops to assist Cao Bianjiao, hurry up! 35

Chongzhen also knew the seriousness of this matter!

With his anxious order, the Jinyiwei, Dongchang, and the Imperial Army all mobilized.

This high-profile movement was soon unable to be concealed. After learning that the eight major Shanxi merchants had been forcibly raided and exterminated, there was another uproar inside and outside the court.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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