At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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Seeing that Zhunti also agreed with his suggestion, the Daoist Receiver nodded slightly.

At this time, Zhunti asked: "Senior brother, what should we do now? Directly let someone kill the Tianyu Realm and kill the enemy?"

Obviously, the only target that their Western religion can retaliate is the Tianyu Realm.

The Tianyu Realm is now completely occupied by the enemy, and the foundational strength of the Western religion in the Tianyu Realm has also been uprooted. Therefore, as long as someone is sent into the Tianyu Realm, they can easily kill the enemy and then retake the Tianyu Realm.

Because Daoist Mosquito has already said that among the foreign forces occupying the Heavenly Feather Realm, the one with the highest cultivation base is only the Golden Immortal, and Zhao Gongming has already left the Heavenly Feather Realm by comparison. As far as teaching is concerned, it is not a problem at all, and there are many masters of Daluo Jinxian under the command of Zhunti and Yingyin.

After receiving the "Seven-Three-Three" guide, the Taoist shook his head slightly and said: "No hurry, Tianyu Realm is going, but we can't be too rash, we must act cautiously, so as not to make mistakes!!"

"That's true!!

Daoist Zhunti nodded and agreed with his senior brother. Obviously, the previous losses made him not dare to be careless.

Daoist Receiver pondered for a moment, then looked at Daoist Mo, who had been on his knees and remained motionless, and said, "Daoist Mosquito, if you die in your body, it is because of your contribution to our teaching, and if you can come back and report the cause and consequences, the poor Daoist will go first. Help you recover your physical body and injury, and then punish you after you recover, what do you think?"

Now the Western Sect has suffered a huge loss, and the Anbu has already existed in name only. Daoist Mo is the only one left to survive, and Dao Mo is not a deserter. The most important thing is to know how to report back to the Tianyu Realm. Therefore, Daoist Receptionist will not watch Daoist Mo to live on his own. Self-extinguishing, and Daoist mosquitoes still have great use, their Western religions still need to rely on Daoist mosquitoes to continue to develop and grow the Anbu, so Daoist Receivers have no choice but to help Daoist mosquitoes recover their injuries and bodies.

Daoist Mosquito was naturally overjoyed, and hurriedly nodded in agreement: "Thank you for the grace of the saint, thank you for the grace of the saint!!"

Seeing this, Daoist Receiver naturally understood what Daoist Mosquito meant, he waved his sleeves and put away Daoist Mosquito's body first. Later, he would use various treasures to help Daoist Mosquito recover his injuries and body.

After doing this, the Daoist Receiver told Zhunti about his thoughts: "Junior Brother, I am going to send someone into the Tianyu Realm to investigate the cause and effect of this defeat, and find out the details of the enemy. Let's see what evidence and means the so-called enemy has, this action should not be too reckless, and we need to act cautiously and low-key, and we can better deal with it when the situation is clear, I wonder what the younger brother thinks?"

After listening to it, Zhunti thought about it and thought it was very good, so he asked: "It's very good, I wonder who the senior brother is going to send?"

"Junior Brother, do you still remember the Ksitigarbha of my teaching?" Daoist Receiver asked with a smile.

Daoist Zhunti was stunned for a moment: "Ksitigarbha? Is that the Ksitigarbha with a listening beast under the seat?

"Exactly!!" Daoist Jie Yin nodded slightly, and said softly: "Pin Dao thinks about it, only the enemy is the most suitable, firstly, the cultivation base of this person is not bad, he is already a Golden Immortal of Great Luo; secondly, the earth This person Zang has always been known for his strategy in our teaching. His knowledge and strategy are very good. If he goes to the Tianyu Realm, the poor Daoist is more assured; in the third year, the truth listening under the Tibetan seat is extraordinary, and he can identify the world through hearing. All things, but also good at listening to the heart, with this beast, I believe that Jizo will soon find out the details of the enemy, which is suitable for acting cautiously and low-key!!

"Dashan!! 39

Zhun mention heard the words, and immediately praised!

In this way, this Jizo is indeed the most suitable candidate!

Zhunti naturally had no opinion, so the Daoist Receiver quickly recruited Jizo.

At this time, Ksitigarbha was only a disciple in the Western religion, and he had not yet become a praiseworthy and well-known Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in later generations.

After the arrival of Ksitigarbha, the respectful Daoist and Zunti saluted and said hello: "Disciple Ksitigarbha, I have seen two saints!

"No need to be polite!!

The Daoist Receiver waved his sleeve robe lightly, waved a qi movement, and held up the Ksitigarbha.

Ksitigarbha thanked again, then got up and stood respectfully in front of the two saints.

He didn't ask why the two saints recruited him, but waited quietly.

I have to say that Jizo's character is really excellent, and even the Taoist guide nodded slightly when he saw it.

"Ksitigarbha, do you know why Pindao called you here?

The Daoist Receiver smiled and looked at Jizo, then asked aloud.

Jizo shook his head indifferently: "The disciple doesn't know, please ask the sage to show it!"

Jie Yin and Zhun Ti looked at each other, and then Jie Yin said: "I called you here this time, because there is an important task that you need to complete. Do you know the failure of our teaching in Tianyu Realm?"

"Heavenly Feather Realm? Lost?" Jizo was a little stunned when he heard the words, then shook his head and replied, "I don't know, can the sage help the disciple?

"As it should be!"

The Daoist Receiver nodded, and began to explain the failure of Tianyu Realm to Kizang. He did not conceal the loss of their Western religion at all, and told Kizang..

This is not something that cannot be told to others. Ksitigarbha is also taught by them in the West. What's more, they still need Ksitigarbha to go to Tianyu Realm to perform tasks. Naturally, they will not hide anything.

Jizo listened quietly, his face was calm throughout the whole process, and only after listening did he show a little surprise and shock.

He also didn't expect that with the background and strength of the Western religion, it would suffer such a huge loss in the Tianyu Realm, which made Jizo feel a little surprised.

After listening, Jizo asked, "Does the saint need a disciple to go to the Feather World??"

"That's right!!" The Taoist Receiver nodded and replied, "After thinking about it, only you are the most suitable candidate, and you need to bring the listening beast under your seat with you!!

"Need to bring along with you? Yes, the disciple understands!!

Hearing this, Ksitigarbha immediately understood the meaning of the Daoist, and 4.3 also understood his own position.

At this time, the Daoist Zhunti answered: "This time I sent you to the Feather World, you have two main tasks to complete. Know the details of the enemy; secondly, after finding out the details, if possible, you will block the enemies of the Tianyu Realm and conquer the Tianyu Realm as much as possible. You can do it??

Ksitigarbha naturally understood the difficulty of these two tasks, but he took the command without any hesitation: "Yes, this disciple understands that he will live up to the sage's high expectations!!

"So good!

"Great goodness!!"

The Daoist Receptionist and the Daoist Zhunti laughed softly!

Then, after the two sages waved their hands, Jizo led the way, ready to take the listening to the sky and go straight to the world of feathers!!.

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