At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

798 The unknown behind the scenes! 【Subscription】

Unknown mastermind behind the scenes!

Hit by a knife!

Serious consequences of mission failure...

With all these kinds of things, how can Jizo not be eager for revenge?

To find out who is behind the scenes against them for the Western religion is the task ordered by the sage, and it is the obligation of Ksitigarbha. If it cannot be completed, how serious the consequences will be, and how terrible the sage's anger will be, Ksitigarbha can't imagine it. I don't want to face it.

In addition, it was the first time that he was severely injured, and he was in such an embarrassed situation, which made Jizo couldn't help but feel hatred in his heart.

Therefore, to the question of the black-robed old man, Jizo's answer is also obvious, that is, Jizo wants revenge in his dreams.

From the perspective of Jizo, although that person devoured the Heavenly Dao of the Tianyu Realm, but he is also in the Daluo Jinxian realm, that person is only relying on the blood-turning sword. If there is no blood-turning sword, his Jizo is absolutely will not fall into such a state.

Therefore, there is still a trace of unwillingness in Jizo's heart. He really wants to find this place, and it is best to find out the identity and location of that person.

After hearing Jizo's answer, the black-robed old man nodded in anticipation: "Very well, Pindao is here to help you. Since you want revenge, Pindao will naturally help you!"

When Jizo heard it, he was not surprised by the big cake painted by the black-robed old man, but asked honestly, "I wonder how Your Excellency can help me? I am seriously injured now, and I want to recover, but I don't know how long it will take. , Besides, with my own power, I'm afraid I can't help that person!"

Jizo is very aware of his current situation. He has been seriously injured and has not recovered, and there is no one under his hand who can drive him. How can he take revenge?

However, the black-robed old man seemed to have expected it long ago. With a wave of his sleeve robe, several things were suspended in front of Jizo.

On the left are three magic weapons, one is an unpretentious cyan mirror, the other is a golden bowl, and the last is a small and exquisite black bell.

On the right, there is only one thing, that is a lump of golden blood the size of a thumb. The golden blood seems to have solidified, but if you look closely, you will find that there is liquid flowing inside it, which is extremely mysterious. The most important thing is that this group of golden blood not only does not have any bloody smell, but it smells a strange fragrance, which makes people want to take it as one's own and swallow it.

After taking these things out, the black-robed old man explained: "Don't worry, the poor way is not just talking, the three magic weapons on the left are given to you for self-defense, and the drop of golden blood on the right is more effective than any healing. The pills are all good, just for you to recover from your injuries, so you won't have to worry about it~々?"

The black-robed old man did not explain too much about the origin and purpose of the three magic weapons and the golden blood, but only told Jizo that the magic weapons could be used for self-defense, and the golden blood could help him recover from his injuries.

When Jizo heard it, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he immediately looked at those treasures with eager eyes.

Although the black-robed old man did not explicitly state the specific functions of the three magic weapons, just from the aura and aura emanating from the magic weapons, these three are obviously rare magic weapons, at least not under the ordinary congenital spiritual treasures. It is definitely the most suitable thing for Jizo.

Because when resisting the blood-turning sword, Jizo used all the treasures on his body, and all of them were smashed by the blood-turning sword. As a result, Jizo was currently in an embarrassing situation where there was no suitable magic weapon to use.

The three magic weapons presented by the black-robed old man came just in time, and just solved the problems faced by the Jizo.

As for the drop of golden blood, although the black-robed old man did not explicitly say it, Jizo could sense that the drop of golden blood contained extremely terrifying energy. It is even possible to improve a little cultivation base, so as to obtain more benefits!

Looking at the few things that can be called treasures to Jizo, Jizo retracted his gaze, then looked up at the black-robed old man, and thanked him with a serious and solemn attitude: "Thank you, Your Excellency, for your generous gift. Treasure, Jizo is grateful!!99

Until this moment, Jizo really believed that the black-robed old man really came to help him, not to fool him.

But Kizang was still a little puzzled about the real purpose of the black-robed old man. He didn't know why the black-robed old man came to his door for no reason and wanted to help him. Could this person also have a grudge against that person? Have another purpose?

Thinking of this, Jizo's eyes flickered slightly.

The black-robed old man nodded slightly, accepted the Jizo salute calmly, and said indifferently: "No need to be too polite, the poor way does help you, and it does have its own purpose, but you can rest assured that the poor way will not treat you to the West. Teaching is bad because we have a common enemy!!

Obviously, the black-robed old man saw Ksitigarbha's thoughts and explained it a little bit, so as to avoid Ksitigarbha's suspicion and thus unwilling to cooperate.

common enemy??"

Jizo was not surprised that the black-robed old man saw his thoughts. On the contrary, the black-robed old man defined Ji Han as their common enemy, which was what surprised Jizo.

But Jizo didn't bother about this, but continued to ask: "Since this is the case, I wonder if your Excellency has any other tricks to help me?

Although the black-robed old man gave Kizang a self-defense treasure and could help him recover from his injuries, Kizang knew that even if he recovered from his injuries, he could not be Ji Han's opponent by himself. There are many countermeasures.

The black-robed old man had long waited for Kizang to ask questions, and he immediately replied: "It's very simple, after you recover from your injuries, you just need to summon your Western sect (Zhao Li's) forces in the Great Thousand Worlds to launch a siege together. The Heavenly Feather Realm is enough. In this way, a mere Heavenly Feather Realm is not an easy task for you Western religions? It doesn't take much effort to retake the Tianyu Realm! 35

The black-robed old man had obviously thought of a countermeasure long ago, and he had fully considered the situation of Western religions, so the advice he gave was also very safe.

When Jizo heard it, he was suddenly enlightened, his eyes lit up with joy, and he immediately understood that this was definitely the most suitable method.

"Okay, let's do it like this, thank you for your advice, Ksitigarbha will never forget it!! 35

Ksitigarbha bowed again to the black-robed old man to express his gratitude.

He was worried about how to continue to complete the task. Now that the old man in the black robe has the method, it will no longer be difficult to retake the Tianyu Realm.

Therefore, Ksitigarbha naturally readily agreed!! Knowledge,

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