At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

796 The world is crazy! 【Subscription】

Although Hongjun is in harmony, it does not mean that he does not have his own selfishness and plans.

Originally, according to the number of days, a period of time in the future, in line with the great prosperity of the Western religion, Hongjun, as a part of the way of heaven, is also working hard in this direction.

However, when Ji Han appeared and got in touch with Honghuang's Ao Lie and others, the situation in Honghuang changed somewhat out of Hongjun's control.

First, the two pieces, Ao Lie and Yang Jian, were promoted to the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm for no reason. All the traitors and casualties in China are inseparable from Ji Han. Up to now, Ji Han has won the Yanhuang Immortal Domain and devoured one side of the Heavenly Dao.

With all these things, Daoist Hongjun couldn't help but feel a huge sense of crisis, making him a little anxious.


However, Daoist Hongjun had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but he still stood silently, without making a sound or making any move.

After a while, Daoist Hongjun watched the blood-turning sword quietly return to Yanhuang Immortal Territory, and he left quietly without disturbing Ji Han.

Because Daoist Hongjun knew that at present, although he knew about Ji Han's existence and position, he couldn't deal with Ji Han directly, so he didn't bother to do meaningless actions.

Because Daoist Hongjun has already calculated that Blue Star seems to be very close to Yanhuang Immortal Territory, but it is actually too far apart. No one can find the exact location of Blue Star, not even his Hongjun, so Daoist Hongjun thinks so. To deal with Ji Han, the only target is the Yanhuang Immortal Domain, and he can only deal with Ji Han indirectly by shooting at the Yanhuang Immortal Domain.

"Hehe, Pindao has to see how long you can last!!"

Hongjun sneered secretly, left a wordless sentence on this barren star, and left quietly.

If Ji Han heard it, maybe he would be vigilant enough, but unfortunately, Ji Han knew nothing about it!

Qianyuan Realm, Yunluo Mountains.

The Qianyuan Realm is one of the three thousand great worlds, and it is also one of the top 100 great worlds, several times larger than the Yanhuang Immortal Realm.

The Yunluo Mountain Range is one of the largest mountain ranges in the Qianyuan Realm. This mountain range is not only complex in terrain, but also spans many continents. Treasures and resources.

At this time, in an inconspicuous small branch of the Yunluo Mountains, the slightly embarrassed figure of Jizo appeared.

However, Jizo temporarily opened a hiding place under the ground of this small branch to heal wounds.

After being severely wounded by Ji Han outside Yanhuang Immortal Territory, Ksitigarbha was immediately frightened, and the one who fled was so unwilling to turn back.

When Jizo felt that the breath behind him was not chasing after him, Jizo couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief.

Because under such a terrifying offensive, once the enemy really chases after him, Jizo doesn't know if he can resist it.

Fortunately, although Jizo was severely injured, he did not fall into a coma. After making sure that the enemy was not chasing after him, Jizo gritted his teeth and used some means to temporarily stabilize the injury, and then sneaked into the Qianyuan Realm in one breath, and in the It was hidden under a small branch of the Yunluo Mountains.

After arriving here, Jizo could no longer suppress the outbreak of the injury, and once again spurted a few mouthfuls of blood.

However, since he was already in a safe place, Jizo had no worries, so he started to heal with all his strength, and soon stabilized the injury so that it would not get worse.

Of course, it is impossible to say that it will improve. In such a short period of time, unless there is a saint to help, or there is a life-saving healing pill, or the blood-turning sword's injury is not so easy to recover.

On this day, Jizo had just finished healing, and his face was still pale, but his aura had begun to recover slowly, and he was no longer sluggish like at the beginning.

However, when Dizang opened his eyes slightly, his complexion changed drastically in an instant, a look of horror appeared in his eyes, the whole person was like a ghost, and he almost jumped up in fright.

Because in the hiding place of Jizo, not far in front of Jizo, a figure appeared.

It was a thin old man wearing a black robe, and it was the clone of Daoist Hongjun who had appeared outside the Yanhuang Immortal Territory before.

It's just that Jizo didn't know the identity of this person. He saw that his hiding place had silently sneaked into a person who didn't know the details. Even if Jizo was a Daluo Jinxian, he was very scared by this scene. Immediately, as if facing the enemy, I want to make a countermeasure.

You must know that although Jizo's body was severely injured, his spiritual consciousness was not damaged much. During the healing period, he naturally arranged various vigilance and defensive measures, and at the same time did not forget to spread his spiritual consciousness around to avoid accident.

However, even so, the black-robed old man in front of him sneaked in silently, without attracting any alarm and Kizang's attention.

But before Jizo could make any move, an indescribable terrifying aura instantly enveloped Jizo, pinning him down and unable to move, let alone making any move.

"Don't be nervous, there is no malice here!!"

The black-robed old man seemed to know what Jizo wanted to do, so he let go of his aura in advance and suppressed Jizo.

This sudden change instantly made Jizo's face change dramatically, and a rare look of horror appeared in his eyes: "You... Who are you??"

Looking at the seemingly ordinary black-robed old man in front of him, Jizo couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying existence he was who could suppress him with just his aura.

You must know that although Jizo was severely injured, he is still a big golden immortal. This is the most powerful existence under the saints, but now he is completely suppressed by people just using his aura. This really refreshed the three views of Jizo, so that Jizo could no longer remain calm, and became completely frightened.

"Saint?? No, maybe even scarier than a saint!!"

Under the panic, Ji Zang involuntarily raised such a thought.

As one of the masters of the Western religion, Ksitigarbha has been in contact with the two saints of the Western religion all the year round, and he naturally understands that even the two saints of the Western religion cannot overwhelm the Ksitigarbha even if they are just looking at their aura. Therefore, this black-robed old man is obviously a more terrifying existence than a saint.

At this moment, Jizo couldn't help but feel a little dazed. Does someone more terrifying than a saint really exist?

Is this world too crazy? Or is his knowledge too little?.

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