At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

799 heritage and strength! 【Subscription】

For Ksitigarbha, the black-robed old man's suggestion was the most suitable method at present, and it came very timely.

Jizo was just in the middle of the game, he didn't think about it right away. In addition, he had been seriously injured before, and most of his mind was thinking about how to recover from the injury, and he subconsciously put aside how to complete the task.

At this time, the black-robed old man put forward such a suitable suggestion, and Jizo also came to his senses. Naturally, there is no reason not to agree.

After all, it is simply the biggest waste to leave the powerful heritage of the Western religion unused.

After the black-robed old man understood the truth, he went on to say: "With your background of Western religion and your development in the Great Thousand World, I believe that you have already controlled a lot of power? Next, you only need to do the joint preparations. , I believe that the small world of Tianyu can't support it no matter what, there is only so much Pindao can help you, I hope your Western religion will not let Pindao down!! 35

As he said that, an indescribable cold light flashed in the eyes of the black-robed man, as if to indicate that once the Western Religion disappointed the black-robed old man, the consequences would be very serious.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, you will not be disappointed!!

Jizo nodded solemnly and made a promise.

He didn't answer the black-robed old man's words, because all the things that the black-robed old man said were carried out in the dark by their Western religion, which was not visible, so the black-robed old man could say it, but the Ksitigarbha could not accept it.

In fact, Ksitigarbha is also clear. For a mysterious figure like the black-robed old man, it is not surprising to know that Western religions have secretly developed power in all the great worlds. , but didn't say anything, the two sides were tacit!

The black-robed old man nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, Pindao is waiting for your good news!!"

After he finished speaking, he did not give Kizang a chance to keep him at all. The black-robed old man disappeared from the hiding place of Kizang in the blink of an eye, as if he had never appeared before.

Jizo looked at the place where the black-robed old man disappeared out of thin air, and there was still a hint of horror in his eyes. He lowered his head and looked at the magic weapons in his hands. If these things were not real, Jizo even doubted that he was Not a hallucination.

Comes without a shadow, goes without a trace, he is someone like the black-robed old man!

(bbed) The most important thing is that before the black-robed old man left, Jizo had secretly gathered his consciousness, but he still hadn't noticed how the black-robed old man disappeared.

This shows that the black-robed old man is definitely not a figure that Jizo can figure out and contend with.

"Who is this person??

The doubts in Jizo's heart grew stronger.

But Jizo knew that now was not the time to explore these things, so he quickly suppressed the horror in his heart, and then said to himself: "The sage entrusted me with full responsibility for this matter, and I naturally cannot disappoint the sage, presumably, In my capacity, it should not be a problem to gather the forces of several worlds! 99

Regarding the proposal of the black-robed old man, although Ksitigarbha has fully accepted it, it is still up to him to decide how to implement it.

It's just that Ksitigarbha doesn't have any worries. As he is in the Western Religion, it is not difficult to convene several branches of the Western Religion, not to mention the instructions of the sage!

Regarding the development of the three thousand great worlds of the Western religion, although Jizo did not know the whole situation, he still knew a large part of it.

In fact, the Western Church has already extended its tentacles into the 3,000 Great Worlds as early as I don’t know how many years ago, and they have also worked hard for many years in the 3,000 Great Worlds.

With the strong background of Western Religion, it is definitely a behemoth for the three thousand worlds, so even if Western Religion develops secretly, after so many years of operation, the branch forces it controls are simply beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Ksitigarbha is very clear that their Western religion has already secretly controlled most of the Great Thousand Worlds, and even in many Great Thousand Worlds, their Western religion is completely a one-word existence, it can be said that the survival of those Great Thousand Worlds is completely determined, and a world is all Buddhas. The situation in China abounds, spreading the teachings of Western religions everywhere.

Because Western religion's brainwashing of ordinary people is absolutely deeply rooted in people's hearts, and it is also very terrifying. Therefore, after many great worlds are completely controlled by Western religion, the world has been turned into an existence like a Buddhist country. The believers of Western religions, those believers are extremely fanatical about their worship and belief in Western religions, and they are completely devoted to Western religions, which is even more terrible than mad believers.

This is the general situation of the development of Western religions in the vast world. It is a complete display of the teachings and demagogic methods of Western religions to the extreme. It has continuously harvested countless believers and made them selfless dedication. Only in this way can the snowball roll more and more. It's big, it's become what it is today.

This is also the reason why Western religions only dare to develop secretly in the Three Thousand Worlds, because if they dare to develop unscrupulously in the midst of the Great Desolation, they will definitely be repressed and targeted by Taoism. They want to be like in the Three Thousand Worlds. It is absolutely impossible to develop.

Of course, this is also because Taoism does not look down on the three thousand worlds, and has no intention of developing the three thousand worlds, so this gives Western teaching an opportunity to make Western teachings in the three thousand worlds, like bamboo shoots after a rain. , constantly controlling the major worlds, and then transforming those worlds into Buddhist kingdoms one after another, turning them into products of Western religions.

At the same time, in those huge Buddhist kingdoms, various masters such as Arhats, Bodhisattvas, novices, monks, bald-headed venerables and so on are also emerging in an endless stream, constantly adding heritage and strength to Western religions.

Countless people in the prehistoric world do not even know that Western religion has secretly developed its power to such an extent in the three thousand worlds.

The development of Western religion in Tianyu Realm is only relatively slow, because Tianyu Realm is relatively low among the three thousand great worlds, and it has not attracted much attention from Western religions, unlike other great worlds, so it was only accepted by the four great immortal dynasties. And Ji Han took the opportunity to capture.

It's just that the Western Church has already reacted, and Jizo has paid enough attention to Ji Han and Tianyujie, and is ready to convene the branch forces of several major worlds to jointly encircle and suppress Tianyujie.

Thinking of this, Jizo had already made up his mind. He looked at the golden blood in his hand, and a fiery color flashed in his eyes. This was a great treasure for him to recover from his injuries.

Then, Jizo directly put away the three magic weapons, then swallowed the golden blood into his abdomen, sat down with his knees crossed, and prepared to start healing.

Before closing his eyes, Jizo couldn't help but sneer: "Wait, when my injury heals, it's time for me to avenge that bloody revenge!!

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