At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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Ji Han, who was far away from Blue Star, seemed to be feeling something at this moment, opened his eyes slightly, frowned in thought, looking a little surprised.

But after a while, Ji Han shook his head slightly, he didn't sense anything specific, just because someone was talking about him, he closed his eyes again without caring.

It's just that Ji Han didn't know that in the Yanhuang Immortal Realm, just the words of Ying Zheng's four people chatted, and Jizo was so frightened that Jizo began to frantically search for Ji Han, so Ji Han will have the slightest feeling.

It's just that Ji Han has never shown his face in front of Jizo, and Jizo doesn't even know Ji Han's name. They only know that Ying Zheng and the others call him "Mr.". For more information about Ji Han, Jizo is not at all. It has never been obtained, so Jizo is destined to be unable to find Ji Han.

However, the matter was not over yet, "Seven-Five-Zero" only heard Ying Zheng suddenly ask: "Three brothers, I wonder if you all feel the same, the treasure of time that I have cultivated is getting stronger and stronger. What Mr. made is really extraordinary!

What Ying Zheng said was the top time treasures that Ji Han had given them before.

As soon as these words came out, the three of Cao Cao immediately agreed.

"Of course there are, hehe, the top time treasures are all in our hands, Mr.

"Does it even need to be said? That treasure is very compatible with us. It has been cultivated for so long, and its power will naturally become stronger and stronger."

"Not bad, haha, I don't know when the next time Mr. will make time treasures, I can't wait, those are tens of thousands of time treasures!!

The three of Cao Cao felt the same way, and at the same time, they are also looking forward to when Ji Han will implement the next time treasure plan.

However, Jizo was once again shocked.

"Treasure of time? True or false?"

"Even time magic weapons can be mass-produced?"

"They're not talking about ordinary time magic weapons, are they?"

When Jizo heard it, he couldn't help being shocked, and a few questions flashed in his heart.

He didn't know what Ying Zheng and the others were talking about, what the treasure of time was, and what level of treasure it belonged to. If all of them were above the level of Lingbao, it would be too terrifying, and Jizo couldn't even imagine it.

You must know that time magic treasures are different from other types of magic treasures. The longer the time magic treasure is cultivated, the stronger its power will be. At least it can reach the level of acquired spiritual treasures before it can be called a time treasure.

With such a question in mind, Jizo immediately glanced at it secretly with his divine sense, and sure enough, he sensed four extremely strong auras of time in the four of Ying Zheng.

"Sure enough, it is the treasure of time. Who is that person? Why can he create the treasure of time at will?"

After sensing the strong aura of time, Jizo was completely stunned. He didn't expect that what Ying Zheng and the others said were true. In this way, wouldn't the means of the black hand behind the scenes be sky-high, not something that Jizo could imagine?

At this time, Jizo received more and more shocks and more and more shocks, which made him feel quite uneasy, but he still forced himself to calm down and continued to listen to the news.

The four of Ying Zheng seemed to be interested today, but they couldn't stop, and they kept bragging about Ji Han's achievements.

From Ji Han supporting their four dynasties, turning their four dynasties into four immortal dynasties, then to the Sleeping Plan and the Time Treasure Plan, helping them gain a firm foothold in the Yanhuang Immortal Domain, and many other help, etc. , actually have probably talked about it again.

Of course, Ying Zheng and the others were just chatting with each other on a daily basis. At the same time, they were also very emotional, and they didn't mean anything else.

But when he heard it in Jizo's ears, it was like a stormy sea, which shocked him inexplicably, and in the end was even more stunned.

"Who is this person? Who is it?"

"Impossible, how is it possible to have such a means to reach the sky? Even a saint can't do it, right?"

"Could it be the hidden world power? Impossible, I have never heard of anyone with such a method! 99

"It's terrifying, it's really terrifying, what kind of terrifying existence is this?

The more Jizo listened, the more terrified he felt, and more and more questions and thoughts continued to emerge in his heart. He was really frightened. With Jizo's cultivation base and identity, this kind of fright was the first time that he was so frightened. The feeling of hiding is deeper.

Jizo couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying existence the Mr. Ying Zheng and others were talking about.

It is absolutely impossible for Kizang to imagine that there are hundreds of thousands of heavenly masters in batches, and there are also terrible methods such as mass production of time treasures. Even Kizang knows that even saints may not be able to do it. People did it, and in the eyes of Ying Zheng and others, this was a very normal method, which had an unimaginable impact on Jizo.

"No, this person will definitely become a saint and a confidant of this religion, I will definitely find him and let the saint kill him in advance!! 35

Jizo's eyes flashed with firmness and coldness, as if he was determined to find Ji Han and kill Ji Han in advance.

Therefore, while listening to the chat between Ying Zheng and the four, Jizo secretly deduced it.

That's right, Jizo wants to deduce Ji Han's identity and location.

Before the deduction, Jizo had a lot of confidence, thinking that there would be gains, but after a while, he opened his eyes with a look of astonishment and puzzlement, and muttered: "Impossible, why is this happening? Why? Can't be deduced at all? What does this mean?? 35

Like the Daoist Receptionist, Ksitigarbha can't deduce any results at all, neither can he find out Ji Han's location, nor can he deduce Ji Han's identity information, it can be said to be nothing.

If Ksitigarbha knew the deduction result of the Daoist, perhaps he would not be so shocked.

But at this moment, Jizo seems to have encountered something unimaginable, and the horrified look in his eyes is hard to hide.

Jizo couldn't deduce who Ji Han was at all, he only sensed that it was an extremely terrifying existence, not only terrifying, but also extremely mysterious.

"Who is this man so holy? Why is it so mysterious?

"Could it be another saint?"

"Or is it an old monster that has existed since the beginning of the world? Or is it an existence that is more terrifying than a saint?"

Under the horror, Jizo couldn't help but make some brainstorming in his mind, wildly speculating about Ji Han's identity, thinking in any direction what was scary, and even some terrifying characters that didn't exist long ago were also covered by Jizo. Figured it out.

However, after such a brainstorming, the more Jizo thought about it, the more terrifying he felt, and his heart began to feel a little flustered for no reason.

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