At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

792 No way to start! 【Subscription】

Ji Zang is one of the masters of Western religion, the dignified Daluo Jinxian, never expected to be frightened like this one day.

Even Jizo himself could not have imagined that there would be someone who would shock him inexplicably with just a hint of information.

But Jizo couldn't help but speculate, and at the same time he was extremely curious about Ji Han's identity.

"Huh...I have no way to start, this person is too mysterious, and by my means, if I want to find it, it seems that I can't do it!!

Jizo let out a light sigh, as if he wanted to spit out all the shock and shock, and then sighed slightly.

Because Jizo found out that although he could imagine what a terrible existence Ji Han was, he was also a little panicked and uneasy, but he didn't have any means to find Ji Han, which made Jizo a little discouraged.

After a while, Jizo suddenly said with bitter hatred, "No, since we have found information about the black hand behind the scenes, we must find it out, otherwise this sect will definitely suffer a big loss in the future, and we don't do anything about it. If anything, I always feel a little panic!!

Jizo thought about it for a while, and soon made a decision. He still wanted to work hard to see if he could find Ji Han in other ways.

The most important thing is that the panic and unease in his heart have not dissipated since he made up Ji Han's identity a moment ago, and it has been lingering in his heart, which is one of the reasons why Jizo wants to find Ji Han.

Because if you want to eliminate the anxiety in your heart, you may need to start from the source!

With such a decision, Jizo did not act immediately, but continued to listen to the conversation of the four Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng and the four began to talk about the future development of Yanhuang Immortal Domain after boasting about Ji Han's achievements.

For the future development of the Yanhuang Immortal Region, Ying Zheng and the four have a lot of suggestions, because they want to make the Yanhuang Immortal Region a place that is completely controlled by their four immortal dynasties, can flourish at the same time, and can serve as the foundation for the four immortal dynasties. A powerful world that continuously provides help and various cultivation resources, but they don’t want to rely too much on Ji Han, or they don’t want to trouble Ji Han with everything, so they think about some ideas, and the future development of Yanhuang Xianyu. The direction and so on, the four discussed carefully.

However, Jizo lacked interest in these matters, but he still listened patiently, because the Daoist Receiver had assigned him more than one task, and one task was to ask Jizo to start working in the Yanhuang Immortal Realm after finding out the situation. The purpose of blocking the four immortal dynasties is to weaken the enemy, and it is best to recapture the Yanhuang Immortal Territory.

For this reason, Ksitigarbha could only tirelessly listen to Ying Zheng's arrangement of the Yanhuang Immortal Territory and various directions for future development, trying to find opportunities to block and weaken the enemy.

After more than an hour, the four talents of Ying Zheng slowly stopped, and it was obvious that the discussion had been completed.

After a while, just when Jizo was about to get up and leave, he suddenly heard Ying Zheng say: "I don't know what happened, after winning the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, Blue Star actually developed a close relationship with the Yanhuang Immortal Territory. Contact, the gentleman didn't explain much, it's really strange.

As for the connection between Yanhuang Xianyu and Blue Star, Ying Zheng and the others naturally discovered it long ago, but Ji Han did not explain much to them.

"That's true!!" Chongzhen replied, "I didn't expect that Yanhuang Immortal Territory and Blue Star are so far apart, yet they can still have a close connection. This is really unimaginable."

"Sir must know the reason, since you don't say it, then we don't have to worry too much, this is definitely not harmful to Yanhuang Immortal Territory, don't worry!!

Li Shimin was much calmer, not worried at all, but comforted.

"That's it!!"

Ying Zheng and others nodded in agreement.

Since Ji Han didn't explain too much to them and didn't say that there would be any bad effects, they naturally didn't need to worry too much.

However, Jizo, who was about to get up, suddenly froze, and an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

"Blue Star?? What is that? Another world? Why haven't you heard of it? How can you connect with this world?"

A series of questions suddenly appeared in Jizo's heart, apparently the new term "Blue Star" completely attracted Jizo's attention.

Thinking of this, with all kinds of doubts in his heart, Ksitigarbha suddenly searched for his divine consciousness out of the sky.

Sure enough, after the divine consciousness in the local possession reached out into the sky, he immediately saw an azure star in the distance of the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, and it seemed that there was another world.

"Sure enough, there is another world, that is the Blue Star they call it?"

"Why are the two worlds connected?"

"Is it possible that the mastermind behind the scenes is hiding in Blue Star??"

After Jizo saw that scene, some questions in his heart were answered, and more questions arose at the same time.

However, after a thought arises, it never goes away.

That is, Jizo suddenly thought to himself, could the mastermind behind the scenes be hidden in the Blue Star? Otherwise, how could the two worlds be connected?

Thinking of this, Jizo's eyes lit up with a strange look, and he was quite moved.

Jizo thought to himself: "It doesn't seem like there is no such possibility, but it's worth exploring!!

Now there is another clue, and it is naturally impossible for Jizo to let it go.

Soon, Jizo made up his mind at 750, and planned to scout the Blue Star to see if there were any more discoveries.

Because Ji Zang observed that Blue Star seems to be not far from Yanhuang Immortal Territory, so it won't waste too much time.

Just do it when you think of it, Ksitigarbha put away the truth, and immediately disappeared in the city of stepping on the sky. After finding a place where no one was there, it quietly transformed into a looming rainbow light and flew straight out of the sky.

Ksitigarbha quickly flew out of the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, then determined the direction and flew straight towards the Blue Star.

The speed of Jizo was extremely fast, and after arriving in the outer sky, it did not hide it at all, turning into a dazzling rainbow light and constantly approaching the direction of the blue star.

At the beginning, Jizo didn't think too much, just simply wanted to see if he could gain more at Blue Star. If he could find Ji Han, it would be the best, and he wouldn't waste too much time if he couldn't find it.

But soon, Jizo's face changed.

Because Jizo found that no matter how he flew, no matter how fast he was, he couldn't get close to Blue Star, and even the distance was not shortened.

"This...why is this?"

Jizo was surprised and inexplicable, he didn't expect it would turn out like this.

Only at this moment did Kizang really realize that the two worlds of Yanhuang Immortal Domain and Blue Star seem to be very close, but they are far apart, so no matter how Kizang flies, they cannot get close to Blue Star.

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