At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

079 The chess game between monarchs and ministers, this is the act of a tyrant! [67, please subscrib

Two consecutive plagiarism cases

Let the atmosphere of the Ming Dynasty hall become unusually solemn!

A feeling of imminent storm loomed over everyone's heart, so that the next day's meeting became very strange.

The civil and military officials stood nervously on the Golden Throne Hall, and almost no one dared to look directly at Chongzhen, because at this time, his face was already full of ashen.

"Zhu Qing, I have recently sent people to investigate the shipwreck case and the grain storage case, so I have gained a lot, what do you think about this?"

After the complexion of many ministers changed, they all gritted their teeth!

"Holy Lord, these northern provinces have been plagued by disasters recently, and the food production has been reduced, and the soaring food prices are helpless."

"Yeah, this grain from the south of the Yangtze River is transported by water, and disasters will inevitably occur, and it is not uncommon for the ship to sink in the wind and waves!

"The major grain merchants are loyal and righteous people who are loyal to the country, and they have donated countless funds to my Ming Dynasty. You must not listen to rumors!

"Actually, there are no cases of shipwrecks and grain storage. They are all non-existent things, and they are really nothing to worry about. Because of this, the holy man ransacked his house indiscriminately, isn't he afraid that the world's teeth will be cold? 39

"What if you are listed as a tyrant in the history books? This is not very good for your reputation in the Holy Spirit!"

Many officials have spoken out!

On the one hand, he spoke for the major grain merchants, and on the other hand, he also wanted to put pressure on Chongzhen.

But Chongzhen laughed coldly: "Rumor? I'll let you see if it's a rumor, Cao Huachun, talk about it!"

"Yes!" Cao Huachun took the lead and said, "Reporting to the sage, Dongchang has been ordered to strictly investigate the Jiangnan shipwreck case, and a huge breakthrough has been achieved!

"At present, I have learned from the main witnesses that the mastermind behind all this is the Shan family of Shanxi merchants. They bought the Caoyun Yamen and created this case of stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix together!

After finishing speaking, Cao Huachun presented a lot of evidence!

"My lord, slander, this must be slander!

"The businessman is the lifeblood of my blood circulation, and no one can frame it.

"There must be some traitorous officials and villains who are making trouble in the dark. Please investigate thoroughly."

"Dongchang always hides filth and filth, this minister doubts the authenticity of the eunuch's report, and asks the three divisions to investigate thoroughly! 35

One by one, the ministers rushed out to stop them, and more than half of the people in the court knelt down, trying to put pressure on Chongzhen.

Their purpose, of course, is self-evident!

"Hehe, how dare you make excuses when you are about to die?" Chongzhen sneered and continued: "Li Yuanyin, what do you think?"

"Report to the sage!" Li Yuanyin said quickly when he saw this: "Jinyiwei also found a lot of evidence during the investigation of the grain storage case, and there is even more evidence to prove that the mastermind behind the grain storage case and the shipwreck case is indeed the eight major Shanxi merchants!"5

"When the house was raided, only 8.52 million taels of silver were found in the major grain merchants in the capital, and they also secretly stored 1.8 million stone grains in granaries everywhere!

"When I was ordered to inspect the Eight Great Masters of Shanxi merchants, a total of 83.25 million taels of silver were inspected, and there were countless other gold and silver jewelry!"

"And in the secret room of their mansion, a large number of ledgers and secret letters were also confiscated, which proves that the eight major Shanxi merchants have been fornicating with slaves all the year round, and many officials from the DPRK and China are even involved."

"This is the list, please read it on the Holy One!""

Li Yuanyin's last sentence immediately made many people pale with anger!

Some were timid and almost died on the spot.

Chongzhen looked coldly at the thick list presented by Li Yuanyin, and his eyes became more and more cold.

"Okay, okay!" Chongzhen patted the table and growled: "Is this what you call a rumor? Now that the real evidence is in front of you, do you still dare to quibble? Ah?"

"Holy forgiveness!"

A large group of officials fell to their knees in fear and trembling.

Many people were covered in cold sweat, and when they thought of Chongzhen's brutal methods some time ago, they couldn't help but feel chills down their spines.

It's a bad rhythm.

"Your Majesty!" Fan Jingwen was afraid that Chongzhen would kill all the officials involved in the case in a fit of anger, so he quickly went out and persuaded: "Stop your anger, Your Majesty, this case has a lot of implications, and it needs to be carefully investigated!

"Ha ha!

Chongzhen sneered again!

He naturally understood what Fan Jingwen meant.

He was trying to persuade Chongzhen not to involve too many people.

After all, most of the officials in the world are not clearly involved with Shanxi merchants.

··For flowers......

What if the world is in turmoil?

In particular, the generals from various places and the generals of the Liaodong faction, if they feel that they may be implicated, what should they do with the bandits secretly?

Fan Jingwen is kind!

If it was Chongzhen in the past, he would definitely keep this thing from happening, as if it never happened.

But now he is no longer what he was before, and now he is not afraid of chaos in the world at all.

"What to check? All the evidence is conclusive, so what else?" Chongzhen grabbed the list and smashed it to the ground, roaring: "Cao Huachun and Li Yuanyin, arrest people according to the list, and Dongchang and Jinyiwei will work together to handle the case!"

"Anyone who cooperates with the enemy and betrays the country and has a connection with the establishment of slaves will be punished by the three clans! 35

"Anyone who accepts bribes will be sent to exile, and those over 100,000 taels will be skinned and stuffed!"

"All officials and businessmen who collude with the common people will be executed! 99

Chongzhen's murderous order immediately shocked the officials!

Cao Huachun and Li Yuanyin were obviously prepared. After they agreed, they started arresting people directly according to the list, and a large number of courtiers were dragged out on the spot.

"No, Your Majesty, don't, spare your life!"

"I know I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong!"

"My lord, this is the act of a tyrant! 35

A cry of pleading, announcing the beginning of the killing!

Soon this capital has set off a terrible bloody storm!

A large number of officials were raided, and tens of thousands of people were involved!

The people who beheaded in Caishikou changed batches after batches, and the executioner's knives were all cut to the rolling edge, killing people with rolling heads all at once.

From the capital to the cabinet, down to the common people, they are all terrified!

No one would have thought that Chongzhen's methods were so brutal, that he would slaughter his family and exterminate his family.

And when the grain hoarded by the grain merchants was confiscated and flowed into the market, the price of grain in the capital began to drop rapidly, and the panic situation gradually stabilized, and the people also praised it!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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