At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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The three thousand worlds seem to be scattered, but in fact they are all scattered around the Great Desolate.

Because the so-called Three Thousand Great World was originally a part of the Great Wilderness, but it was the state before the Great Wilderness was broken. After the Great Wilderness was broken, it became the present Great Great Wilderness and Three Thousand Great World. Therefore, the Three Thousand Great World is actually related to the There are still more or less connections between the floods.

With the Great Desolation as the center, the three thousand Great Worlds are scattered around the Great Desolation, but their locations are different from each other. There are also many worlds around each other.

In the vicinity of Yanhuang Immortal Territory, there are also more than ten great worlds. Among them, three great worlds have long been completely controlled by Western religions, and then they have been transformed into three huge Buddha kingdoms. These three great worlds are Xuantian worlds respectively. , Qingluo Realm and Xiyuan Realm!

In addition, there are four other Great Thousand Worlds, although they are not under the absolute control of the Western Cult, but they are at least controlled by the Western Cult. It's definitely not difficult.

And in these great worlds, the forces controlled by Western religions, in order to promote the teachings, to deceive the people, and to transform the whole world into a Buddhist kingdom, so they build temples in these worlds, and continue to send various novices, Arhats and others. Bhikkhus and others went to all parts of the world to promote the teachings of their Western religions, and large swathes of the people were bewitched, and under the brainwashing, they were willing to become believers and followers of Western religions, so as to selflessly dedicate their everything, including their body and mind, to promote the West. The development and growth of religion in various places also promoted the construction of the Buddhist kingdom.

The Western religion has also enslaved hundreds of millions of souls. The people and the people in the religion have all offered their own things to the Western religion. As long as they are spiritually satisfied, they don't care about it in reality. Therefore, countless people under the Western religion They all lived very miserably, and their lives were miserable.

However, the people of Western religions turned a blind eye, and they continued to be exploited and brainwashed.

And the people who were enslaved and oppressed were also contented with it, as if offering everything to the Western religion, but it was a very glorious thing, and it was obviously hopeless.

In the same way, in these seven great thousand worlds, there are naturally a large number of experts from the Western religion stationed there.

After Jizo took the golden blood, he completely healed his wounds a month later. At the same time, because of the extraordinary effect of that drop of golden blood, Jizo was a blessing in disguise, and his cultivation improved a lot.

After the injury healed, how could Jizo wait any longer, and he was going to immediately go to those Buddhist countries to start implementing his plan.

This time, he is going to shake people, and he needs to find enough helpers, so as to ensure that Ksitigarbha can take revenge successfully!

Xuantian world, the central Buddhist country.

Among the three thousand great worlds, the Xuantian Realm is the name for the outside world. After being completely controlled by Western religion many years ago, everyone in this realm calls this realm the Xuantian Buddha Kingdom. One realm is one country. It is the country of Buddhism.

And the first destination of Ksitigarbha's trip to Yaoren was this Xuantian Buddhist country.

After coming to Xuantian Buddhist Country, Ksitigarbha felt the rich aura and atmosphere of this world, and his body and mind were instantly at ease. Although it was not as good as Lingshan, he still enjoyed it very much, as comfortable as a dragon entering the sea.

Because Ksitigarbha was originally a high-level Western sect, and he was also a master of the Daluo Jinxian level, after entering the Xuantian Buddhist country, he naturally would not attract any vigilance, but was warmly received by a large number of Western sect masters in Buddhism.

In the central Buddhist country, on a huge mountain with a height of 10,000 zhang, the monks of the Western religion warmly received Jizo with extremely high standards.

This ten-thousand-zhang mountain is the center of Western religion in Xuantian Buddha. Not only is this place the most heavily defended, there are many masters, but also many reclusive monks live in seclusion here.

Therefore, the status of this Wanzhang Mountain is self-evident. Under the extravagant decoration, this Wanzhang Mountain has been decorated into a golden mountain. It is resplendent, magnificent, beautiful, and carved. Words such as jade and jewels are indescribable. On this golden mountain, all kinds of rare materials, all kinds of rare treasures, all kinds of famous flowers and plants, etc. are like cabbage, which can be seen everywhere.

When they learned that Ksitigarbha came, the monks of Xuantian Buddhist Kingdom had already made preparations for reception. When Ksitigarbha came to bring the center of the Buddhist Kingdom, the golden mountain, golden lights and Buddha lights shone from the golden mountain. , a burst of immortal music sounded around the Jinshan at the same time, and pieces of golden lotus flowers fell in the sky at the right time.

・・Ask for flowers・

This is not over yet, a colorful Buddha light suddenly shot out from the golden mountain, crossed a parabola in the air, and then extended to the foot of the Ksitigarbha, as if a colorful Buddha light bridge was erected in the air, just to guide the Ksitigarbha to the Jinshan.

At the same time, at the other end of the colorful Buddha light bridge, dozens of eminent monks from the Western religion came together with smiles and greeted Ksitigarbha.

Such an extravagant scene, such a flashy act, can only be done by Western religions.

Of course, in the eyes of the eminent monks of the Western religion, this is absolutely worthwhile and reasonable, because the object they welcome is Ksitigarbha, a great Luo Jinxian, a top existence under the saints.


"Haha, Your Excellency is here, we are overjoyed, I haven't been far away to greet you, and I hope Your Excellency will not be surprised!!"

The people arrived before the sound, and the bald-headed venerable first greeted him with a big laugh before he walked in front of Jizo.

"Haha, not bad, we are very happy that Venerable Ksitigarbha can come! 35

"I have heard the name of Venerable Ksitigarbha for a long time, and I can see it today, it is really lucky for three lifetimes!

"It's good that the venerable came, but the poor monk has not seen the venerable for a long time!"

"Welcome and welcome, Venerable Ksitigarbha came to Xuantian Buddhist country today, it is an honor for the entire Buddhist country!!

Dozens of other monks did not want to be left behind and said all kinds of warm welcome words one after another.

Among them, some of them have already known Ksitigarbha, and many of the hidden monks are even the elder brothers of Ksitigarbha, so they seem to be very familiar with Ksitigarbha.

Others had only heard the name of Jizo, but had never seen it before, so they were extremely happy to see Jizo today, and they didn't have many hypocritical politenesses between them.

Facing such a grand reception ceremony and the warm welcome of the eminent monks, Jizo immediately responded with a kind smile and folded his hands in salute:

"Amitabha, Ksitigarbha has seen all the brothers and sisters, and it is a great honor for Ksitigarbha to welcome you all!! Beg

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