At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

797 Face the unknown terror! 【Subscription】

For a time, Jizo stared at the black-robed old man with a dazed expression on his face, and his eyes filled with horror.

Such an encounter, such a terrifying existence, made Jizo feel unreal.

Jizo never thought that he just left Lingshan once and went to a small world to investigate the situation. He encountered bizarre incidents one after another, which made Jizo deeply doubt whether he was too unfortunate or the world was too dangerous.

The terror of the slender black-robed old man in front of him, only the person involved Kizang knows best. In the momentum that suppresses him, he can feel that as long as the black-robed old man is willing, he will have no power to resist, and immediately It will be completely suppressed, and then end up in a state of physical and mental destruction.

It is conceivable how terrifying this person is.

Such a terrifying aura, such a high level of cultivation, Jizo had never experienced even in the two saints of the Western religion, but this was the first time to experience it, but it almost left a psychological shadow.

It's just that after hearing the words of the black 11-robed old man, Jizo's desperate heart loosened slightly, and then asked in a hoarse voice: "No malice? Who is your Excellency? What are you here for? ?35

Jizo had too many questions and curiosity about the identity and purpose of the black-robed old man in front of him, and he couldn't help but ask.

If it wasn't for the fact that the person in front of him did not seem to have any malicious intentions, and there was no follow-up action, he just wanted to suppress him, otherwise he would have been desperately fighting back under the severe injury and despair.

After all, Jizo didn't want to fall again, no matter how strong the black-robed old man in front of him was, he wouldn't wait to die.

Since this person really had no malicious intentions, Jizo relaxed slightly, and did not make any drastic actions, so as not to irritate the old man.

Hearing Jizo's question, the black-robed old man's face was flat, he looked at Jizo and said, "You don't need to know who Pindao is, this time I came to look for you, there is no malice, I just want to help you. !!

"Help me??"

Jizo was even more confused now, and he didn't know what it meant at all.

"Yes!" The black-robed old man nodded slightly and said calmly: "You are from the Western religion, right? Your mission has not been completed, right? It's not a good feeling to be severely injured by someone's knife, right?"

When the black-robed old man asked the first question, Jizo's face changed dramatically, and his eyes showed shock and surprise. When the next two questions were asked, Jizo's face became extremely ugly.

It's the same as everyone else, being known about the details, and even being seen severely wounded by a knife, these things made Kizang deeply shocked and embarrassed, and Kizang didn't understand how the person in front of him knew this.

"Who are you? Why do you know my identity and mission? Also, how did you know that I was hit by a knife?"

Jizo suppressed the shock in his heart and immediately opened his mouth to ask.

However, the black-robed old man simply ignored his first question, he just said lightly: "Knowing means knowing, when you were hit hard by a knife, Pindao happened to witness the whole process!!"

"Witness?? were nearby?? 35

Jizo couldn't help but look at the black-robed old man in horror, his heart agitated.

Jizo couldn't have imagined that the black-robed old man in front of him happened to be nearby when he was hit hard by Ji Han. Was this a coincidence or an accident? Or was he waiting there specially?

More shocks and doubts immediately appeared in Jizo's heart.

You know, Jizo did not discover the existence of the black-robed old man at that time, but the black-robed old man said that he had witnessed the process of being severely wounded by a knife. Does this mean that the strength of the person in front of him is still beyond Jizo's expectations? On? Otherwise, how can we hide from his investigation.

However, the black-robed old man didn't care what Jizo thought, he said lightly: "Yes, Pindao was nearby at the time, but neither you nor that person found it!!

"That person? Your Excellency is saying that the person who hurt me badly? Who is that person? Please also tell me that the Western religion must be greatly grateful!!"

Hearing that the black-robed old man in front of him seemed to know the information about the man behind the scenes, Jizo immediately abandoned other thoughts and asked eagerly.

The black-robed old man seemed to know that Jizo would have such a question, but he did not answer immediately, but first withdrew his aura of suppressing Jizo.

Jizo felt his whole body loose in an instant, and his body immediately returned to his control, but Jizo was only slightly surprised, but he did not make any more extreme actions that made him dissatisfied.

Obviously, Jizo has understood that the black-robed old man in front of him, whether he is using his aura to suppress him or saying those words that make Jizo horrified, is just to frighten him. suppressed.

Jizo understood in his heart, and didn't say anything, just waiting for the black-robed old man's answer.

The black-robed old man said at this time: "The specific identity of that person is not known to the poor, but that person has already swallowed the heaven of the Tianyu Realm, and the Tianyu Realm has also fallen into the control of that person. Do you want revenge? Do you want to complete the mission??”

Daoist Hongjun did not know that the Tianyu Realm had been renamed the Yanhuang Immortal Realm, and he still called it the Tianyu Realm.

"Devouring the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Feather Realm?? Hiss...'

Hearing this terrifying news, Jizo couldn't help taking a deep breath.

He couldn't have imagined that that person was so terrifying that he could swallow up the heavenly way of one world. How could this be done? Could he be able to join the Dao before reaching the realm of a saint? Or that person has already reached the level of a saint ??

All kinds of things make Jizo feel a sense of facing the unknown horror.

However, the black-robed old man seemed to see what Jizo was thinking, and he just said lightly: "Don't worry, that person is just like you, only in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian!!

"Just the Daluo Jinxian realm? Then why..."

At this moment, Jizo breathed a sigh of relief. If he wanted to face a saint-like existence, he would probably turn around and return to Lingshan.

But Ksitigarbha immediately became even more puzzled. If that person was just a Daluo Jinxian, how could he be able to devour the Heavenly Dao of one world?

The black-robed old man did not explain any further, but asked again: "Poor Dao and ask you, do you want revenge? Do you want to complete the task??"

Seeing that the black-robed old man seemed impatient in his eyes, Jizo immediately shuddered, his attention turned back immediately, and he replied without thinking: 'I want to!!

Jizo's tone was full of affirmation, and at the same time there was a hint of unwillingness!

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