At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

785 Indisputable, no threat! 【Subscription】

There was a rare look of surprise and shock on the face of Daoist Receptionist.

Daoist Receiver himself did not expect that this deduction turned out to be fruitless. No matter how Daoist Receiver calculates, he will not get any information, as if the things he calculated did not exist at all, and it was completely blank.

Such a result, such a thing, the Daoist receptionist forgets that he has not encountered it for a long time!

Therefore, even if the Daoist is indifferent, he can't help but be surprised.

"Why is this? With my cultivation base, I can't even deduce the slightest result, how is this possible? Could it be that someone is covering up the sky?

In addition to being surprised, the Daoist Receiver also began to think carefully - he got up.

He is a smart person, and his mind is also extremely sharp, and he immediately thinks about other aspects from this matter.

The Daoist Zhunti on the side was even more shocked and couldn't help asking: "What? Senior brother, even you can't deduce it? This is impossible, even if the saint hides the secret, at least we can calculate some information. what!!""

The Daoist Zhunti was even more surprised than the Daoist Receiver, because he had never encountered such a thing before.

You must know that after the two brothers and sisters were sanctified, it has always been smooth sailing, and they have never encountered any setbacks. Even in the face of the Taoist Sanqing, there are not many times that they have fallen into the disadvantage, and the deduction of cause and effect is even more unfavorable. , Even if there is the existence of the same saint to cover up the secret, they can calculate some results.

But now the Daoist Receiver has deduced it twice in a row, and he has not been able to deduce any results, which makes it a little difficult for the Daoist to accept.

At this moment, the Daoist Receiver said with a worried look on his face: "Junior Brother, according to Pindao, the defeat of the Tianyu Realm this time is the second one, I'm afraid... Some people know our plan and start targeting us. The Western religion is here, and behind this incident, there must be an extremely terrifying behind-the-scenes mastermind!!

The Daoist Receiver directly judged through this derivation that there is definitely a terrible behind-the-scenes black hand targeting their Western Religion.

Daoist Zhunti suddenly woke up from the shock, his face was solemn, his eyes burst into a cold light, and he said coldly: "Senior brother, so the defeat of Tianyu Realm is not accidental, but someone deliberately targeted? Think? Want to weaken the strength of our Western religion step by step? The appearance of Zhao Gongming and the three of them are also prepared to leave?? 35

The Daoist Zhunti asked a few questions in a row, but it meant that he had fully understood the meaning of the Daoist receptionist, and he thought of more.

The Daoist Receiver nodded with a heavy face and said: "Yes, if it is not deliberately targeted, who can pay attention to such a small place in the Daotian Yujie? If they hadn't gone prepared, how could the three of Zhao Gongming suddenly appear? What about in Tianyu Realm? According to Pindao, this black hand not only wants to weaken the strength of our Western religion step by step, but even wants to destroy our Western religion, this should be his ultimate goal!!

After the Taoist Receiver had a clue, all the details were linked together, and he also understood the various keys to this incident.

On the bright side, the three of Zhao Gongming have different identities, and it should be impossible for them to unite, but the Daoist receptionist understands that there was just one thing that made the union of the three of Zhao Gongming from impossible to possible. That is, they secretly instructed Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi to lead the ancient beasts to attack the Dragon Clan.

That incident obviously became a pivot, linking Zhao Gongming, Yang Jian and Ao Lie together, especially in regards to Western religions, they had every reason to join forces.

Thinking of this, the Daoist Receptionist became completely uneasy.

Because he has already determined that there is a terrifying behind-the-scenes manipulator who is scheming against them in the West, but they don't know who the man behind the scenes is, nor how strong they are, and they don't even have any information about the man behind the scenes. Western religion is completely in a passive state, and it is impossible to solve the behind-the-scenes mastermind.

The Daoist Zhunti is also a smart person, and he immediately understood the meaning of the Daoist receptionist. After listening to this, his face became even more chilled: "Want to destroy our Western religion? It's so daring, but Pindao wants to see who is behind the scenes. Who, dares to plot against our Western religion, don't let me catch him!!"

Even the Daoist Zhunti, who is very deep in the city, couldn't help but get angry!

You must know that Western Religion is the hard work of their brothers and sisters. They want to promote Western Religion and change the pattern of the prehistoric world. From this, we can see how important Western Religion is to the promotion and introduction.

··For flowers......

But now there are people who want to completely destroy their Western religion, and they have already started to take action, secretly targeting and calculating the Western religion, wanting to weaken the strength of the Western religion step by step, how can Zhunti endure this? How can he not be angry?

Daoist Moxie was already trembling. Not only did he kneel on the ground and dare not get up, he even had his head firmly on the ground, not daring to raise his head at all.

After feeling the anger of Daoist Zhunti, and hearing such terrifying things again, where does Daoist mosquito have any other thoughts?

At this moment, Daoist Receiver stopped Zhunti, who was about to get angry, his face had returned to normal, although he was still a little sad, he calmly said: "Junior Brother, don't lose your sense of proportion, the most urgent thing now is to find out what's behind the scenes. Black hands, we must find out the real reason for Tianyu Realm's defeat. In addition, we Western religions can't be beaten without fighting back. Since the enemy has already started targeting our Western religions, then we naturally have to retaliate!! 39

Don't look at the appearance of Daoist Receptionist, who usually looks like an old and good person, with a sad look all day long, as if he has no competition with the world and no threat, but as one of the six great saints in the prehistoric era, how can he be a good friend? of?

Obviously, Daoist Receiver wants to take revenge and go back. Although he still doesn't know the identity of the culprit behind the scenes, it does not prevent him from fighting back. He even wants to use this to lead out the culprit behind the scenes!

They must not just be beaten and not fight back, they must also let the enemy know that their Western religion is not easy to mess with!

However, how to implement it in detail still needs careful consideration.

The Daoist Zhunti recognized the words of the Daoist Receiver very much, he nodded fiercely and said: "Yes, senior brother is right, the man behind the scenes dares to target our Western religion, then we naturally don't need to be polite to him, and the man behind the scenes dares to target our Western religion. Let us lose so much, this matter must not be exposed!!""

Daoist Zhunti obviously hated the black hand behind the scenes. Not only did he not have the slightest opinion on the suggestion of the Daoist receptionist, but at this time, he wanted to put the black hand behind the scenes into purgatory and let his soul be burned for thousands of years. Get rid of the anger in your heart! Beg.

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