At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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All along, in fact, Ksitigarbha has been quite indifferent to the world. He has just stayed on Lingshan to cultivate, he is kind and enthusiastic, and he has a good relationship with the monks on Lingshan.

In addition, Ksitigarbha is one of the few great golden immortals in the Western religion. Although he is a latecomer, his cultivation is far superior to many brothers, but he has never suffered any jealousy and hatred, but is respected by many brothers. .

Therefore, after Ksitigarbha came to Xuantian Buddhist country, he was greeted so solemnly.

The bald venerable who came first was named Venerable Huihai. He strode up to the Jizo, raised his hands and held it, then laughed loudly: "Haha, Junior Brother doesn't need to be more polite, I I haven't seen each other for many years, so please come on the mountain!!

Venerable Huihai was originally the brother of Ksitigarbha. They had known each other for a long time. Naturally, they were very familiar with each other. Because of the "seven five zeros", Venerable Huihai pulled Ksitigarbha and walked up to the golden mountain.

The dozens of eminent monks in the back all looked at the two of them with kind smiles, and then tacitly gave way to a passage.

Ksitigarbha smiled helplessly. His brother Huihai was like this. He hadn't seen him for a long time.

Of course, Jizo did not dare to ignore other high-level executives. When he walked through the human-shaped passage, he greeted every apprentice and brother he met enthusiastically, or said a word or two, while to those who met for the first time, he greeted each other warmly. It was a smile and a nod, but no one was ignored.

This is not only due to his character, but also because Jizo came to shake people this time, and he didn't want to hate anyone, so as not to get the help he wanted.

Of course, Ksitigarbha was under the orders of the two saints, and it is expected that these people would not dare to disobey, but if they can have a good relationship with them, Ksitigarbha will not be that wicked person.

Soon, Ksitigarbha and dozens of brothers and sisters chatted happily while walking up the top of Jinshan Mountain, and came to a very luxurious and vast temple.

"Quick, Junior Brother, please take your seat!!

After entering the reception hall, Venerable Huihai immediately warmly invited Jizo to sit there.

Because in this place, Ksitigarbha is the person with the highest cultivation level, and sitting on the throne will not cause any controversy.

However, Jizo didn't want to be in the limelight, but sat down on a futon in the hall with his knees crossed, and after sitting down, he smiled and said, "Senior brother, I'll just sit here, I'll leave the seat to my brother!!

In this reception hall, in addition to the three seats above, there are also hundreds of futons on both sides of the hall passage. The position where the Ksitigarbs sit is just the right futon, which is located at the bottom of the upper seat, which is also suitable. .

"This... Junior Brother, you really...

Venerable Huihai and others saw that Jizo had already sat down.

Among them, the first three seats are Venerable Huihai, Liaoyuan Arhat and Guangzhi Bodhisattva.

These three people are the people with the highest cultivation level in the Xuantian Buddhist Kingdom. Among them, Venerable Huihai is the Golden Immortal Great Perfection Realm. If there is an opportunity, or an epiphany, it is not impossible to enter the Daluojin Immortal Realm. The original Arhat and Guangzhi Bodhisattva were both cultivated in the late stage of Jinxian, and they were one step worse than Venerable Huihai.

Among the remaining dozens of eminent monks, most of them are Golden Immortals, and only a few are in the late stage of Heaven Immortals, and they may advance to the Golden Immortal Realm at any time.

This is the foundation of Western religion, and the strength of Xuantian Buddhist Kingdom is evident from this.

And this is just a Buddhist country among the three thousand worlds of Western religion. It is conceivable how terrifying the hidden strength of Western religion is.

After the eminent monks sat down, Venerable Huihai smiled and said to Ksitigarbha: "Junior brother, it is rare for you to come here once. This time, you can't leave in a hurry. You must stay in the Buddha's country for a while. We can have a good chat, the other junior brothers also want to have a talk with you!!"

Ksitigarbha is a master in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and it is definitely a rare object for these eminent monks to discuss the Tao. They can completely gain a lot from the practice experience of Ksitigarbha, and even Venerable Huihai may be able to learn from it. Having gained the insight to be promoted to Daluo Jinxian, Venerable Huihai wanted to keep the Ksitigarbha as soon as he opened his mouth.

As soon as these words came out, dozens of eminent monks sitting around Ksitigarbha immediately agreed.

"Haha, what Venerable Huihai said is not bad, it must be like this!"

"Yes, yes, it is definitely our honor to have a discussion with Venerable Ksitigarbha.."

"Hehe, Junior Brother, you have to stay for a while this time!

"That's right, Junior Brother, we haven't returned to Lingshan for a long time. It's not bad for you to discuss Tao with us, haha!!"

Dozens of eminent monks showed great enthusiasm and did not give Ksitigarbha a chance to refuse.

Of course, this is also because Venerable Huihai and the others did not know the purpose of Ksitigarbha's coming this time, otherwise they would not have said this.

However, in the face of the warm reception of dozens of senior brothers and sisters, Jizo could only helplessly smile, not knowing how to explain it.

Seeing the helpless smile on Jizo's face, Venerable Huihai was startled, and then asked: "Junior brother, is there something difficult? By the way, I haven't asked the junior brother why he came here? , we will never refuse!!99

In the view of Venerable Huihai, Ksitigarbha must have encountered a problem, otherwise he would not show such an expression, because Venerable Huihai knew about Ksitigarbha.

The other eminent monks also saw the helplessness and hesitation of Ksitigarbha, so they asked questions one after another.

Ksitigarbha first breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Venerable Huihai and the others gratefully, and then explained: "Brothers, please don't blame yourself, Ksitigarbha also really wants to stay in this world and have a good discussion with you brothers. However, Ksitigarbha does have important matters here, and it needs the help of your senior brothers. This matter is very important, and after this matter is resolved, Ksitigarbha 4.3 can have a good chat with your senior brothers.

Hearing such an explanation, Venerable Huihai and others all looked at each other, then smiled at each other, and asked, "What's the problem?

For their Western religions, no matter what the problem is, they will not refuse, and they will help Ksitigarbha.

Because the presence of Ksitigarbha in person already represented a signal, they were already mentally prepared.

At this moment, Ksitigarbha had a solemn expression on his face, clasped his hands together and said, "I want you to know that this is a task assigned by the two sages in person, and it is extremely important to this sect, and it is not enough for one person to complete it, so I came here to ask you for help. Brothers, I also hope that all of you will be able to help and remove all obstacles for this teaching!! 39

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