At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

787 It is normal to have nothing to gain! 【Subscription】

Heavenly Feather Realm.

Nanzhou, Hanyue Mountains.

The Cold Moon Mountain Range is an inconspicuous small mountain range in the Southern Continent of the Tianyu Realm. Not only is the spiritual energy scarce here, but there is neither any cultivation resources nor any treasures of heaven and earth. It can be said that there is no use for it. It is also considered to be sparsely populated, and I don't see any people on weekdays.

Moreover, the Hanyue Mountains are located in a remote area and have no reputation at all.

However, on this day, there was a rare figure in the depths of the Cold Moon Mountains.

I saw that this person was handsome, well-proportioned, dressed in heavenly clothes, barefoot, holding a string of Buddha beads in his left hand, and a tin cane in his right hand. The most eye-catching thing was that he had a bright bald head, even if it was not in the Hanyue Mountains. In the market place, it will appear extremely bright and conspicuous.

This person was ordered by the two saints of the Western religion to come to Tianyu Realm to investigate the situation.

After Ksitigarbha took the order, after a little preparation, he left Lingshan with the listening beast under his seat, and went straight to the Tianyu Realm.

After a lot of effort, Jizo quietly sneaked into the Tianyu Realm, but the location he sneaked into was random, so he appeared in the inaccessible Cold Moon Mountains.

As soon as it appeared, Jizo immediately released his consciousness, and carefully checked the surrounding ten thousand miles to see his power.

"Hey, where is this place? It's so sparsely populated and the spiritual energy is so thin, no wonder, tsk tsk... It seems that you are not afraid of being discovered! 35

Jizo first let out a small snort. He didn't expect that the place he sneaked into would be such a remote place, but after feeling the concentration of spiritual energy in this place, he was relieved, and at the same time he was slightly relieved, because it was more convenient for him to hide his whereabouts. .

After Jizo took back his consciousness, he pondered for a while, then his expression changed, his big sleeves waved, his whole body suddenly changed, and he turned into a handsome young man. Not only did his hair grow back, but all the magic weapons and clothes on his body were changed. Now, he changed into the most ordinary attire, which made people know at a glance that this was a handsome young man, and it was very easy to make people feel good.

"Hehe, let's do things like this, and do things like this. The sage has already instructed you to be cautious and low-key!"

Jizo looked at himself up and down, and then nodded in satisfaction.

After he came to Tianyu Realm, he did not dare to forget the admonitions of the two saints from the Western Church. The reason why he wanted to change his image was to investigate the situation in a low-key manner.

Moreover, Ksitigarbha has completely suppressed and hidden his cultivation, unless he is a person whose cultivation is higher than him, he will not be able to find it at all.

At this moment, Jizo suddenly waved his sleeve robe, and the divine beast Ting Ting appeared beside him.

"By the way, you have to cover up!"

Ji Zang looked at Di Ting, and naturally he would not ignore the image problem of Di Ting, and decisively cast a spell to help Di Ting to cover up, and then turned it into an ordinary little black dog.

Listening to the truth can accept this image, the expression is wronged, and it will change back immediately.

But Jizo glanced at Ji Ting with an indifferent expression, and Ji Ting calmly settled down, reluctantly accepting his new image.

"Let's go, there is no time to delay what the sage says. 35

After tidying up, Ksitigarbha identified the direction, and flew out of the Cold Moon Mountain Range with Dili listening, then landed on the ground, and walked towards the east.

That's right, just walk!

Now that he has become an ordinary young man, he can no longer use immortal methods to avoid attracting attention.

Therefore, not far from the Hanyue Mountains, a handsome young man with an ordinary little black dog walked east like this.

Jizo is going to use his current image to take a good tour of the Tianyu Realm. He plans to go to the Tianyu Realm to check it out, and then take a good tour to see the changes in the Tianyu Realm. By the way, he has been collecting all kinds of information.

Ksitigarbha has always been known for his strategy in Western religions. Naturally, he will not fight unprepared battles, nor will he act rashly. He must thoroughly understand the enemy's details and collect enough information. Opportunistic actions will take place.

However, Ksitigarbha is not a pedantic person. In inaccessible places, he will release his spiritual sense to look around carefully. When no one is paying attention, he will use Di Ting's immortal methods to hurry on the road. As long as he is not seen or attracts attention from others, then There is no problem.

Otherwise, if you really want to walk all over the Tianyu Realm with just one pair of feet, it is completely foolish, and Jizo understands this.

Soon, Jizo came to a place called Tianyan City.

Tianyan City is a town in a mortal dynasty, and most of the people living here are ordinary mortals. Jizo only swept away secretly with his divine sense and checked the situation of this Tianyan City.

"Come on, let's go in and see! 35

Jizo, who turned into a young man, greeted Di Ting at his feet, and then slowly lined up and walked into Tianyan City.

After entering Tianyan City, Ksitigarbha found that the city is not big, but it has a large population. As soon as he entered it, various sounds of hawking, shouting, teasing, scolding and other complicated sounds were introduced into the ears. It took a while to get used to it.

After all, he has always taken Lingshan to cultivate, and he has basically never walked in the world, and how has he ever seen these scenes of mortals!

However, Jizo is also a smart person. At this time, he completely showed a young man's curiosity about various things. He looked left and right, and walked slowly on the street with the little black dog, looking like he had never seen the world. look.

"Shaobing, selling biscuits...

"Candied haws, delicious candied haws!!


"Oops, please come in objectively!

"Let let, trouble let let!!

"Selling fans, beautiful fans, come and have a look!!

Along the way, all kinds of shouts sounded in Jizo's ears, showing the life of mortals.

Ksitigarbha was also delighted to hear it, obviously very interested, and did not feel any discomfort.

Because this is definitely a very novel experience for Jizo, so Jizo does not contradict it at all.

While looking at various things back and forth, Jizo whispered to Di Ting: "Pay attention to see if there is any available information!"

Zhen Ting, who incarnated as a little black dog, nodded slightly, indicating that he understood, and then used his natural supernatural powers to inquire about his various intelligence.

As long as it is willing to listen, all the voices in this Tianyan City cannot escape its ears, and it even listens well to people's hearts, so it is definitely the best choice for inquiring about news.

After explaining the truth, Jizo didn't say more, but completely took the role of the young man, and began to wander around the city to check.

It's just that Yancheng is a mortal town, and there isn't much information or things that make Jizo feel valuable, but Jizo is not discouraged, because this is only the first town he has encountered, in the Tianyu Realm. It's only a sesame-sized place, and it's normal to have nothing to gain!!.

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